


As usual, we had a cheerful and wonderful meeting, starting with our beloved president SM-san’s one-minute check-in speech. All the participants shared their thoughts about the good things in the New Year and their resolutions.  


Our helpers, IT-san, BB-san, and MY-san, each did a great job in their respective roles.  

We had two English speeches today, delivered by HK-san and MM-san.  

From the speech “A Girl’s Story,” we witnessed HK-san’s excellent storytelling skills, which captivated the audience's attention.  

MM-san creatively compared mountain climbing to music and showed us beautiful pictures of mountains.  

Both SM-san and ST-san provided the speakers with helpful and educational advice.  

During the Table Topics session, KY-san prepared questions about the New Year for the audience.  

As the General Evaluation Master, KK-san gave us a detailed report on today’s English session.  

Since the only Japanese speech speaker, couldn’t join the meeting today, we extended the Japanese Table Topics session conducted by KY-san. The questions were about this year’s plans, and all the speakers shared their thoughts with the audience.  

KN-san, the General Evaluator of the Japanese session, concluded with insightful remarks.  

In the absence of our VPE, TKC-san, SM-san kindly ensured the roles for our next meeting were properly assigned.  

We had two guests, Ssan and Zsan from China, along with an announcer from a radio station who had previously interviewed our president, SM-san, and S san from Mishima area. 

We truly enjoyed the meeting and hope all the guests can join us again next time!






スピーチ「A Girl’s Story」では、HKさんの素晴らしいストーリーテリングのスキルが発揮され、聴衆の注目を集めました。  

MMさんは、登山を音楽にたとえて独創的に話し、美しい山々の写真を見せてくださいました。  SMさんとSTさんは、スピーカーに対して有益で教育的なアドバイスをしてくださいました。  












2024年12月22日 今年最後の例会です。





























【241st Regular Meeting Report】

December 22, 2024

This was our final meeting of the year.

We kicked off with the Japanese session.

The meeting began with "Good & New". It is participant shared their recent updates in one minute. 

The first prepared speech was delivered by TM-Re. The project theme was "Understanding Your Sense of Humor." Sharing humorous personal anecdotes, TM-Re masterfully tied the speech together with an excellent conclusion, leaving the audience in laughter. The relaxed and easygoing vibe was truly delightful. We're already looking forward to the next speech!

Next, TM-Mc took the stage. Opening with a traditional Japanese song, TM-Mc's gentle singing voice resonated deeply with the audience. Reflecting on heartfelt memories with their father while sharing touching stories, TM-Mc closed the speech with beautiful song. The entire room was enveloped in a nostalgic and warm atmosphere.

The Table Topics Master was TM-Ok, who presented the following challenging topics.

・If you had a meeting with President Trump, what would you discuss?

・If you could recreate the world, what kind of world would you make?

・If you became Japan's Prime Minister, what would you do?

Despite the tough questions, participants confidently shared their thoughts. The same topics were tackled in English.

Best Table Topics is TM-Nk today’s guest.

With six Table Topics and the "Good & New" session, everyone actively participated throughout the meeting.

After the meeting, we went strawberry picking!

Some participants enjoyed up to 70 strawberries. what a record! The day concluded with a spectacular fireworks display in Atami.

It was truly a day filled with joy and unforgettable memories.






今日の言葉は、「偶然にも」、英語では、「by chance, unexpectedly」、ということでしたが、みなさん、ちょっとスピーチに取り入れるのに苦戦した様子。








At the beginning of December, when the weather is getting chillier, we had a refreshing meeting under clear skies. The meeting included 15 members, guests from Kanagawa TMC, and one visitor.


Since we only had two prepared speeches (one in English and one in Japanese), we decided to host a short workshop inspired by an idea from a previous meeting. The theme was “What do you want to do before the end of the year?” and everyone shared their thoughts in one-minute speeches. This warmed up the atmosphere nicely before transitioning into the English session of the meeting.


As for myself, K, the Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD), it was my first time in this role in a year, and I struggled a bit to keep up. Today’s Word of the Day was “by chance, unexpectedly,” but it seemed challenging for many participants to incorporate it into their speeches.


The English speech was delivered by S-san, who spoke about how familiar fables can have entirely different versions and morals depending on the country. It was a fascinating topic. T-san’s evaluation of this speech was exemplary, covering both overall structure and specific improvement points.


In the Japanese session, KN-san gave an engaging speech about trademark rights. It’s a topic KN-san will be presenting at work, and their smooth and clear explanation was remarkable as always. Rather than following a Pathways project, KN-san used the opportunity to test audience reactions to this topic, a unique approach reflecting their extensive TMC experience.


On the other hand, M-san, the evaluator, faced some difficulty visualizing the speech’s content but skillfully tied her own experiences into her feedback, resulting in a thoughtful evaluation.


For the Table Topics session, TK-san facilitated both the English and Japanese segments, using approachable year-end and New Year themes. The topics sparked lively discussions and brought great energy to the meeting.

Although today’s meeting included some last-minute changes, everything ran smoothly, thanks to everyone’s cooperation. The workshop at the beginning and the extended Table Topics session were particular highlights. Special thanks to TK-san for his kind support!


We also created opportunities for the two guests from Kanagawa TMC to participate actively, and our visitor seemed to enjoy the meeting as well. This success is all thanks to the flexibility and teamwork of our members, who adapted to unexpected situations without hesitation.


The next meeting is on December 22nd, marking the year-end. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Again then!


















準備スピーチが二本のみとなった為、急遽、恐らく?三島初となる”GOOD & NEW”(最近体験したポジティブな出来事や新しい発見について話す)セッションを行いました。







英語のスピーチは、TSさんによる“What’s hell!! In the heaven!”でした。










【the 239th Meeting Report】November 24, 2024


On this unexpectedly warm late November day, we had a meeting with 15 members and one guest observer.

Due to having only two prepared speeches, we conducted what might be Mishima's first "GOOD & NEW" session, where members share recent positive experiences or discoveries. The order was decided by a draw on the day, with each person given only one minute to speak, and a hard stop after five seconds over time. It was an exciting session, showcasing the unique and shining personalities of our members.

Today's word was "refreshingly." It’s a positive and invigorating word. Many members could use effectively.

For the Japanese speech, TM MS presented "Trying Copilot: Creating PowerPoint Presentations Instantly." He explained the pros and cons of using the trending AI tool Copilot, while sharing illustrations of actual PowerPoint presentations he created with it. The beautifully and stylishly crafted presentations likely inspired many to try making their materials with Copilot.

For the English speech, TM ST delivered "What’s Hell in Heaven!!"

His catchy title attracted the audience before delivery.

He shared an experiment on rat overpopulation in America, leading to extinction, and used it as a metaphor to warn about the dangers of rapid population growth post-Industrial Revolution. It was a highly academic and thought-provoking presentation.

The Japanese-English Table Topics session, led by TM KT, who recently moved to Osaka, focused on his experiences with moving and new environments. Please come back anytime you miss Shizuoka with the view of Mt. Fuji.

Today's voting was only for the Best Table Topics Award, which went to TM TI for his brilliant and paradoxical answer on decluttering.

The evaluations for the Japanese and English speeches were not only helpful for the speakers but also valuable for all members in preparing their future speeches.

Thanks to everyone's cooperation, we enjoyed the meeting refreshingly. 

Let's meet again on December 8!














【第238回例会レポート】 2024年11月10日(日)






進行は英語→日本語の流れで、3つの準備スピーチを楽しみました。まず、イギリスにポスドクプログラムのために引っ越したばかりのトーストマスターBBが、自分の新しい生活について簡単に話してくれました。次に、トーストマスターTAがGoogle Earthを使ってイギリスを探訪し、いくつかの名所を紹介してくれました。最後に、トーストマスターKKが自分のリーダーシップスキルについて話し、同時に参加者に人生の幸福について尋ねました。





On November 10, we had another wonderful regular meeting with 2 lovely guests from Tokai / Kanayama Club and Kannai / Kanagawa Club respectively. With English session started first following by the Japanese, we enjoyed 3 prepared speeches. First, Toastmaster BB who has just moved to the UK to pursue his post doctorate programme, briefly talked about his brand new life. Then, Toastmaster TA brought us to explore the UK via google earth tools, bringing up some place of interests. Lastly. Toastmasters KK talked about his own leadership skills, at the same time asked everyone about happiness of life. No meeting will be complete without table topics session and and this is no exception. Table Topics Master ST quoted some elements from the famous TV drama show "Doctor X" and encouraged the speakers to share about own opinion and experiences. See you again on November 24!












【第237回例会レポート】 2024年10月27日(日)


ハロウィーンでにぎわう喧騒(?) の中、例会会場に辿り着いたわたくしは、会場の設営にあたふた準備している美女2名に合流。会場係のいつも設営準備の方が居らず、準備経験者の方も居らず、試行錯誤しながら準備していました。もちろん私もわかりません。そんなこんな状態でしたが、開始時間には余裕で準備完了できました。


本日の言葉は、「感謝して/Thanks」。ASさんの会心の一撃。Tさんの対面での出席が最後ということで、「感謝して/Thanks」を選んだ様子。全体を通じても “感謝感謝” のあっというまの2時間でした。Tさんは、会場係として、1年間例会前の準備を毎回行ってくれていました。音楽の選曲もすばらしく、例会には優雅に音楽が流れている感じでした。本当にTさんの重要ながらも、さらっとやり通す人柄に改めて“感謝”です。三島TMCの最初から歴史を語れるほど、力を入れて貢献をし続けてきていただいた方です。これからもWEBでは貢献していただけるそうで、ホット一安心です。






※英語スピーチテーマ「The Road Not Taken/ 未选择的路」









(文責:TMOD/ CHO_MO  注: Chief Happiness Officer: 最高幸福責任者 )


Report on the 237th Regular Meeting - October 27, 2024, Sun

Amid the hustle and bustle of Halloween festivities, I arrived at the meeting venue to find two beautiful women busily preparing the setup. The regular venue coordinator was absent, and no experienced people were around to assist, so we ended up figuring things out as we went along. Despite the initial confusion, we managed to complete the preparations well before the start time.

Today's theme was "Thank You / Thanks." It was a skillful choice by AS, reflecting that this was T's last time attending in person. Throughout the meeting, there was a strong sense of gratitude in the air, making the two hours fly by. T has been responsible for the venue arrangements for the past year, and her selection of music added a touch of elegance to the event. I expressed my profound gratitude for T's significant yet unassuming contributions to our group since its inception. I'm relieved to hear that she'll continue to contribute online in the future.

I’d like to share some insights I gained from the prepared speeches today.

• Japanese Speech Theme: "I Have a Dream"

I realized that having a "dream" and the ability to express it, no matter how old we get, brings out a person's shine and generates energy. I was surprised to learn the age of the speaker, as it certainly didn’t correspond with her youthful spirit. This reinforced the importance of articulating dreams.

• English Speech Theme: "The Road Not Taken"

This was based on a poem by the American poet Robert Frost. The speaker expressed the subtle psychological state of grappling with their decision to change jobs and move from Shizuoka to Osaka the day after the meeting. Their concerns about whether this choice was right deeply moved me.

In the Table Topics section, we had two Japanese topics and two in English. It was truly inspiring to see everyone come up with impromptu speeches. I listened in admiration, envious of their ability to organize their thoughts on the spot.

Before the prepared speeches, we also held a "One-Point Workshop." We took turns reading the Japanese Translation of a World Champion's speech to grasp its overall structure and then watched the English video of the speech, which was incredibly moving. I was reminded that impactful speeches resonate through non-verbal expressions, regardless of language.

And on that day, we were left wondering: who would be the next Prime Minister of Japan? It was the day of the general election's voting.

(Written by: TMOD / CHO_MO, Chief Happiness Officer)












236回例会は、三連休の中日の10月13 日にハイブリッドで開催。エリアディレクターのMYさんと北京一番日本語TMCのお二人をゲストにお迎えし、メンバー9名と合わせて12名が参加しました。連休中ということもあってかオンライン参加の方が多い会でした。









October 13, 2024 - Report on the 236th Mishima TMC Meeting


The 236th meeting was held in a hybrid format on October 13, the middle day of a three-day weekend. We welcomed two guests from the Beijing Ichiban Japanese TMC and Area Director MY, along with nine members, for a total of 12 participants. Perhaps due to the holiday weekend, there were many online participants this time.


Since there was no one in charge of the venue, the members attending in person worked together to set up the hybrid environment. Well done!


After the business session, we had the induction ceremony for AS. As the meeting was primarily conducted in English, the induction ceremony was also held in English. We are thrilled to have AS, such a wonderful addition, join us.


There were a few changes in the role assignments on the day, but thanks to everyone's flexibility, we were able to manage smoothly.


The "Word of the Day" was presented by KK (in her first role), and the word was "Keen." It was used several times in both English and Japanese throughout the session.


We had one prepared speech in English and one in Japanese. The English speech was a report by TS, who organized the bird-watching event, bringing back memories of that fun event. The Japanese speech was an icebreaker by AS, the new member. Her skilled use of Japanese, despite not being a native speaker, left us all deeply impressed and entertained.


Instead of Table Topics, we had a quiz conducted by SM. The questions were based on the content of the prepared speeches, and since the participants were informed of this in advance, everyone listened particularly attentively. SM asked 20-30 questions for each of the two speeches, and hearing the answers surely made the speakers happy as well. It was a great idea. This activity, which focuses on “listening attentively,” is something we’d like to continue in the future.


The General Evaluator was ME, who conducted calm and thorough evaluations of both the English and Japanese sessions. As always, her smooth facilitation serves as a model for us all.


Although there were no awards this time, and no silent speakers, we enjoyed a warm and lively learning experience together.











9月22日(日)10:00-12:00 第235回例会を行いました。




他の2本は英語スピーチでした。特に感動的だったのは、今日が会場参加最後となるBさんのスピーチ「A Glimpse into My Life and Work」です。Bさんは、これからイギリスで新たな人生の章を開かれます。スピーチでは、ご自身の人生や仕事、文化について語り、結婚式の衣装の違いや自国のお祭り、料理、そして自身の研究分野について触れました。さらに、これからの未来についてもお話しされ、Bさんのこれまでの軌跡と今後の挑戦に聴衆全員が感銘を受けました。


The 235th meeting kicked off with some stretches and tongue twisters to warm up both the body and mouth. It was a Japanese-first meeting today.

The "Word of the Day" was presented by our guest, A-san, who will officially join Mishima TMC in October. This was their last meeting as a guest. The word introduced was "後にも先にも" (Before and after). A-san also mentioned a manga titled "後にも先にもキミだけ" ("You and Only You Before and After"), which piqued my interest.

There were three prepared speeches, starting with a Japanese speech by O-san titled "Reconstructing Japanese Conversations." O-san began by exploring the question of what makes good communication, contrasting the high-context communication style typical of the Japanese with the low-context style of countries like Germany. The speech then shifted to the topic of online abuse and bullying on social media, offering deep insights into Japan’s communication style. It was a thought-provoking speech that encouraged us to reflect on our own ways of interacting.

The other two speeches were in English. One particularly moving speech came from B-san, titled "A Glimpse into My Life and Work." This was B-san’s last in-person meeting, as they will be starting a new chapter of life in the UK. The speech covered various aspects of B-san's life, work, and culture, including differences in wedding attire across countries, traditional festivals, food, research fields, and future plans. It was an emotional journey that celebrated B-san's past achievements and upcoming challenges.

The Table Topics session covered a variety of interesting topics, ranging from people we admire, to foods that help us survive the summer heat, and pivotal moments in life. The topics were thought-provoking and practical, engaging everyone. B-san was awarded the Best Speaker for the day. As a farewell gift, B-san received a card signed by all Mishima TMC members. After the meeting, we enjoyed a farewell lunch with B-san, celebrating their last meal in Japan with us. We're thrilled that B-san will continue to join us online from the UK in the future.













まずはじめにK.Kさんの入会式、続いて英語の部を実施しました。今日の言葉は「ひらめき inspiration」です。英語の準備スピーチは希望者がいなかったため、テーブルトピックのみの開催でした。トピックマスターはK.Kさんです。9月8日は丸善書店の創設者でハヤシライスの考案者である早矢仕有的(はやしゆうてき)氏の誕生日だということで食にまつわるお題が2つ。「どんな調味料やトッピングが好きか」と「おにぎりの具で1番好きなものは」でした。海外ではアニメの影響でおにぎりが人気だということを初めて知りました。







【The 234th Regular Meeting Report】

The 234th Mishima TMC meeting was held on Sunday, September 8. First, we welcomed a new member, K.K., with an induction ceremony, followed by the English session. The word of the day was “inspiration.” Since there were no volunteers for prepared speeches in English, we held only Table Topics, led by K.K. The topics were related to food in honor of September 8 being the birthday of Yuteki Hayashi, the founder of Maruzen Bookstore and the creator of Hayashi Rice. The two topics were “What seasonings or toppings do you like?” and “What’s your favorite filling in a rice ball (onigiri)?” I also learned for the first time that rice balls have gained popularity overseas thanks to anime.


Next, M.C., a member who lives in Taiwan, attended in person since they were visiting Japan, and kindly conducted a special workshop on Chinese conversation. Although everyone struggled with the unfamiliar sounds, the lively and cheerful atmosphere made it a fun experience.


After a break, we moved on to the Japanese session. The first speech was an icebreaker titled “The Joy of Being a Free Spirit,” given by K.K., who had just joined today. It was an uplifting and personal speech in which K.K. shared how our mental barriers, caused by the belief that we “cannot” do something, can be broken down by embracing curiosity, thus opening the doors to new possibilities.


The second speech was delivered by S.A., titled “Let Me Reintroduce You to Mishima Club.” S.A. highlighted various wonderful aspects of the Mishima Toastmasters Club, emphasizing that although the club may seem laid-back, it’s truly amazing! The speech conveyed how the club fosters a warm, supportive environment where everyone can participate. It was filled with humor and heartwarming words.


Next, we held the Japanese Table Topics session. The topics included “The most surprising meal you’ve ever eaten,” “Favorite food for hiking,” “Japanese food you enjoyed abroad,” and “Local food you’d like to try overseas.” The impromptu speeches were full of personality, with two members mentioning Yoshinoya’s beef bowls.


Then came the evaluations. K.Y. was the first evaluator and provided feedback on K.K.'s speech, praising its excellent structure and title, especially impressive for a first speech. As a suggestion for improvement, K.Y. recommended including a failure story in one of the two experiences shared or organizing the speech chronologically. The second evaluator, S.M., commented on S.A.'s speech, noting how the use of pauses and sensory language effectively captured the audience’s attention. For improvement, S.M. suggested bringing the main message a little more to the forefront.


The General Evaluator for the English session was K.T., and for the Japanese session, it was A.K. Both gave precise comments on the progress of the meeting and offered feedback to the role helpers and evaluators.


Today’s awards were for Table Topics only, and the Best Table Topics Award went to H.K., who had multiple opportunities to take the stage and gave an outstanding performance. Congratulations! Finally, A. from Kagoshima TMC, who joined online, also shared some comments, making it a fulfilling and enjoyable meeting.






 【第233回例会 三島・小田原TMC合同例会】2024年8月24日















































【233rd Meeting: Mishima & Odawara TMC Joint Meeting】August 24, 2024


This time, we held a joint meeting with the Odawara Toastmasters Club for the first time in about three years. Eleven guest participants attended, primarily from the Odawara TMC and various parts of Kanagawa Prefecture. Ten of them made the effort to join us in person, filling the venue to near capacity. The atmosphere was more energetic than usual.


The word of the day was a familiar Kansai phrase, "Shirankedo" ("I don't know, though"). Many speakers used it skillfully to induce laughter and lighten the mood.


The first prepared speech was by TM・TS, who, despite it being only her second attendance, was already delivering her second speech. She introduced a dialogue method that avoids debates and arguments, focusing on carefully expressing one's thoughts to feel connected and gain self-reflection. Her calm delivery made it hard to believe it was only her second speech, as she spoke with confidence. TM・ST from Odawara, who was in charge of evaluating her, found many strengths in her speech and offered praise with great care.


The second speaker was TM・OM from Odawara, who, despite only having been a member for two months, was already an outstanding speaker. She introduced the "Kerekere Culture" unique to Fiji, which doesn't prioritize time or money, and shared how it inspired her to reassess her own life. Her speech was like a refreshing breeze from Fiji, stirring the audience's sense of adventure. TM・KS, who evaluated her, praised her expressiveness and initiative, resonating with the audience.


The third speaker was TM・NK, who utilized his analytical skills to introduce the evolution of supercomputers and GPUs. He made what might seem like a difficult topic easy to understand through relatable expressions, satisfying the audience's thirst for knowledge. TM・YM from Odawara, who evaluated him, showcased his impressive knowledge, offering precise advice while commending the good points in the technical content.


The fourth speaker was TM・MI from Odawara. TM・MI's speech was like a true "Rakugo" performance! The content revolved around a humorous misunderstanding where people around him misinterpreted his swollen face due to dental surgery, leading to a series of comical events. He moved freely in front of the classroom, filling the room with laughter through the humorous developments. TM・TI, who evaluated him, delved into the dramatic aspects of the speech in an interesting way. His use of dynamic vocal delivery also helped revive the energy of the later part of the meeting.


The Table Topics session, which is a highlight of joint meetings, was held as a team competition. TM・KS from Odawara, who facilitated the session, presented a unique theme: "Master of Smooth Talk." Each team was given a playful word or theme to explain as if it were true, even though they misunderstood its meaning. The lively discussions during the consultation time led to entertaining presentations by each team representative, creating a time full of laughter.


In the General Evaluation, TM・TH from Odawara carefully highlighted each speaker's expressions, offering precise advice and further motivating the speakers.


The joint meeting featured a series of highly engaging speeches, and time flew by quickly. Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the swift cleanup as we approached the time limit. It was a joint meeting filled with both laughter and learning. We look forward to having another opportunity like this in the near future!










準備されたスピーチのセッションでは、DTM SMが日本のユーモラスな言葉遊び「さぎ」について話し、詐欺師とサギ(鳥)を関連付けました。別のゲストスピーカーKAは、自分の体験をことわざ「犬も歩けば棒に当たる」を用いて関連づけました。最後に、トーストマスターのKYは、自分の趣味である生け花について話す機会を持ちました。これは、アブダビでの日本文化イベントで話す機会があるためです。各スピーチの評価者たちは、効果的な学びと成長のために意義のあるフィードバックを提供しました。






【232nd Regular Meeting Report】 2024年8月11日


Due to the summer holiday, the attendance of the meeting might not be the highest, but we had 3 members participating from Abu Dhabi, UAE which is 5 hours difference in local time (start from 5AM!). Not to forget there were 3 guests too that greatly help to take some roles.


In prepared speech session, DTM SM talked about the humorous Japanese pun 'sagi' relating the scammer with heron. Another guest speaker KA related his own experience with a Japanese metaphor, literally means 'no pain no gain'. Lastly Toastmaster KY used this opportunity to share about her flower arrangement 'Ikebana' hobby, as she would have chance to talk about the same topic at a Japanese cultural event in Abu Dhabi. All respective speech evaluators gave them meaningful feedbacks for effective learning and growth.


In table topics part, the topics master ST joining from Dubai prepared the questions mostly related to current hot summer season, prompting members to relate their recent experiences fresh in mind.


As always this is another successful meeting that worth spending time with on Love Sunday. See you on August 25!


























【231th Regular Meeting】

The second regular meeting under the new organization this term.

The meeting started with a greeting by the new president, DTM-S!


This meeting began with the English part. TM-S gave a prepared speech, "Leadership". The speech was full of thoughts about the ideal leader.

Evaluator S gave harsh but loving feedback, which is the unique communication of Toastmasters.


The Japanese part has a speech by a new member TM-S, on "The Second Theme”. It was a heartwarming speech with self-disclosure appropriate for an ice-breaker speech, and it foreshadows her future success.

The commentary was by Evaluator T, It was a heartwarming commentary, accepting TM-S's thoughts and expectations for her future progress.


Next was Mr. TM-K's speech, "Heart Shaking”. The usually cool TM-K gave an emotional speech suitable for the theme of the project, "Know your own sense of humor”.

TM-H evaluated the speaker's change and growth, taking into account the process leading up to this speech. It was a wonderful commentary that encouraged the speaker.


T.T. master was TM-A. She gave us questions ranging from the exciting Olympics to how to spend summer through English and Japanese parts. We feel that the entire club's English ability has improved!



The meeting was filled with ice breakers, prepared speeches, and the thoughts and feelings of each member. 












本日の言葉は「風流」” elegance”です。   




後半の英語セッションでは、まず Oさんの準備スピーチ。マクドナルドに関連したスピーチは、いつも自信に満ちた流れるようなスピーチで、私たちも引き込まれてしまいました。もうひとつ、Mさんのスピーチは、美しい歌声から始まって、アルプスへ行った経験を話してくれて、いつもながらパワフルで楽しいスピーチでした。



論評は、どなたも素晴らしかったですが、途中でオンライン回線が通じなくなるというトラブルにも見舞われましたが、Bさんが落ち着いてやり直してくれて、トラブルも楽しい特別例会という意識を皆で共有していたので、そこも三島の良さが出ていたと思います 。











【The 229th Regular Meeting Report】

 Sunday, June 23, 2024


With the rainy season in full swing, the last meeting of the season was held in the rain at Ume Goten in Rakujyuen.

In the afternoon, a bird-watching event was planned at Rakujyuen.

The Ume Goten is a building that is not usually open to the public, so the preparations for the meeting were nerve-wracking.

First, there was a ceremony for  S‐san's induction into the club.

After that, 16 members and 1 guest joined us for a lively meeting. 


The word of the day was "elegance.   


Today's session was in Japanese. The first speaker, Mr. H, spoke fluently about the origins of the Ume Goten and the miracles that have occurred up to the present day. He is indeed a Mishima hometown guide. The next speaker, Mr. T, the organizer of this event, explained about wild birds with photos he took.


In the latter half of the English session, Mr. O's preparatory speech was first. His speech related to McDonald's was always confident and flowing, and we were drawn in. Another speech by Ms. M started with a beautiful singing voice, and then she shared her experience of going to the Alps, which was powerful and enjoyable as always.


 The table topic was requested to be related to wild birds, and it was a bit difficult to choose a topic, but the Japanese topic was an informative one with four-letter idioms, and the English topic was a bit funny, making for an enjoyable exchange between the members.

The commentary was excellent by all, but we had some trouble with the online connection going down in the middle of the session, but Mr. B was able to calmly get back on line. 


S‐san, who gave a comprehensive review of the meeting, was a very calm moderator and organized the meeting quickly and efficiently despite the time crunch. 


The best speaker was Mr. H, the best table topic was Mr. Y and Mr. R, and the best commentary was Mr. K.


Afterwards, we all ate sushi that we ordered, and went bird-watching at Rakujyuen after the rain stopped. We enjoyed watching kingfishers and swallows for a short time.

I hope we can have such special meetings again from time to time.

Thank you very much to those who organized this event.

It was an enjoyable last meeting of the season. 






ゲストの方々は、神奈川と関内TMCの方々で、何と泊りがけ合宿2日目に三島TMCの例会に参加していただいたという光栄なひと時でした。当初の予定では、新しく会のメンバーになるTS(イニシャル) さんの入会式の予定でしたが、急遽、日曜日出勤になってしまい、入会式は残念ながら延期。社会人をしながら、TMC会員メンバーになるということは、いろいろ起こります。が、そこは柔軟に対応して、「今を楽しむ!」「自己研鑽!」を実践し、本年スローガン「♨心地よくx♪響き合い」の精神の三島TMCです。


本日の言葉は、「鮮やかに/Vividly」。 KAさんのグッドチョイス!/GOOD CHOICE! 簡単な言葉程、意味が深く、なかなか使えないものですねー、と実感しました。






3本目:「今でしょ!」TI会長の久しぶりのスピーチが、とても頭に残るリーダーシップの話題で、スピーチの最後の落ちが印象的です。「居間でしょ!」落ちの印象が残りすぎて、折角の良い話の内容が消えてしまうという辛口の論評もありましたが、それはそれで納得する部分も大きく、辛口の論評も更に上を目指してもらいたいための ”愛情” なのだなーと感じました。論評者は、スピーカーのことを真剣に考えて論評してこそ、お互いに成長していくことができるのだなー、と感動しました。まさに、「心理的に安心・安全な会」だと、これまた実感しました。とても気づきの多い例会でした。私だけかもー、そんなことは無い!!



「これからもCHO役割/責任を果たしていきます!」と決意を新たにする私でした! (笑)


(文責:TMOD/ CHO_MO  注: Chief Happiness Officer: 最高幸福責任者 )


【The 228th Regular Meeting Report】

 Sunday, June 9, 2024


It looked like it might rain a little bit in the morning, but somehow it did not come down hard, and the 228th meeting was held at the Hybrid. We had 12 Mishima TMC members and 4 guests (*^^*), a small party of 16 members, but I, MO (initials), was bigger body, louder voice, and more attentively activated the Meeting. I completed the major role of TMOD (the organizer of the day) and managed the today’s meeting. It was a tough time for me, but a very enjoyable time. 


The guests were from Kanagawa and Kanai TMC, and I was honored to have them join the Mishima TMC meeting on the second day of their overnight camp. Our original plan was to have an entering ceremony for a new member, TS (initials), but unfortunately the ceremony had to be postponed, because she had to work on the Sunday. Many things happen when you become a member of TMC while working. However, I tried to be flexible and enjoy the moment! Self-improvement! and the spirit of this year's slogan, "♨心地よくx♪響合い", is at work at Mishima TMC.


Today's word is "Vividly”. Good choice by KA! I realized that the simpler word is, the deeper its meaning is, and the harder it is to use.

There were 3 Japanese speeches but 0 English speeches. We managed to balance the table topics with 2 Japanese and 3 English. 


All the Japanese speeches were impressive.

The first one: "Tokaido" by AT (not automatic-), who made full use of her slides.

The second one: "The tale of putting the cart before the horse ~ Tale of a House renovation~” by HS (not a travel agent!), in which lessons from a familiar topic were developed in a very nice and well-crafted structure.

The third one: “It is Now!" TI President's speech, after a long time interval, on a very memorable leadership topic, and the final fallout from his speech is impressive. It's in the “living room!" Some commentator was very harsh, saying that the fall of the story was so memorable that the content of the speech was lost on the memory. But I felt that this was largely understandable, and I felt that the harsh comments were also "love" for the speaker to go beyond further. I was impressed by the fact that critics can only grow with each other if they seriously consider the speaker's opinions. This is truly a "psychologically safe and secure meeting," I realized again. It was a very enlightening meeting. Maybe it's just me? - that's not true!


It was a good regular meeting that felt/went by very quickly. 

I will continue to fulfill my CHO role/responsibility! I renewed my determination! (laughter)


(Responsibility: TMOD/ CHO_MO   Note: Chief Happiness Officer)













後半の日本語セッションでは、まず Kさんの準備スピーチ「センスメイキング」。聞きなれない言葉ですが、メンターについて難しいコンセプトをわかりやすく、ご自身の経験を交えてお話いただきました。続いて、Sさんからはスピーチ作りについて、百戦錬磨の Sさんだからこそできる説得力のあるお話をしていただきました。 


テーブルトピックス「見ていてテンションが上がるもの」に対し、H さんが「株のチャート」と答え笑いを誘い、場のムードがさらに盛り上がりました。見学の方にも参加していただきました。 


論評予定の Yさんの回線が不安定なため、代わりにゲストとして会場に来ていたエリアディレクターの Mさんに交代。急なお願いにもかかわらず、さすが落ち着いた論評ぶりでした。 






【Minutes of the 227th Meeting】

May 26, 2024 (Sunday)


As Okinawa entered the rainy season and mainland Japan was expected to follow suit in a few weeks, the meeting was held with 12 members and 4 guests in attendance.


The word of the day was "Commendable."


The meeting started with an English session. T-san took on a challenge with a 20-minute project. After explaining his overseas trip with accompanying photos, he engaged in a question and answer session, stimulating the audience's curiosity.


During the Table Topics session, two members delivered impromptu speeches on the topic of "Travel Plans," discussing trips to Switzerland and to Mishima, the base of our Toastmasters club.


Following K-san's insightful evaluation, the first half was concluded with I-san's flowing general evaluation.


In the second half's Japanese session, K-san delivered a prepared speech titled "Sense-Making." Although an unfamiliar term, he explained difficult concepts about mentors in an understandable manner, incorporating personal experiences. Then, S-san shared persuasive insights into speech-making, drawing from her extensive experience.


For the Table Topics question "Things that increase your excitement just by watching," H-san's answer, "stock charts," elicited laughter and further energized the atmosphere. One of the guests was also invited to participate.


Due to Y-san's unstable Internet connection, M-san, the Area Director who was present as a guest, stepped in for evaluations. Despite the sudden request, she calmly delivered thoughtful evaluations.


I-san provided a concise overall evaluation to conclude the meeting. Each helper fulfilled their roles meticulously. Today's voting was solely for Table Topics. M- san, who delivered an enjoyable impromptu speech including singing, impressively won the Best Table Topics award.


Despite connectivity issues, smooth communication among the responsible parties ensured the meeting ended on time. Such practical exercises are among the charms of Toastmasters. 













226th regular meeting report

May 12th, 2024


The 226th regular meeting was held in a fresh and sunny weather that seemed to blow away the May illness after GW. 16 members and 4 guests attended the meeting, making it a very lively meeting.

Since there was an election of officers this time, we had a mixed session of Japanese and English in the first half of the meeting, followed by the election of officers in the second half.

The word of the day was “calm/calm” from Mr. H. He said it was from a respected person he had met recently.

Mr. K gave a speech in Japanese, in which he emphasized the importance of information in a simple but humorous way, and everyone listened to his speech seriously. Mr. T gave a speech in English. Using slides, he talked about the fun of bird watching in an easy-to-understand way for beginners, and we enjoyed listening to his words proposing a regular bird watching meeting.

Ms. S was the table topic master, and all four participants responded to impromptu questions in English and Japanese with flexibility and humor. Also, thanks to Ms. S's clever direction, everyone was able to cheer for Ms. S, who will be participating in the national competition.

All the helpers did their roles well, and Ms. S., the general commentator, showed her casual concern for all the helpers and their positions, and gave clear and concise advice to improve the meeting. There was not a single silent speaker, and everyone participated in making the meeting a very good one.

During the election of officers in the second half of the meeting, each of the candidates gave a short two-minute speech about the officers, full of laughter and tears, and full of their own personalities. The incoming board members and the moderator, Ms. K., showed their determination and sincerity in their roles for the next term.

I look forward to working with the incoming board members!






今回は英語強化例会なので、English Sessionから始まりました。

本日の言葉はHSさんからの「念のため/Just in case」。お気に入りの映画からのとのことでした。


English Sessionの準備スピーチはMOさん、ダンディーボイスの英語スピーチに皆魅了されてしまいました。

Table Topic MasterKSさん。4名の方々皆さん、即興のお題に対し英語で驚くほど上手にspeechしていました。


日本語セッションの準備スピーチはMCさんの「熊野古道」とTSさんの「瓢箪から駒」。パワーポイントを使った「熊野古道」では参加者皆さんがちょっとした旅行気分を味わうことが出来、「瓢箪から駒」ではToast Masterに参加する事で得られた人生の豊かさに感謝が述べられました。









225th regular meeting report

April 28th, 2024


The 225th regular meeting was held in the unseasonably warm early summer weather. The 17 members and 4 guests attended the meeting, making it a very lively meeting.


Since ST-san was assigned as a TMOD for the first time, he seemed to be a bit nervous. But, he was able to control the meeting well.


Since this meeting was an English strengthening meeting, we started with an English Session.

Today's word was "Just in case" by HS-san. It was cited from her favorite movie.


MO-san gave a prepared speech for the English Session, and everyone was attracted by his dandy voice.

The Table Topic Master was KS-san, and all 4 participants spoke surprisingly well in English in response to the impromptu topics.


The prepared speeches for the Japanese session were "Kumano Kodo" by MC-san and "Hyouta Kara Koma" Ms-san. TS. The PowerPoint presentation of "Kumano Kodo" made the participants feel like they were on a little trip, while "Hyotan Kara Koma" expressed gratitude for the richness of life gained by participating in Toast Master.


KA-san was in charge of the Japanese table topic. The two of participants enjoyed responding to the new-fangled, situation-game-like topic.


Toward the end of the session, YS-san, who will be participating in the national contest in May, gave a speech, which was further polished to a high degree of perfection.


All the helpers did their roles well, and there was no single silent speaker, making it a very good meeting with everyone participating and enlivening the event.

(Written by ST) 
















【224th regular meeting report】

April 14th, 2024


 In the new fiscal year, the fourth quarterly meeting of the toast saw the gathering of two guests and twelve members.


The Toastmaster of the Day was TM SA, who received a round of applause upon arriving at the venue one minute before. 


Thanks to TM SA's cheerful and bright atmosphere, the meeting remained pleasant throughout. 


The word of the day, chosen by TM KkK, was "Lovely," and it was used countless times by everyone, a choice aimed at spreading joy through its usage. 


Today's prepared speech was delivered solely in Japanese by TM KN, reflecting the end of the fiscal year in Japan and the contest season in TMC, making speech preparation challenging. 


However, this time, in addition to KN's insightful prepared speech on "The Source of Laughter," with evaluations by TM H, there were planned speeches on the theme of "How to Give a Good Speech" from TM SM, guest TM KtK, and TM MY, each offering their perspectives, making it an extremely exciting session!


The Table Topics Master was TM KY, who presented topics related to memories of the new school term in honor of the new fiscal year. Best TTS was TM TKC. 


Thanks to the efficient assistance from everyone, without any silent speakers, we were able to conclude the meeting with a sense of having spent a good time.

(KY wrote)

















タイトル:Mentors and Seniors















【223rd regular meeting report】

March 24th, 2024


17 members and 4 guests joined. The meeting was full of energy.

Also, this meeting was the last meeting for TM H generously dedicated to Mishima TMC for several years. Therefore, so many people were brought to this meeting.

After the meeting, we had a grand party for TM H at a classy restaurant. We enjoyed chattering and delicious cake.


In the prepared speech session, we had one English speech and 3 Japanese speeches.


1st English speech (TM S)

Title: Spring

She shared her memory and view about a commencement ceremony of a school she has been involved with.


1st Japanese speech (TM S)

Title: Mentors and Seniors

She shared why she has been mesmerized by Toastmasters and her view and experience relating to mentors.


2nd Japanese speech (TM M)

Title: おめでとう

She is one of the first members in Mishima TMC. She humorously and succinctly wrapped up the history of Mishima TMC full of ups and downs.


3rd Japanese speech (TM S)

Title: 課題

She won the right to be a contestant at the District 76 Japanese speech contest this term.

She shared her worry and psychological conflict specific to speech contest champions. But her story was moving and impressive enough even for ordinary audiences.


In the award session, we singled out only the best Table Topics speaker.

To our surprise, TM H was singled out as the best Table Topics speaker. He has been so cool till the end of his last meeting as a member.

























222th Regular Meeting report】

Sun. March 10, 2024

Speech Workshop by TM-K


At this meeting, 16 participants and 3 guests enjoyed a powerful workshop by TM-K!


First, three members gave speeches, which were discussed by all. Then, TM-K synthesized everyone's opinions while identifying the characteristics of the speeches and providing feedback to further improve the level of the speeches.


The first speaker, TM-H, presented "How to Restore Calm" on parenting.

The second speaker, TM-S, gave her contest speech. She presented a humorous look at how she deals with her own age.

The third speaker, TM-S, also gave a contest speech.She presented a speech about overcoming struggles only winners experience, captivating the audience.


In the second half of the workshop, we received feedback on our English contest speeches in a similar format.

It was a fulfilling workshop with a lot of learning.


This weekend is the area contest. Let's wish all contestants good luck! Let's cheer them on!


Finally, TM-K, thank you for a great workshop! Please come back and visit us again.
















【221th regular meeting report】

Sun. February. 25, 2024

In-house contest


The annual major event "In-house Contest" was held on February 25th, and this year, a total of seven participants, including five in Japanese and two in English, took part.


I can’t inform the speeches for contest in detail, but they were very high-level that was both informative and stimulating.

The skillful choice of words, vocal variety, singing voice, etc... each of contestants leveraged their strong point, and time flew when all contestants delivered a remarkably engaging speech.


After the speech, the enjoyable interview session.

Interviewer TM MS, used her analytical skills and bright personality to brought out speaker’s real intention and smile, so that the contest warmed up.


Amidst such fierce competition, TM TS was chosen in the "Japanese section," and TM BB was selected in the "English section."

They will advance to the "Area Contest" scheduled for March 17th.

I am excited to hear their speeches once again. 











【220th regular meeting report】

Sun. February. 11, 2024


The 220th regular meeting was held in hybrid format on February 11th, the middle day of the three-day weekend. We had the participation of two guests from other clubs, totaling 16 attendees including 14 members (7 of whom joined online).

The "Word of the Day" was "Grief" presented by OM (in their first role). Although it might not be an easy word to use due to its not-so-positive connotation, it was used quite effectively by many challengers.

Newcomer AK handled the timekeeping perfectly, considering the online participants. Similarly, TN, another newcomer, flawlessly fulfilled their role as the timer for the first time.

The educational session began with a workshop titled "About the New Pathways" led by SM. They explained the soon-to-be extensively revised pathways in an easy-to-understand quiz format. It was very informative!

There were three prepared speeches in Japanese: AS's "There are no colors that don't suit you," NK's "Communication goes beyond words," and AT's "Recommended Spots." Each speech was rich in content, and the feedback from the three evaluators was of high quality, making it a very fulfilling time.

Table Topics were presented by TS, who joined from Dubai after a long absence. They provided three topics in Japanese and two in English, which were related to today's speech content.

The general evaluation was conducted by TS, who provided detailed and thoughtful feedback, brightening the atmosphere and making everyone feel included. I believe everyone whose name was mentioned felt happy about it.

There were no prepared speeches in English, only Table Topics. The general evaluation for English was done by BB, who cleverly summarized the session.

AS was awarded Best Speaker, YU (a guest) was named Best Evaluator, and RI (also a guest) was awarded Best Table Topics.

Despite running about 5 minutes over, it was a very enriching meeting.

TKC was away for the Spring Festival, and Chairman Ishida, who served as venue manager, evaluator, president, and Table Topics speaker, multitasked brilliantly. Well done and thank you, TM Ishida!
written by TMOD_YK)













H.Sさん「The Important thing to travel abroad」。海外旅行とみそ汁の思い出を「ミソシンドローム」と名付けて楽しく披露してくれました。

Tさん「Sabtage Manual」。CIAの組織妨害工作手順という一見難しいような内容を、身近な大組織での問題点や危機と並べて説明をされとても興味深かったです。








Oさん「Keep your eye on your fries?!」。アイコンタクトではなくキャッチアイの大切さをその場でのアイコンタクトをしながら伝え、そこから自己肯定感もUpにもつながる話はとても説得力がありました。















【219th regular meeting report】

Sun. January. 28, 2024


Second regular meeting this year. The regular meeting was held with 5 speakers and something to try in it.

We try to do is that regular meetings are usually held in Japanese for the first half and English for the second half, but this time the first half will be in English and the second half will be in Japanese.

Since the opening of the Mishima Club's regular meeting and the introduction of each role are given in the first half, the volume tends to be bigger in the first half than in the second half. In the second half, we were having a bit of a loss of concentration, so this was a trial meeting to reconsider the balance of being a bilingual club.


In the first half of the English section, the president opened in English for the first time. It warmed up nicely.

The moderator for the educational session was TM. M. Many members tried to explain their other roles in English, and there was a rare sense of enthusiasm and a little bit of tension (as Mishima's regular meetings start off relatively relaxed).

Of course, for members who are not good at English, it was okay to introduce Japanese.


After that, there were two English speeches.

TM. H.S. “The Important thing to travel abroad.” They had fun sharing their memories of overseas travel and miso soup, which they named "Miso Syndrome."

TM. T “Sabtage Manual”. It was very interesting to hear the seemingly difficult content of the CIA's sabotage procedures, juxtaposed with problems and crises in large organizations around us.


Table Topics was moderated by TM.R.S and it was shared goals for this year.


TM. B provided the commentary for TM. H.S, and TM. K.T provided the comments for TM. T.

The two of them had already responded to my comments many times, so I learned a lot from their very persuasive and to-the-point comments.


In the second half of the Japanese language section, three people gave speeches.

TM. O: “Keep your eyes on your fries?!” The story that conveyed the importance of eye contact rather than eye contact while making eye contact on the spot, and how this can lead to improved self-esteem was very persuasive.

TM. H: “The ideal mentor.” From his own experience, he explained in an easy-to-understand manner the relationship between mentor and mentee in Toastmasters and what to keep in mind.

TM. M.S: “I rely on God.” she shared her experiences with past speech contests and what she learned from the experience, and demonstrated the importance of giving speeches for the upcoming contest season.


Japanese table topics are also by R.S. TM. K, a guest from another club, answered.


TM. O and TM. K for the commentary. TM. H is TM. R.S. TM. K to M.S.

Each of them analyzed their speeches appropriately and provided feedback that encouraged them to give their next speeches.


TM. I was in charge of the general commentary for the first half: English and the second half: Japanese.

In a short amount of time, he summarized the main points and provided feedback to each role and the evaluators.


There was a lot of content and the meeting ran a little over time, but I think it was a successful meeting as it was a trial meeting, with each participant preparing well and supporting each other on the day.

I think this is because we talked to each other a lot of times because we were not used to regular meetings, so I hope we can continue to have activities that are full of learning and fun.






本日の言葉は「日本語:支える / 英語:Support each other」。


















【Report for 218th Meeting】    

Sun. January. 14, 2024


The first meeting of 2024 kicked off with lively participation, with 10 attendees on-site and 5 online, totaling 15 participants.


The word for today is "Japanese: 支える / English: Support each other."

Today’s meeting has three prepared speeches in Japanese.


The first speech was by TM-A on "Snow and Flow." Expressing vivid memories of snowboarding in his youth, he introduced the experience of being in a flow state during sports. The narrative, connecting from snow to flow, captivated the audience.

The second speech was by TM-H on "About the Bibliobattle meeting." Reflecting on the Bibliobattle meeting held at the end of last year, he provided insights unique to the organizer, including some challenging comments, and introduced prospects for the next sessions.

The third speech was by TM-T on "Blessed Water, Nourishing Water." Drawing from the experience of water supply disruption due to a typhoon, he conveyed the importance of water, the generosity of friends resembling blessings, and expressed gratitude to those around him using onomatopoeia.


Japanese table topics included "New Year’s wish" and "Recommended item".

English table topics were "Valuables you don't want to be stolen" and "Unforgettable childhood memories."

Everyone shared lively discussions on memories of New Year and winter-related topics.


The Best Table Topic went to TM-H, who introduced his favorite down jacket that is not only useful for shoveling snow but also durable.

The Best Evaluation was given to DTM-S, who reflected on emotionally rich speeches while introducing methods to enhance communication. The summary was also perfect, truly commendable.

The Best Speaker was TM-T, whose depiction of the importance of water during disasters and the kindness of friends left a lasting impression on the audience.


We are now halfway through this term. 

In this term's slogan, "Comfortably x Interactive" meeting, let's continue to liven up the second half!
















2.BBThe midnight library』(1位)











【Report for 217th Meeting “Bibliobattle”】    

Sun. December. 24, 2023


The last meeting for the year 2023 was the “Bibliobattle” book review special event! A lively, fun, and peaceful "battle" was joined by 18 members.

This is the second Bibliobattle meeting ever held, following the first last year. The executive committee chairperson was HT and he had led the preparation team two months before the event.

The MC was KY for the Japanese session and TC for the English session. There were four reviewers each for Japanese and English parts.


[Japanese session]

1. HT: “What Shall We Do Now?”

2. KK “Sense Comes from Knowledge”

3. HK “Success is in The Trash Can”

4. SA "Hunchback"


[English session]


2. BB “The Midnight Library”

3. MC “Becoming”

4. KN “Sea of Fertility (4 Parts)”


The reviewer introduced the book in less than five minutes. Afterwards, there would be a 3–4-minute period for questions from the audience.

Thanks to the reviewers' diverse selection of books and interesting questions from the audiences, we had a very informative and enjoyable time.

Although it was challenging for ME and TA to oversee the timekeeping, thanks to them we were able to finish on time.

The vote counters SK and SM also did a great job. SM made such a beautifully designed certificate of participation, and it will be nice to be used again next year!

Thanks to everyone's active participation, there were no silent speakers, and the meeting closed exactly at 12:00, which is the perfect ending for the last meeting of 2023.


(Written by: TMOD_KY, TC)






1名はClub Growth DirectorであるIMさん、もう1人はMさんが3回目のゲストとして会場に参加くださいました。











































【Report for 215th Meeting】   

Sun. November. 26, 2023


Word of the day “Precious”

The word is easy to use, and was used by several members.


Prepared Speech

BB talked about how risky it is to put too much emphasis on being a perfectionist through his experience with his boss. Everyone can learn something from his speech. He won the Best Speaker Award.


Table Topics

TM KY prepared topics related to “books” associated with the Biblio Battle next month.

MM talked about reading changes from boys' childhood cartoons to practical books.


General Evaluation

TM ST skillfully controlled and evaluated the session as a general evaluator even after a long time of absence.

TM T performed his evaluation based on the speaker’s project by clearly pointing out the areas to be improved.


All the helpers did a very good job. TM MJ said she did not feel isolated from the onsite members as an online participant. This proves the members onsite are doing a great job integrating the participants from both online and onsite.


Meeting reporter: ME















SHさんからの本日の言葉は「潤い、潤う/Enrich, Moistures」、日本語の方はテーブルトピックスのお題にも上手に入れ込んだりもされ、よく使われていました。





















【Report for 214th Meeting】  

Sun. November. 12, 2023


Late autumn and the beginning of winter have arrived, marking the straight path towards the year-end season.

On this Sunday, November 12th, the first day this season with temperatures dropping below 10 degrees, the 214th meeting took place in a hybrid format.

Despite the chill, 13 members of Mishima TMC gathered, resonating with the theme "Comfortably/Resonate (*this season's slogan)" while embracing the concept of "Moisture (today's word)."


After the president's detailed explanation of upcoming autumn and winter events, the induction ceremony welcomed new member OM.

The Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD), a first-timer at Mishima Club, took charge.

Despite not being a native Japanese speaker, they had prepared thoroughly and delivered an excellent TMOD performance, managing the agenda smoothly, despite its irregularities.


The word of the day was "Enrich, Moistures."

It was adeptly incorporated into the Table Topics in Japanese, and many participants in the English session used it after the word master's report.

The Japanese session began with SM's mini-workshop on the structure of speech progression, covering "chronological" and "flashback" types.


There were three prepared speeches in Japanese.

The first was the icebreaker by OM, with a title that sparked interest and content that captivated the audience.

The second was a new humorous speech by ST, filled with their usual entertaining style.

The third was TA's preparation speech for the rookie competition, followed by a free comment time without formal evaluations but with constructive and warm feedback.


Table Topics Master ST presented three topics in Japanese and two in English, providing a good rhythm for both languages.

IT served as the General Evaluator, offering appropriate feedback and managing time effectively amidst multiple roles.


Though time was running short by the start of the second half, everyone cooperated to bring the meeting to a timely close, creating a miraculous finish.

Referring to the meeting as a "rollercoaster," as mentioned by evaluator SH, the president aptly dubbed it a "rollercoaster-like second half." Once again, it was a delightful and swiftly passing meeting!

Thank you very much to MC AK and everyone with their first roles or double roles for supporting the smooth progress of the meeting! 

(Report by: KY)
















既に学びがたくさんありましたが、もっと詳しく知りたい人は11月5日のDivision Gのトレーニングに参加をとのことでした。
























【Report for 213th Meeting】 

Sun. October. 22, 2023


On a clear autumn Halloween weekend, the 213th meeting took place in a hybrid format on Sunday, October 22nd. 

With 13 members of the Mishima TMC and 6 enthusiastic guests (^^), a total of 19 individuals came together to carry on the meeting, just as harmoniously as the clear sky today, embodying the season's theme of "心地よく/響き合い" (which translates to "Comfortably Resonating"). 

Our guests included proficient non-native Japanese speakers who joined on the spur of the moment, and we also had a new member declaration from someone who was visiting for the third time. 

The Toastmasters guests delivered skillful speeches, and there were participants in Halloween costumes who added to the festive atmosphere. 

It was indeed a lively and engaging meeting.


The word of the day was "ひときわ/Especially." This expression, which fills one with a sense of something extraordinary, was chosen to be used not only during today's exceptional meeting but also in everyday communication. 


The education session started with a brief workshop led by SM, which was condensed into just 5 minutes but packed with valuable content. 

Those eager to learn more were encouraged to attend the Division G training on November 5th.


There were three prepared speeches, all in Japanese. 

The first speech was delivered by guest TM SN, which featured a wonderful storytelling with piano accompaniment. 

The second speech, by H, focused on the positive feeling of "ワクワク" (excitement) as the keyword. 

The message, "Time is limited, but dreams are limitless," resonated with the audience. 

The third speech was a preparation for T's rookie battle, and the memorized content and sparkling expression left a strong impression.


The evaluations were provided by the veterans SM, H, and I, and their insightful feedback was truly enlightening. 

K, who managed the bilingual evaluation session, did an excellent job in smoothly facilitating the session, with Halloween decorations adding to the ambiance. 

The pointers for improvement from the veterans were also highly educational.


ST took on the role of Table Topics Master and presented two topics in Japanese and three in English. 

With creative costume and topic choices, he successfully engaged the audience, and we enjoyed skillful impromptu speeches from our TM guests as well.


The meeting passed by in the blink of an eye, and we believe it was a great gathering. 

Just as the Mishima Club's catchphrase for this season suggests, whether it was in the physical venue or online, with Toastmasters or non-Toastmasters, members or TM guests, it seems that everyone resonated with one another. 

And the fact that we managed to end on time was a bonus.

(Report by: TMOD_TKC)












本日の言葉は、「大躍進/Quantum Leap」。



























【Report for 212th Meeting】

Sun. October. 8, 2023


On a cool October 8th, 2023, where you could feel the autumn in the air, our club meeting took place in a hybrid format.

With 13 members of Mishima TMC and 2 guests, a total of 15 people gathered under the theme of "Comfortably Resonating"(*Mishima TMC's slogan for this term), and the meeting proceeded.


Today, we had a new member induction ceremony for Mr. A.

As it was the first induction ceremony with the new executive team, there was a bit of confusion, but it was successfully concluded with unanimous approval, and we welcomed our new members.


The word of the day was "Quantum Leap," which may have been a bit challenging in English, but it was widely used in the Japanese session.

Almost all participants incorporated it into their speeches and remarks, making it a word choice that truly embodies a big leap forward.


There were two prepared speeches in Japanese.

The first was Mr. A's icebreaker speech, filled with the freshness of someone with promising potential for a big leap ahead.

The second was from Mr. K, who delivered an engaging speech on investment, highlighting the importance of investments as a window to understanding the world, beyond just making money.

The feedback from the evaluators, providing both praise and suggestions for improvement, was insightful and a valuable learning experience.

There were no prepared speeches in English today, but we look forward to them in the next meeting.


The General Evaluator provided evaluations and comments that looked at the meeting from various perspectives, enhancing the overall quality of the meeting.


For Table Topics, in the Japanese session, the topics were "Things that were good to consult about" and "Neighborhood relations," while in the English session, the topics were "What I gained from my Toastmasters experiences so far" and "Best summer memories of this year."

Experienced speakers shared remarkable stories, leaving me in awe.

However, I must mention O, who, despite being a guest, courageously took on the role of a Table Topics speaker and delivered a fearless English speech.


In this regular meeting, we also had a special workshop conducted by Ms. S. The workshop provided valuable insights into the mindset and techniques for delivering impromptu speeches in Table Topics, showcasing Ms. S's award-winning expertise.

Learning is truly a wonderful thing, and I hope to apply these lessons when delivering impromptu speeches.


Our meeting ran over by 10 minutes, which suggests that we may need to set clearer time limits for each program to keep things on track.


Responsibility: TMOD_KK)

















"B" wonderful time」、バスケットの楽しさを知ったうれしさと、それを皆に伝えたいという思いが伝わってきました。





「富士山について」「相撲について」「秋の旅行について」「dog person」についてでした。



論評も、みなさん的確なうえに、 聞きごたえのあるものが続き、ベストを選ぶのに迷うほどでした

今回のベストスピーカーはBさん、ベストテーブルトピックはIさん、Oさん ベスト論評は、Mさんでした。


Report on the 211th Regular Meeting

Sun. Septemer. 24, 2023


At the 211th regular meeting, two speeches were delivered in Japanese and one in English, showing everyone's motivation.

Two visitors came to observe the event, and the autumn in Mishima seems to be getting brighter and brighter.

The first speech was given by B-san, who joined TM four years ago with almost no Japanese, and it was his second speech in Japanese.

He said, "I'm going to give it a try.”

I was deeply moved to hear his wonderful speech in Japanese, and I was grateful again to have been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of TMOD both times.

The second speech by K-san was "Do you like chemistry? “

His speech was full of his love for science, which made me realize how interesting science is.

Nobel Prizes have been announced one after another, but the Ig Nobel Prize, which is a subgenre of the Nobel Prize, is also very hot.

I was also told that the Ig nobel prize is also hot.

The last speech was given by H-san in English.

I could feel how happy she was to have found the joy of basketball and how she wanted to share it with everyone.

It was unfortunate that many of the speeches ran over time, but the speeches conveyed the feelings of the students.


The word of the day, "get in order," was also very easy to use and many people used it.


There were four table topics in total.

“Mt. Fuji", "Sumo wrestling", "Autumn trip", and "dog person.

This time, two of the visitors also answered the questions, and they were both so good that it was hard to believe that their answers were impromptu.

I am looking forward to seeing Mishima become even more lively if they continue to join Toast together.


The evaluation were also very accurate and interesting, so much so that it was difficult to choose the best!

The best speaker this time was B-san, the best table topics were I -san and O-san, , and the best evaluation was by M-san.






今日の言葉/学ぶ Learn



























【Report for 210th Meeting】

Sun. Septemer. 10, 2023

16 participants (15 members and 1 wonderful guests)

Today's Words: learn


Despite the heat, the September Mishima TMC meeting was held on September 10 (Sun.) at Hybrid, in the midst of a heat wave that did not seem to have entered autumn.

A total of 16 people, 15 of whom were Mishima TMC members and one observer, attended the meeting in a friendly atmosphere, starting with a workshop that even English beginners could enjoy.


The prepared speeches were two Japanese speeches.

In the speech titled "The Wind is Blowing," a speech was given on stocks and the Japanese economy, and the gap between the title and the content was intriguing.

In the speech titled "Stepping Out and Going Forward," a TMC veteran gave a speech about the good experiences he had gained by serving in a summary role as a board member or division director, a speech that reminded us how much fun it is to be a Toastmaster.


The points made by the reviewers were all accurate and informative.


In the table topics and general commentary, I felt that the future of Mishima TMC is bright, as the event proceeded very smoothly despite the fact that it was the first time for a person to be assigned to the role.

The table topic subjects were "What I want to do this fall" and "What I left unfinished this summer," which reminded us of the arrival of fall.


In the English workshop, Ms. Y conducted a chain talking session using English, based on the concept of making English fun for beginners.

The workshop was full of laughter as the individuality of each toast member shone through in the chain-talking, such as devising a good way to use a mallet or a good destination.

Many people who thought they were not good at English may have changed their minds after this workshop.


With the help of our guests, we were able to have an unusual, yet enjoyable meeting where everyone could step up their game.

 (Responsibility: TMOD_HS)






























【Report for 209th Meeting】

Sun. August. 27, 2023

16 participants (13 members and 3 wonderful guests)

Today's Words: Skyrocket


The "Last Sunday of Summer Vacation" meeting took place on Sunday, August 27th, using a hybrid format.

With 13 members from the Mishima TMC and 3 guests from other clubs, totaling 16 participants, the meeting progressed under the theme of "Comfortably Resonating"

(*this season's Mishima TMC slogan).


The word of the day, "Skyrocket," was frequently used both in Japanese and English. Almost all attendees seemed to have incorporated it into their speeches or remarks in some way.


There were two prepared speeches each in Japanese and English.

Interestingly, all speakers happened to utilize PowerPoint for their presentations.

The prepared speeches were engaging and showcased well-developed content, with a strong emphasis on personal anecdotes.


The evaluations provided by the evaluators were all precise and insightful, contributing to a valuable learning experience.


Comprehensive evaluations from both Japanese and English segments offered detailed assessments and comments, which undoubtedly elevated the quality of the meeting.


The Table Topics session featured the following prompts: "Fireworks," "Cicadas," "Shaved Ice," "Ghost," and "Skydiving."

It was personally amusing to observe that, following the word of the day "Skyrocket," a member introduced the word "Skydiving" as a Table Topic, seemingly both connected yet starkly opposite.


Thanks to the cooperation of the guests and members, the meeting ran smoothly and was enjoyable.

However, this meeting, a series of online troubles coincided, resulting in a 15-minute delay in concluding the meeting.

Addressing online issues and improving time management remains a challenge for future meetings.






 参加 / 17名


 今日の言葉 / 空気を読む  








タイトル:リマ オーレロ ヌイ ~手は口ほどに物を言う~











タイトル:What is this?





タイトル:Always moving




【Report for 208th Meeting】

Sun. August. 13, 2023

17 participants  (15 members and 2 wonderful guests)

Today's Words: read the room


Many members came to this meeting from across Japan and even from abroad although it had been sweltering.  However, speakers entertained the audience with passionate speeches and humorous speeches. All of us enjoyed this meeting to the fullest.

After the meeting, many of us had a fun time having an after party at TM S’s gorgeous house full of beautiful and enchanting art works and with a cute cat. We tasted delicious food and chatted with each other thoroughly.


We had 2 Japanese prepared speeches and 2 English prepared speeches.


1st Japanese speech (by TM S)

Title: Lima olelo nui ~Hands speak more eloquently than lips~

She is an extraordinary hula lover. She shared many things about hula with us, such as historical and cultural background, concealed reverence to the surrounding environment, and meanings of hand moves. She persuaded the audience to dance hula with her along with comfortable music, thus the audience must have enjoyed and understood hula deeply.

She successfully shared her affection for hula because of her lively facial expression, her relaxing body language, and her vigorous tone.


2nd Japanese speech (by TM S)

Title: Role model

S started a part time job at a cafe in her school days. But, her friend enthusiastically recommended a part time job at a pub to be paid more in a wide variety of ways, then she decided to work at the pub and she was content with her earnings. Then, she was invited for another part time job at a nightclub to be paid much much more. But, she was afraid of doing such a highly paid job. At that time, she found a book written by Mariko Hayashi, a Japanese novelist. She realized a pity relating to earning from youngness and cute appearance. Then, she decided not to work at the nightclub.

Some time flowed, and she prepared to create videos for uploading on YouTube. But she couldn’t even for 3 years. Finally, she uploaded one video lasting around for 10 minutes.

She shared an idea to proceed to a proper way with assurance by tracking role model’s doings and thoughts with her highly personal story. Your role models would shed light around you. There are many takeaways in her speech.


1st English speech (by TM I)

Title: What is this?

He realized the traditions and confusions relating to map symbols. Incidentally, he came up with a story tying map symbols and Mishima TMC, and he nailed it ingeniously. His earnestness for this club might be second to none. He shared his emotion for this club from the bottom of his heart again and again. And he shared his struggle and a conflict among officers of this club behind the slogan of this term “Mishima symphony” in a quite humorous way.

His exuberant ardor for this club must be shared with all the members.


2nd English speech (by TM M)

Title: Always moving

She was born and raised in Hokkaido. But, she often moved as early as her elementary school days. Even after grown-up, she cannot stop moving. She changed her job many times. To our amazement, she thinks of next job even just after getting a new job. Her career might be unrivaled, therefore her career is so attractive for many of us.

We would have no choice but to think of her splendid future career.






 参加 / 15名

 今日の言葉 / 響く、響き合う

























【Report for 207th Meeting】

Sun. July. 23, 2023

15 participants

Today's Words: Hibiku, hibikiau, Resonate


We held a memorial session for Mr. Obara.

● Speech

Two Japanese. The sharp analysis of motivation made us think, and the deep dive into the topic.

Both speeches were thought-provoking and interesting, and both were excellent.

The English speech was about her two-month trip to Spain.

With a smile that burst into life, he led us on a pilgrimage.

●Table Topics

As expected, her topics were fun, and the communication with each and every speaker was also a lot of fun.

The speakers were very communicative and the event was a lot of fun.


Japanese: The comments were warm but specific points for improvement.

The comments were of a high level.

English: Well structured, well reasoned, and persuasive.

●General Evaluator

She reviewed the entire meeting in detail and summarized it at the end.


The next meeting will be held on Sunday, August 13 at 10:00. 






 参加 / 19名

 今日の言葉 / 熱い、暑い






































【Report for 206th Meeting】

Sun. July. 9, 2023

Attendees: 19

Today’s words:hotheatpassion


We've made an auspicious start suitable for a new fiscal year, having wide variety of contents.

In addition to the usual educational session, there was an inauguration ceremony of the business session, and the new chairman, Mr. Ishida announced the slogan "Comfortable × Resonance together " in his inaugural address.


◇Japanese session


Mrs. T, who has a calm and relaxed personality, gave a second speech. 

I was very impressed by her speech, which conveyed the difficulty of agriculture and made me feel like I could experience it virtually.

And now I am looking forward hearing her next speech.

●Table Topics

Mr. I, the master of table topics, gave a speech with a topic that has been on the minds of the members.

And Mr. T showed us a topic of fishing, chosen from his wide variety of hobby, and Mr. H introduced a topic of relaxation spot in our local area.


Mrs. M commented that Mrs. T had a speech in the good tempo and calmness looking around in audiences.

●General Evaluation

Ms. S.H., as usual, was very calm and her analysis of each person was excellent.

There were many things I could learn from her.


◇English Session


Ms. S, a prominent veteran speaker in Mishima, gave us a amusing speech in which the meanings differ completely with intonation of talking.

It was a little bit of pity that the time was not enough for her, but I would have liked to hear more of his speech if possible.

●Table Topics

Mr. K talked about recommended summer goods, and Mr. S talked about his plans for summer vacation, but he seems to be quite busy with his work.


Mr. Ts precise comments were very good.


We were able to finish the meeting on time even though it was the first time to hold the meeting at this location and there were many things to do, such as the installation ceremony of the new board members, and the new president's address and slogan presentation.

We are grateful for all the supports of everyone at the meeting.

To the new board members, I look forward to working with you all for a year. 









































【Report for 205th Meeting】

Sun. Jun. 25, 2023

Attendees: 14


This was the last meeting in the fiscal year.


In the business session, there made a motion on the change of venue for the next meeting and paperless. From now on, printed agenda will not be provided but it should be done on one’s own. The paper certificates are also eliminated. Contribute to SDGs by saving resources and labor.


Today’s word is “at last/ finally/ eventually” right word for the last meeting.


●Japanese Speech

TM K, who is an experienced toastmaster, joined our club and made Ice Break speech. To be surprising, it was his 6th Ice Break speech! He talked about his career, which has developed unexpectedly since his student days. He said that even though he was not talented, he has reached where he is now by combining what he can do. It was a kind of speech students in trouble finding their career should listen to.


●Table Topics

Table topics master K gave us topics inspired by books.

For “Recommended travel destination”, TM I introduced us Toraya Café in Gotemba. For “Heartwarming experience”, TM H talked about a parakeet in his financial institution days. For “the experience you find innovative and interesting”, TM Y talked about her students who cheated on an exam making stunning excuses.



TM A mentioned the structure and word choice as good points and suggestion of adding the motivation to join Toastmasters.


●English Speech

This is the 2nd icebreaker speech today. TM T fluently talked about how he is enjoying his hobbies, fishing, cooking and photo taking. He wants to try scuba diving and climbing Mt. Fuji in the future.


●Table Topics

TM R talked about beauty in the nature in changing season. TM S talked about his concern about “Hair style”.



TM A made an evaluation after a long time but looked confident.


●General Evaluation

TM T was an experienced toastmaster who did not overlook details and pointed them out politely.


The meeting was way behind the schedule due to the motion and technical trouble but with TMOD M’s skillful control and everyone’s cooperation, the meeting ended on time.


Thank all the board members for your time and efforts in maintain our activity.





① 新しい方が、2人入会してくれました。KさんTさん、お2人とも英語が上手で、発言もしっかりしていて、今後が楽しみな逸材です。

② Bさんの、初めての日本語スピーチでした。入会したては、英語しかお話されなかったのに、ついに日本語でスピーチ。論評のHさんが言ったその通り、とてもかっこいいスピーチで、胸が熱くなりました。

③ Hさんが、一年ぶりに、TMCの例会に出てくださいました。また来てくださいね。




最期のスピーチは、英語でトライしたHさん。働くことによって得た気付きを、ルイアームストロングの題名「What a new wonderful world!」 にかけてスピーチしてくださいました。それに気が付いて、論評の初めに歌ってくださったTさんも、流石でした。。





For 204th regular meeting, we have a lot to tell you.

(1) We welcomed two new members, K-san and T-san. Both of them speak English very well, and their future prospects are very promising.

(2) B-san gave his first speech in Japanese. When he first joined, he spoke only in English, but finally, he gave a speech in Japanese. As H-san said in his review, it was a very cool speech, and I was very moved by it.

(3) H-san came to the TMC meeting for the first time in a year. Please come again.


In addition, there was one speech in Japanese and one in English this time. Two of them gave speeches.

K-san's speech was as follows: "The project to make watermelon the staple food of summer." Her innovative planning and skillful arguments almost had us all swallowed up. Watermelon should be the staple food of summer," she said. In response, I-san, the commentator, gave a good commentary using today's word "Amazing”.

The last speech was given by H-san in English. She spoke about what he realized through her work, using the title of the speech, "What a new wonderful world! T-san noticed this and sang a song at the beginning of his speech.

As for the table topics, R-san gave us some very good and to-the-point questions, and all the answers were fun and interesting to listen to.


There were many people in the hall today, and I was deeply moved by that as well, as I knew that COVID-19 had finally dawned. I believe that participation at the venue will become the standard from now on. We look forward to everyone's participation.




今日の流行語大賞は "Bloom"。













Today’s meeting starts with the officer election chaired by Mr H.

The word of the day used today was “Bloom” which many people used during their speeches.

Following that we had regular speech sessions in Japanese where two speakers gave speeches.

The first speech was by Mr H who gave a speech about the Japanese language.

The second was by Ms S who gave a speech about seasons in Mishima


Following that we had a table topic session in both Japanese and English

Five speakers gave impromptu speeches in the table topic session.


Ms S evaluated Mr H's speech and gave valuable feedback.

Ms K evaluated Ms S's speech and gave a well-rounded speech.


We gave awards to each speaker in each category.

I look forward to our next meeting.














K C TさんのConfessions of a club coach、クラブコーチの経験と感想のスピーチです。

M CさんのMusic Talksは楽しい歌やダンスの映像つきでした。

ゲストのN KさんのTo stay calmは、ずばりお金について。









In Mishima Toastmasters Club meetings, the first half of the meeting is in Japanese and the second half is in English.

Today, however, it was a "how can this be?" meeting, with only English speeches and no Japanese speeches.

The words of the day were "sincere" and "honest," and almost everyone used them.


The Japanese table topic session was from "Onomatopoeia".

YM-san, the table topic master, explained "onomatopoeia," dividing it into onomatopoeia words that represent sounds such as "can-can" and "boom" and onomatopoeia words that represent states such as "ukiwuki" and "throb".

Onomatopoeia" is effective when used in speeches.

Why don't you try using it in your speeches?


There were three speeches in English.

K C T's Confessions of a club coach, a speech about his experiences and impressions as a club coach.

M C's Music Talks was with a fun song and dance video.

Guest N K's To stay calm was all about money.

All the speeches were very well thought out.


The English table topic session was held with guests.


This time, two guests announced their membership.

We are excited to have new friends.

Why don't you join our fun and meaningful Mishima Toastmasters Club?


We look forward to seeing you again!




今日の言葉/Today’s word:心おどる/Heart brooming


参加者/Participants 17名











準備スピーチ③Mさん「Camino De Santiago」





In the good weather, we welcomed three guests and started our regular meeting!

Japanese Session


Preparatory Speech 1: Mr. K. "Kevin's TORISETSU".


Despite the Ice-Breaker, he was calm enough to use the "word of the day" twice. It was a heart-warming speech that conveyed the personality of the "NAGOMI-KEI". I look forward to his future!


Preparatory Speech 2: Mr. K. "Three Points of Reversal"

The speech started with an introduction to the spectacular educational scene and ended with a hopeful ending. The speech was both informative and compelling.


Preparatory Speech 3: "Camino De Santiago" by Mr. M

I could feel her excitement toward her pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It was a "Heart blooming" speech. I look forward to hearing her travelogue speech after her return!


In the table topics, we had guests join us and we were able to catch a glimpse of everyone's unexpected real faces. After the meeting, we had lunch with the guests at a spiced curry restaurant. We discovered even more surprising special skills! It is fun to have on-site interactions with people and to learn from each other. 


We look forward to seeing you again!




 今日の言葉/Today’s word: 記憶/Memory

参加者/Participants 16名






・準備スピーチ① TSさん「ドストライク ~信じる者は救われた~」


・準備スピーチ② YKさん「ジョーよ、ありがとう。」









Congratulations! 200 times!


Luckily, we welcomed a new member today.

We did an entrance ceremony. I look forward to your next icebreaker speech.


Japanese session

・Preparation Speech ① TS

Great speech with humour on the mentor-mentee relationship

・Preparation Speech ② YK

Speech about someone who has been affected in the past.

It was also an easy-to-understand and interesting speech.


Table topics

The theme of the 200th regular meeting in both Japan and England

Practice to contest speech

EM's speech for the contest is next week. I support you!!


The social gathering is in the afternoon. We couldn't get together during Covid-19, so we enjoyed it.




今日の言葉/Today’s word: おめでとう!/Congratulations! 

参加者/Participants 13名

ゲスト/Guest 1名


準備スピーチ ― Tさんは最近入会され、論評とフィードバックの1回目のスピーチを披露しました。ちょっと緊張しながらも農業で得られたことについて、整然とていねいに話されました。2回目を期待しています。Mさんは第二外国語としての日本語でスピーチ挑戦です。コロナ感染の体験について明瞭な発声で表情豊かに語りました。

練習スピーチ ― 4月の日本語ディビジョンコンテストを控え、Eさんがコンテストスピーチの練習を行い、広く参加者から貴重な意見をいただきました。

テーブルトピックス ー 春たけなわ、桜をテーマにAさんがこの季節ならではのトピックをスライドと共に用意し、3名が体験を語りました。






English Section


There was no prepared English speech.

Table Topics – TM B prepared topics about Sakura, but knowing that it is the same as the one in the Japanese table topics, he quickly changed the subjects. How flexible he is! Two members were appointed to the topics.


General Evaluation – 

TM A briefly evaluated the meeting.

The next meeting will reach 200th. It will be on April 9, from 10 a.m. with a celebration party afterward.


We are looking forward to the next meeting!






















The 197th Mishima TMC Regular Meeting Report


The Hybrid meeting was held on February 26, with the Area Contest coming up in two weeks. With 22 members and 7 wonderful guests in attendance, the meeting was as lively as if spring had arrived.


There were three prepared speeches in Japanese.

The first was "About the 200th meeting" by TM H. He shared her plans for the 200th meeting with her natural sense of humor and without being too forceful, which made us more excited about the 200th meeting on April 9.

The second speech was "Once again" by TM. M with a bright smile on her face, TM. M shared her memories of her trip to Japan. Her speech reminded us of what she would like to do again, what places she would like to visit again, and what those places are.

The third was "Don't run away from ●●" by our guest, TM. S.His speech was so powerful that it grabbed the audience's attention from the very first word, and we couldn't help but listen to the speech to hear all of TM. S's experiences and the lessons he learned from them.


In the Japanese section, TM. T was the first Table Topic Master. He was friendly and made us want to know more about the topic, from his own experience and how to assign table topics to a few words after listening to the speeches. In the English section, TM. S, a veteran speaker, was in charge, and she even prepared a PowerPoint presentation to make it easy to understand and to make those who are not good at English interested in what the topic was about. Both table topic masters were very excellent in facilitating the session.


The review was given by TM. K, TM. M, and TM. E. It was the first time for TM. K to give a review, but he gave a very good and accurate description of the good points and areas for improvement, which made me look forward to his next review.

The GE was TM. T. He gave not only good points but also advice on the schedule, etc., and his comprehensive commentary made the meeting even better.


Also, Mr G, who was a guest for the third time, requested to join our club! All of us at Mishima TMC members are very happy to have new members!


The next contest will be the D1 Area Contest. We will have two contestants from Mishima, both in Japanese and in English. We are looking forward to your success!


 We are looking forward to the next meeting!








本日の言葉は、TM Aが選んだ「寛容」でした。



最初の日本語のスピーチは、TM. Sさんが【ダーリン教えてくれたこと】と題して。

2つ目のスピーチは、TM K.さんが[TTP]というタイトルで。

3つ目のスピーチは、TM M.が【我が家のSDGs】と題して講演。

英語セッションでは、Sさんが「Yeah! Let's go to Museum」というタイトルで、このミーティング唯一の英語スピーチを行った。パワーポイントを使い、三島市とその周辺にある別の博物館を訪れた経験を紹介し、私たちに行くよう勧めてくれました。とても勉強になる、視覚に訴えるスピーチでした。





ベストスピーカーはTM Kさん、ベストレビュアーはTM Hさん、ベストテーブルトピックセッションはGuest Hさんでした。




The 195th Regular Meeting (January 8, 2023)


The meeting was attended by 11 participants onsite (9 Members, 2 guests) and 9 participants online (7 members and 2 guests). 


Today's word of the day was Tolerant selected by TM A.


There were four speeches, three in Japanese and one in English.

The first speech in Japanese was by TM. S titled [ダーリンが教えてくれたこと]

The second speech is by TM K. titled [TTP].

The third speech is by TM M. titled [我が家のSDGs]

In the English session, TM S. gave the only English speech of the meeting titled [Yeah! Let's go to Museum]. She used a PowerPoint presentation to show us her experience of visiting a different museums in and around Mishima and encouraging us to go. It was a very informative and visually appealing speech. 


The impromptu short speech "Table Topic Session" was led by Ms S.

Four participants gave short speeches on the theme of food and we all fully relished the speeches and their experiences. 


The best speaker was TM K, the best reviewer was TM H, and the best table topic session was Guest H.




We are looking forward to the next meeting!





今日の言葉は新春を表す言葉で「初・初めて:for the  first tme」












英語スピーチ1本目はBさんの「Lessons I learned in leadership roles}




2本目は、Teさんの「A Toast to Club Officers」











The 194th Regular Meeting (January 8, 2023)

The meeting was lively with 2 guests and 16 Mishima Toastmasters members.


Today's word for the New Year is "for the first time: for the first time.

It was the idea of Mr. T, a newcomer.


There were four speeches, two in Japanese and two in English.

The first speech in Japanese was by Mr. S, "Practice of Water Activity.

This speech was born from his experience of having his water cut off for about 10 days due to the torrential rains in October.

Using a PowerPoint presentation, he explained specific data on the percentage of fresh water on the earth and water conservation.


The second one was Mr. M's "Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

It is a Christian pilgrimage, and he will be making the journey of 59 days and 800 km.

He said he is excited to test his physical strength and to make new friends.


The first English speech was by Mr. B. "Lessons I learned in leadership roles}.

Toastmasters clubs are a great way to learn about public speaking and leadership.

He talked about how he is using what he learned here to build a better organization.


The second one was Te's "A Toast to Club Officers".

He specifically mentioned the work of Toastmasters officers and expressed his gratitude.


The impromptu short speech "Table Topic Session" was led by Ms. S.

Seven members gave short speeches on New Year's themes and enjoyed the speeches.


All the speeches, reviews, and table topic sessions were within the time limit for voting.


The best speaker was Te, the best reviewer was ST, and the best table topic session was H.



We are looking forward to the next meeting!











The 193th Meeting on December 25th 2022


The last club meeting of the year 2022 was held on a sunny Christmas Day.

As there was no prepared speech during the English session, we had more time on Table Topics.

Topics masters prepared the topics mostly about the end year cold winter season,

and members could easily relate to their current living experiences.

2022 was a blast, and we hope 2023 would be the same, if not even more blast.

See you next year!


We are looking forward to the next meeting!
















The 192nd Mishima TMC Regular Meeting Report


The online meeting was held on December 11, with the evaluator contest coming up in the afternoon. 11 members and wonderful guests participated in the meeting, which turned out to be a very informative meeting.


There was one prepared speech. The Japanese were "To Change is Life" by TM N. It was a great speech, telling about TM N's experience in Japan, but refined and refined based on her previous advice.


TM K evaluated this speech. It was an inspiring evaluation, gently conveying the points that were improved based on the previous speech and advice on how to take one more step forward, which inspired the speaker.

The GE was TM I. Although it was a short meeting, he gave a comprehensive commentary that made the points accurately and made us feel very happy to have entrusted him with the job.


In the latter half of the meeting, TM S gave a "One Point Speech Workshop. She explained the light and dark sides of speeches and how to make them more attractive, which was very informative. I am sure that everyone who took the workshop was inspired to make an engaging speech based on his or her own advice.


The year is almost over, but let's all keep up the good work.


We are looking forward to the next meeting!





























12/11(日) 午前:通常例会 & 午後:論評コンテスト(ディビジョン)

12/15(木) 日本語スピーチコンテスト、国際スピーチコンテスト応募締切

12/25(日) 通常例会




■ Japanese Session

1. TM. N "Changing is life"

The Biblio battle of the recommended book introduction showdown occurred last month.

This time, as TM. N recommended, she read a book that was different from her life.

She gave speeches to relive different cultures and lifestyles.


2. TM. K "Enjoy the Tempura oroshi soba"

TM. K introduces the reason why he chose TEMOROSHI SOBA and its appeal.

I understood. I will order next time!


3. TM. H "How to get rid of Little Me"

Speech for the rookies' contest on 12/3 (Sat). 2nd of feedback

It was more sophisticated. Let`s enjoy the rookies’ contest


■ Table Topics

Japanese: TM. S’s theme related to the World Cup

English: Speech by TM.M. Theme related to today's speech


Best TTM: Y.S

Best Evaluator: K.T

Best Speaker: K.K


We are looking forward to the next meeting!





準備スピーチ ― 満を持してのTさんのアイスブレークスピーチです。初めてとは思えない落ち着いたお話しぶりで、オタクである自分の取扱い説明書、という興味深いお話をされました。今後が楽しみです。


テストスピーチ ― 論評コンテスト参加者に向けてのスピーチ、SGDSを身近に感じてもらいつつ、練習を積んでいただきました。


テーブルトピックス ー 秋たけなわ、をキーワードにAさんが司会。3名が即興スピーチに臨みました。「空」について、Mさんが都会の空も角度を変えて見ると大きく見えること、「お金」について、Sさんが上司の勧めで買ってしまった高価な靴だけど、ずっと大事に使っていること、「車」についてはMさんが、あえて持たない理由について述べました。







English Section

Test Speech – TM Y made a speech for evaluation contestants, demonstrating her never-give-up spirit in her experience in persuading an organizer to let her learn the local language when teaching Japanese in a foreign country. She had a great time in the country because of her successful persuasion.


Table Topics – Given a topic, “sports”, TM V talked about badminton and how different the technical words are between Japan and the U.S.


Evaluation – TM B, who is a contestant, make an evaluation enthusiastically on the test speech. Good luck in the evaluation contest!!


It was slightly an irregular schedule, but thanks to the skilful management of the President, TMOD, General Evaluator and all the members, the meeting was fruitful and successful.


The next meeting will be on November 27, 2022

We are looking forward to the next meeting!











Hさんが紹介したのは『ハサミ男』(殊能将之著 講談社文庫 2002年)です。連続殺人鬼が模倣犯の犯行を追うという、一風変わったミステリーについて時間オーバーしながらも熱心に話しました。Aさんが紹介したのは、『図南の翼(十二国記シリーズ)』(小野不由美著 新潮文庫 2013年)です。一人の女の子が“王”になるまでの旅を描いた冒険譚で、子供から大人まで幅広い世代に30年間愛され続けているロングセラーの魅力を伝えてくれました。Kさんが紹介したのは、『ポートフォリオワーカー 「副業より複業」で幸せなお金持ちになる方法』(マダム・ホー著 小学館 2020年)です。Kさんの参加した講座での体験を語りながら、副業により経済的な豊かさだけでなく心の豊かさも獲得していくことの大切さを学んだ本として明朗に語ってくれました。





Mさんが紹介したのは『A street cat named Bob』(JAMES BOWEN著 HODDER & STOUGHTON (UK)  イギリス)です。著者であるジェームズと野良猫のボブとの絆を描いたノンフィクションで、2016年に映画化もされた本作の面白さやノンフィクションというインパクトについて、ペットが飼いたかった体験談も交えて印象深く語ってくれました。Tさんが紹介したのは『The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment』(Eckhart Tolle著 RED MAGAZINE アメリカ)です。日本語では、「魂が目覚める日々の言葉」というタイトルで、はっとさせられる言葉や教訓が沢山載せられています。Tさんは3ヶ月かけてゆっくり読んだそうですが、今もTさんの学びとなっているとのことです。Cさんが紹介したのは『Charlotte's Web』(E. B. White著 Puffin Classics アメリカ)です。世界中で名の知られているベストセラーで、納屋に住む蜘蛛のシャーロットと、子豚のウィルバーの友情について、ドキドキさせる展開や驚き、感動するポイントを交えて説明してくれました。


英語の部のチャンプ本は、『The power of now』でした。Tさん、おめでとうございます!








With new COVID-19 infections on the decline, The Mishima TMC hybrid meeting was held on October 23. We had 20 members and 4 wonderful guests in attendance that day.


Today, the Mishima TMC 1st BiblioBattle was held by TTM.

BiblioBattle is a communication game to introduce books. Each participant has 5 minutes to introduce a book that he or she has read and found interesting. After each presentation, everyone discusses the presentation and the book for 2 to 3 minutes. After all, the presentations are finished, all participants will vote based on "Which book did you want to read the most?" The book that receives the most votes will be designated as the "Champion Book.


The book that received the most votes was selected as the "Champion Book." There were three introductions for each of the Japanese and English sections.


In the Japanese section, TM H, TM A, and TM K introduced books.

TM H introduced "The Scissors Man" (Kodansha Bunko, 2002) by Masayuki Shuno. She told us about the story of a Serial killer reduct who is a copycat criminal. TM A introduced "Tonan no Tsubasa (Wings of the South)" (The Twelve Kingdom series) by Ono Fuyumi (Shincho Bunko, 2013). She told us that it was the story of the lady who became the king through her wonderful journey. TM K. introduced "Portfolio Worker: How to Become Rich and Happy through Dual Employment Rather than a Side Job" (written by Madame Ho, Shogakukan, 2020), a book in which she learned the importance of acquiring not only financial wealth but also spiritual wealth through side jobs, as she spoke clearly about her experience at a course she attended.

The discussion time that followed was also very lively, with a wide variety of opinions and questions flying about the contents of the book, the author, and his thoughts on the book's introduction.

The champion book in the Japanese section was "Portfolio Worker," congratulations to K-san!


In the English section, TM A, T, and C introduced their books.

TM introduced "A street cat named Bob" by JAMES BOWEN (HODDER & STOUGHTON (UK) UK). TM T. introduced "The Power Of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle (RED MAGAZINE USA). He said it took him three months to read it slowly, but it is still a source of inspiration for him. C introduced "Charlotte's Web" by E. B. White (Puffin Classics, USA). This bestseller is well known all over the world, and she explained the friendship between Charlotte, a spider who lives in a barn, and Wilbur, a piglet, with exciting developments, surprises, and touching points.

During the discussion time that followed, there was no end to the questions about pets in England and Japan, such as about their national characteristics and the words that encouraged them the most. (Some of them got so excited that the time for discussion time ran over:)

Congratulations to TM T.!


And thank you to TM S. and TM A. for hosting the event. Also, TM B. made the flyer for the Biblio battle. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the BiblioBattle ended with great success.


Thank you also to all the guests. It was a different kind of meeting, but we are glad that you enjoyed it to the end.

We are looking forward to the next meeting!
















October 9th 188th Mishima TMC regular meeting report

At this regular meeting, an in-house commentary contest (in Japanese) was held in the first half, and an educational session in both Japanese and English was held in the second half.

Three contestants, MS, TKS, and TAS participated in the in-house contest. KK was in charge of the test speaker, which was a secret until the day of the event. The contest began in a slightly tense mood, and KK's wonderful test speech, "I'm sure you can do it! ” was performed, the contestants moved to the breakout room. Free comments were given on the test speeches in the main room during the 5-minute memo writing time, and 4-5 people gave their impressions and comments in the main room. Contestants appeared one by one from the Break Alt Room and commented. The opportunity to hear multiple commentaries on one speech was very interesting at the club. All the contestants were originally good at commentating, but there were many things to learn from the three different viewpoints. It was such a good commentary that I felt it would be difficult to pick two.

In the latter half of the educational session, table topics were first conducted. TTM is EM. Three topics each were prepared for Japanese and English, and impromptu speeches were given on matters such as fall and this year's leftovers and health.

As a preparation speech, BB, an international student from India, gave a speech in Japanese for the first time as a “Japanese Challenge Speech”. Although the speech lasted less than two minutes, it was clear that the speech was well prepared.

The second speaker is Mr. SS. Although it was his first speech after the icebreaker, he attracted the audience with the theme of "Work Style Reform."

The evaluation was a free evaluation, without assigning an evaluator. GE's MA moderated and four people commented. I asked Mr. MM to fill out the evaluation form.

Today's helper is HN. The word "Change" was chosen because it is the time when the seasons change. Some people used it during the meeting.

KK is the grammar clerk, KT is the tally, AT is the counter, and MM and TH are the timers. AT and TH were the first rolls, but they were perfect.

MA's comments on the whole regular meeting mentioned the operation of the contest and the cooperation of the helpers, which was appreciated.

The awards were given to MM and KT for the best TT speech, KK for the best speech, and MS and KKS who were selected as representatives of Mishima in the evaluation contest.

About 10 minutes passed, but the 188th regular meeting was successfully closed.











The 187th Meeting on September 25th 2022

On the last meeting of the month of September, we had our meeting online again due to the COVID-19 spread concern.

With about 20 participants, we warmly welcomed 2 new members to join the big family, Toastmasters T and M from Taiwan.

After that, we had 1 Japanese speaker and 2 English Speakers and all of them as usual delivered exciting and inspiring speeches.

In addition, our president K kindly held a mini workshop about the fundamental tips for making a speech.

About the table topics and evaluation sessions, needless to say, the bread and butter of the meeting were essentially productive.

Next would be the very first-ever Evaluation contest in our club. Let's look forward to it!







1) KKさん「2022-2023 VPM プラン」 新人・役員視点で問題/解決を明確に提示したスピーチでした。

2) KKさん「でもやっぱり」 ユーモアスピーチながら骨太メッセージのあるスピーチでした。


1. あなたが携帯電話を選ぶ時のこだわりポイントや、おすすめの機能、アプリを教えてください。Y.Sさん


あなたがもしお月見イベントや食事のメニューを企画するとしたらどんなものを考えますか? K.Hさん

3つ目 9.11から21年。平和な世の中にするためには、多様性、異なる価値観を認め合うことが大切。今までの人生で、あなたの考え方に影響を与えた出来事や人物について教えてください。T.Hさん

English prepared speech

3) MC「The best way to learn Japanese」We were moved by the story of a Japanese song that her grandmother taught her.  It was a speech that inspired those who learn foreign languages.

English Table topic session

1. Where do you want to go this autumn (fall)? M. Y

2. Please tell me your episode related to the U.K. S.S

3. Which do you think is more popular, Peter Rabbit or Winnie the Pooh?  Y.K

The questions were related to the current season and recent news.

Best TTS: K.H

Best Evaluator: TC

Best Speaker: KK

The next meeting should be on September 25th. 






























Best TTM: M.Yさん

Best Evaluater: M.Cさん

Best Speaker: M.Sさん




[185th MisimaTMC meeting report] 28th August 2022


August is almost over. How was your summer this time?

Personally, I thought it would be a more free summer.

Today's meeting is also online in consideration of the infection COVID-19 pandemic.


The meeting was attended by 14 Mishima members and 4 guests, a total of 18 people. I had a blast today!

Because We got 2 new members.

Summer may be coming to an end, but Mishima is still hot!


Japanese speeches

①TM S.S "Watashi ga sunda machi" ←First Speech

TM S.S has lived on many bases in Japan and overseas.

He told us about his upbringing and how he joined Mishima, along with presentation materials.

It's straightforward to understand, and I look forward to the next work.


②TM M.S: “Kuimonono Urami ha Osoroshii”

Do you eat your favourite food at the beginning or later?

TM M.S says she "eat it later", and she explained eating it later's life is how hard with humour.


English speech

③TM T.S “Bibliobattele”

It seems a project to have a presentation battle about your favourite book is in motion!?

I'm looking forward to seeing what it will be like!


Table topics

Theme was based on Japanese "heart" and English "colour."


Best TTM: M.Y

Best Evaluator: M.C.

Best Speaker: M.S


The next meeting is on 11th September. 








準備スピーチは3本。日本語が本日メンバーとなったHさんの『自己紹介と目標について』です。初めてとは思えない落ち着いた語り口とまとめのインパクトが印象に残るアイスブレークでした。英語はBさんの『First time』とSさんの『Your communication is as planed?』です。お二人の経験談と相まって聞いている聴衆が鼓舞されるような温かみのあるスピーチでした。







本日の言葉はKさんの「遠慮なく/feel free to, do not hesitate to」。どの方もさり気なく今日の言葉を使っており、例会中たくさんの「遠慮なく」を聞きました。言葉の選択が絶妙でした。
















Because of the spread of COVID-19, the August meeting was an online meeting. It was a friendly meeting with 15 Mishima TMC members and 5 wonderful guests.


We welcomed one new member today. This was the first induction ceremony with new officers. Although there was some trouble with the proceedings, everyone agreed with the participation of TM-H, who is friendly, and the induction ceremony ended. 


We have three prepared speeches. The Japanese speaker, TM-H, gave a speech "Self-Introduction and Goals". It was a memorable ice-breaker with his calm speech and the impact of his summary, which was hard to believe that it was his first time. In the English session, there are two speakers.TM-B gave a speech "First time", and TM-S gave a speech "Your communication is as planned?". Their speeches are warm and inspire the audience with their rich experiences.


The table topic speaker was TM-M. The theme of the table topic was "praise and proud," which made it easy for the speaker to answer the questions and for the audience to enjoy. The speaker's thoughts about the good points of the toastmasters club and the good points of his/her town were conveyed even more.


TM-K, TM-M, and TM-S were today's evaluators. All of them gave a fantastic balance of good points and improvement points, and all of them gave speeches that can be fully utilized in making the next speeches.

The GE was TM-T. It was a very informative and comprehensive review, with detailed evaluations of what was good about each role while giving precise advice on time allocation, etc.


The word of today was "遠慮なく/feel free to, do not hesitate to" by TM-K. All participants used today's word casually, and I heard many "feel free to, do not hesitate to" during the meeting. The choice of words was excellent.


TM-M (TM guest), the grammarian, appreciated the compactness of the beautiful words. He also advised us on grammar and a more native way of speaking in English and provided a very informative report.


The ah-counter was TM-H. Even though it was his first time as an ah-counter, he did a great job explaining his role and ah-counting. I'm looking forward to him trying to play various roles in the future.


Thank you to TM-H for doing the timekeeper and TM-S for doing the tabulator.


The awards are as follows. Congratulations!

Best Evaluator: TM-M

Best TT: TM-M

Best Speaker: TM-B


The next meeting will be held on August 28. Let's keep up the good work in this hot summer!








準備スピーチは3本。日本語がIさんの『短くたっていいじゃない!』とSさんの『うん×3』、英語はMさんの『Challenge yourself, Fail without worrying』でした。どれも聴衆の共感を呼ぶ聞きごたえのあるスピーチでした。









The regular meeting on that day was a kick-off regular meeting after the new officer system was established.

This term is a hybrid system where you can participate both at the venue and online. On this day, 19 people participated in the venue, and four participated online, totalling 23 people. And, to my delight, it was a very lively meeting with the participation of as many as eight guests.

Mr. H was the TMOD, and at the same time, he was in charge of online equipment.

On this day, we had three preparatory speeches. Japanese were Mr. I's "It's okay to be short!" and Ms. S's "Un x 3". And the English was Ms. M's "Challenge yourself, Fail without worrying". All of them were audible speeches that resonated with the audience.

This time, we asked guests from other clubs for all the comments. 

GE was Ms. K in the Japanese session and Mr. B in English. 

TTM was Ms. S. With the theme of "summer", three Japanese and English themes were given.

Today's word was Ms. N's "Power". It was often used during regular meetings and derived from words such as "Powerful."

Ms. W (guest) was in charge of grammar.

The timekeeper did a great job posting time online and at the venue during the meeting.

Ah-counter was Ms. S, and Ms. K was a vote counter. Thank you for your hard work.

End the end, during the business session, two people announced their interest in obtaining Mishima TMC membership.




























The 182nd regular meeting was held with hybrid style under the blue sky at the end of the rainy season.

There were so many guest participants, TM YK who is the area director of new fiscal term, TM YS who is semi-regular member for our club & 4 guest observers.

4 observers are great success so that the seeds spread by former VPPR KK are now sprouting!!


We had two prepared speeches in Japanese.

New member TM KH spoke very calmly about "his background and his expectations for Toastmasters' activities”. That was great & I am looking forward to hearing his next speech!!

Next speaker TM YK spoke about her enthusiasm as the new president for this fiscal term along with her painful episode. Her speech summed up her anxiety about being the president from Abu Dhabi and her passion to support our club activities as the president in the words, "Mochitsu-motaretsu”.


TM KK & TM YK were evaluator for prepared speakers.

TM KK well analyzed TM KH’s advantages in a very logical manner.

TM YK clearly explained the importance of the "Ochi" message.

Both were excellent evaluation!!


There were six table topics, three in Japanese and three in English.

Thanks to Japanese TT Master AS's "bra-bra-bra is Good" series and English TT Master BB's "Summer" series, we were able to enjoy the table topics with the speakers' personalities through similar theme.


The helpers were as follows.

Despite double rolls, we had a great meeting supported by helper’s stable operation. Thank you very much.


Word of the Day: TM EM

Grammarian: TM RS

Timer: TM TKC

Vote Counter: TM EM & TM TKC

Ah Counter: TM HN


The awards are as follows. Congratulations!

Best Evaluator: TM KK

Best Table Topic Speaker: TM EM

Best Speaker: TM KH & TM YK


At the end of this meeting, installation ceremony of club officers was held. The ceremony was chaired by TM SH, former president with warm & humorous attitude. The seven members who will support the club activities in new fiscal term were introduced. We felt they are so reliable!!


6月26日 第181回三島TMC例会レポート






準備スピーチは1本。TKCさんに英語のスピーチで、タイトルは「Malaysian Fish Curry」。スライドで写真を効果的に使いながらおいしそうなマレーシアカレーの紹介がありました。TKCさんのスピーチへの論評はSHさんです。スピーチの優れている点をたくさんあげつつ、改善点として「どんな味なのかの説明があればもっとよかった」という指摘があり、そういえばそうだなと思いました。







This day's regular meeting was the last regular meeting of this term, and there was a "curry party" as a social gathering with gratitude to the officers of this term, there was an entrance ceremony for new members, and there was a new officer election. 

It was an on-site and online hybrid meeting as usual, but unlike usual, I borrowed "Mishima Mirai Kenkyusho" (because there is a kitchen ^^). We want to thank TM.TS, who is in charge of the venue, and everyone at the venue who supported the hybrid specifications in the unfamiliar venue.

The entrance ceremony was held at the beginning, and we welcomed TM. KH as the last new member of this term. TM.KH has a hobby of watching baseball games. I'm looking forward to the ice breaking speech.

After that, the meeting proceeded with the educational session with TM.MM's TMOD. There were many guests on this day, and veteran MM proceeded while carefully explaining the program so that the guests could understand.

Today's word was in charge of TM. N, "a word that expresses the taste of curry." The word "sweet" was often used during regular meetings.

One preparatory speech was an English speech by TM.TKC, titled "Malaysian Fish Curry". There was an introduction to Malaysian curry that looks delicious while using photos effectively on the slide. The evaluator on TKC's speech was TM.SH. While giving many good points in the speech, he pointed out that "it would have been better if there was an explanation of what the taste was like.

TM.RS was the TT master for the table topics session. There were 3 topics in Japanese and 2 topics in English. Themes were given from the actual situation, like the "curry" of the event of the day and the "future" of the venue name. The best TT award was TM KK.

The general evaluator was TM.MS, who made detailed and complete comments to the evaluator and helpers.

After the awards ceremony, the next term's officer election was held. The election was smoothly held with the progress of the election chairman TM.TS, and the officers for the next term were successfully elected.

We would like to thank all the officers for this term for supporting Mishima TMC for one year.

And Yoroshiku to all the officers of the coming new term!






今日のTMOD(総合司会)はAさんです。例会中に意識して使う言葉(今日の言葉)については、担当のMさんから、話の構成について考える機会を増やしたいとのことで「結局のところ」「まとめますと」、英語では”To sum up”, “Rapped up”,“Therefore”となりました。今日は変則的なスケジュールで、S.Tさんがファシリテーター役を務め、30分前後のパネルディスカッションを行いました。お題は「明日〇〇がいない」で、三島TMCの来期の重要な役員募集を呼び掛けるものでした。スピーチ、リーダー経験のある3人のパネラーへの質問やオンラインでの質問受付、聴衆とのやり取りなど多様な要素を含み、30分があっという間に感じられる見事なファシリテーションでした。客観的なデータに基づく、リーダーを引き受けるか否かの男女での考え方の違いや、



 続いて、テーブルトピックスです。Tさんが見やすいスライドを用意し、①買ってよかったもの、②バケットリスト(死ぬまでにやりたいことリスト100個から3つ紹介)③髪のカットのルーティーンについて、様々なエピソードを基に話が弾みました。 総合論評はMさんです。準備スピーチに対する論評は早朝のアブダビからYさん。Tさんのスピーチとファシリテーションについて、それぞれの良さについて的確に捉え、称揚する論評をしました。特にフ


 5分間の休憩を挟み、英語の部が始まりました。準備スピーチは1本で、S.Hさんによる‟What is Logo?”です。企業のロゴマークにはその会社の理念が凝縮されており、バーバリーが2018年にブランドのロゴを変更したことやその他のファッションブランドのロゴ、Googleやamazonのロゴの形の特徴などについてスライドを用意し、聴衆に問いかけながらスピーチを行いました。ロゴマークのフォントや形によって人々に与える印象を変える(visual illusion)こと、情報を得る手段が紙媒体のみだった時代から、インターネットなどに変化したことでシンプルで見やすいロゴに移行してきていることなど、なるほど、と共感する内容でした。


 英語のテーブルトピックスでは″an interesting episode of the dentist” “If you could be on a TV show, which one would you choose and why?” “Which decade do you love most and why?” の3つのお題に沿って話が盛り上がりました。









「なんとなく」から「なんとなく クリスタル」を連想してしまうのは、ある年代の方だけでしょうか。(笑)





















May 22, 2022

The 179th regular meeting

It was a lively meeting with 14 members and 1 guest.

Today's word is "somehow.

Is it only those in their Arneian age who associate "somehow" with "somehow crystal"? (Laughs)


Ms. N, who just joined this month, took on the challenge of finding useless words such as "uh" and "ah" in everyone's comments.

By actively participating in the role of the meeting, she will quickly become accustomed to it and will improve her speech.

Thank you, Ms. N!


2022年5月8日 178回例会









ベストスピーカー Nさん

ベストTT  Yさん

ベスト論評 Aさんでした。


The 178th meeting started on a summery day.

Today's guests were Mr. H of Company H, who has agreed to advertise Mishima TM, and Mr. HR, who visited for the third time.

Today's TMOD for the Japanese language session was A, and B was in charge of the English language session.

The Japanese speaker was TM N-san, who gave an ice-breaker speech about the good points of Japan that we Japanese don't notice, which was also the title of her speech, "Why I came to Japan. Although it went overtime, Ms. N's heartwarming speech taught us once again about the parts of Japan that we Japanese overlook and about courage, and we received an OK for the time with the Chairman's approval!

The English speaker was TM S-san. It was a delightful speech, and after explaining about the Destiny Number, from how he got interested in it to how to get the number, he asked everyone's number. 13 minutes was quite a bit over time, which was unfortunate, but he did a great job. Although it was a pity that the speech went over the time limit of 13 minutes, the speech successfully met the challenge of drawing in the audience.

The table topic was given by TM T-san, who focused on Golden Week and asked not only the members but also two guests to respond to the topic, which turned out to be a witty and enjoyable table topic. Finally, TM. TK-san, the general evaluator, gave a detailed summary of what everyone did well today, from evaluator to grammarian to timekeeper, making it a fulfilling day that everyone enjoyed and participated in.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. HR announced his membership, and we are looking forward to the next meeting even more!

Best Speaker: TM N-san

Best TT: TM Y-san

Best evaluator: TM A-san

2022年4月24日 第177回例会








もう1本は、SKさんによる久しぶりの英語スピーチ。タイトルは「Silk Road」。日本画の大家、平山画伯の描いたシルクロードについてふれられていました。SKさんらしいトピックです。論評のTさんは、わかりやすい表現で論評をまとめていました。







今日の言葉担当のKさん。「自信をもって」”Confidently” 多くのメンバーが使用しました。




ベスト論評:TM T

ベストTT: TM K

ベストスピーカー:TM SK &TM S





April 22, 2022 / The 177th Regular Meeting


The meeting was held on a warm spring day with 13 members and two guests.


First, the induction ceremony for a new member, TM N, was held. N's mother tongue is Chinese. It was the first time to hold an induction ceremony in a hybrid style and technical ingenuity was required, but the cooperation with the members in the venue went well. Our club is proud of its good teamwork. We look forward to her ice break speech in the next meeting.


Two preparatory speeches were made. One of them is a Japanese speech by SM, who will participate in the national convention in May. The title is "Crack, crack, crack". The state of mind experienced at work was expressed in a highly skillful and colorful manner, which invited the empathy of the audience. Let’s send her cheers!


The other is an English speech by TTMK for the first time in a long time. The title is "Silk Road". She touched upon the Silk Road drawn by Hirayama, the master of Japanese painting. The topic is so much like her. As an evaluator, TM. T summarized the commentary in easy-to-understand expressions.


TM. H was in charge of the Japanese table topics. TM. A, TM. K, and TM. T, a guest, shared fun stories about familiar topics such as Golden Week and vaccines.


TM. B was in charge of the English table topics. He asked elaborate topics such as "What was your favorite thing when you were a child and you are still continuing?" TM. H, TM. N and TM. M talked about their experiences.


TM T, a general evaluator, summarized the meeting with a stable talk as usual.

TM K, who is in charge of today's words. "Confidently" was used by many members.

Thanks to TM A in charge of timekeeping, TM AM in charge of grammar, TM M in charge of Ah-counter, and TM R in charge of vote counter with their roles playing properly, the meeting went smoothly. TM S, the chairman, also demonstrated strong leadership.



Best Evaluator: TM T

Best TT: TM K

Best Speaker: TM SK & TM S


With excellent teamwork, we could catch up with the schedule and finished the meeting on time.

2022年4月10日 第176回例会
































The 176th regular meeting was held with hybrid style in nice spring atmosphere. Our guest was YS, “semi-regular member of MISHIMA”. We are looking forward to welcoming you as regular member! lol


2 Japanese prepared speeches.

TM AS told us the message “Your challenges are never wasted” with her episode.

TM KK explained genetic effects are so strong, but “Nothing is hard to willing minds”.

Most members were highly motivated by their speech messages.


In evaluation session, TM SH introduced how TM AS makes persuasive speech by adding more episodes. TM MM gave us opportunity to look back how humorous TM KK speech with detailed analysis.

Both evaluation focused on speech objectives. Great evaluation!

TM HS & BB took a roll, GE as first experience. But that operation was so smooth and felt their great efforts in advance. Fantastic job and keep going!!


TT session had totally 8 speeches, 3 Japanese & 5 English.

Topics were so variety and we enjoyed. TM KM, thanks for your great operation despite my urgent & tough request.


Today’s word & grammarian: TM EM

Timer & VC: TM TKC

Ah Counter: TM YS

Thanks for your great job!!


Best Evaluator: TM SH

Best TT: TM HS & TM TS

Best Speaker: TM KK


2022年3月27日 第175回例会

























175th Meeting


As the warm spring has come, about 20 members including guests participated in the meeting.

Although there were only 2 prepared speeches both in English and Japanese,

the contents were full with surprise and very entertaining. 


Mdm. SM a former club members presented a humourous speech about"Pudding Incident in Narita"

that make a play in Japanese words.


Our active member from India Mr. BB did storytelling about his experience of missing a train ride 

back in India, and how he gained the interest in public speaking.


In Table Topics session, Topics master Mdm. ME prepared the questions that suited well with the spring session,

and audiences seemed to enjoy mesmerizing the good spring memories.


Not to forget the General Evaluator of the day Ms. KY,

she did excellent job with pointing out what were good and what were needed to improve the meeting quality.


Lastly, we also had 2 visiting guests and both decided to join us as new member!


Thanks for reading and see you next time!












英語スピーチはHSさんの「my first mentor」










2022年2月13日㈰ 第172回例会


(English after Japanese)

























Last time it was an in-house contest, so it's been a long time since we had a regular meeting. It was held in 1 hour in Japanese and 1 hour in English by hybrid from the venue and online. (with 1 visitor)

This time, a big change in the meeting role of the members occurred just before, but the members adapted the change immediately to start the meeting on time, so I felt that Mishima TMC became matured and stronger as the result of 6 years anniversary this month.

Also, all the first helper introductions added humor and arrangements in their own words, creating a very good atmosphere at the beginning of the regular meeting.


Two speeches in the Japanese session.

・ TM. KK (pathways assignment speech) ・ ・ ・ She talked with plenty of humor about the episode that she had a hard time communicating with the professor while studying at university. In particular, it was wonderful to have a positive episode that makes the best use of KK's unyielding enthusiasm and hardships in the future.

・ TM. TS (contest practice) ・ ・ ・ The gap between the gesture that was shaken off, which is one of TS's strengths, and the message that tightens at the end was very noticeable (details are omitted because it is for the contest).

Visitors also participated in the Japanese table topics, and TM. AS, the table topic master, did a wonderful job.

As for the commentary, TM. TS, a pinch hitter, gave warm feedback to TM. KK. We gave feedback to TM.TK, who is scheduled for the contest, while discussing with volunteer members.


Two speeches in the English session

・ TM.TH (contest practice) ・ ・ ・ Speech with a very humorous perspective. It was a special experience abroad and it was exciting with a speech that invited laughter (details are omitted because it is for the contest)

・ TM. (contest practice) ・ ・ ・ I enjoyed the speech with a lot of warm laughter that conveys EM's personality well (details are omitted because it is for the contest).

Feedback from volunteers to the Contestant in English commentary. Everyone analyzed the position of the camera and how to use facial expressions, and it became a very meaningful part other than the constant. The feedback with English conversation was also very fresh.


The result of the regular meeting

・ Best table topics: Visitor H

(Others have no awards)


It was a fruitful meeting with lots of learning from regular meetings and practice for the contest.

Next time, we will have an area contest online on 2/26 ㈯ as a regular meeting. Visits are also possible, so please contact us if you are interested.


2022年1月23日㈰ 第171回例会


(English after Japanese)




















This regular meeting was an annual presentation: an in-house contest was held online.

This project was held every year with club members, which is a big event that club members do everything from preparation to management and participation.

This time, TM.M.S was in charge of the major role, committee chairman, and she prepared a lot during the busy days wih studying at her school.


There were 4 types of contests.

・ Japanese humorous speech: 2 participants (K.K, T.S)

・ Japanese speech: 1 participant (T.S.)

・ English humorous speech: 2 participants (K.H, E.M)

・ International English speech: 2 participants (B.B, T.S)

It was using the contest resources of the US headquarters.

Although it was the first time in Mishima to hold four contests in one day, everything went smoothly with the full preparation of the management team and the cooperation of the members.


Contestants will be able to safely participate in the area contest held on February 26th!! Congratulations♪

Unfortunately,I can't introduce the contents of the speeches because the contestants are preparing for the area contest, but everyone performed very well with colorful and enjoyable episodes.


The members who were hesitate very much at the time of joining in Japanese or English, grew up now as they join the contest and give speeches with full of confidence as the result of our regular activities.

February 26th is an area contest (a joint contest of 4 neighboring clubs)! Let's look forward to the success of all the participants.


















TMOD for the English session is TM B

Moving to the prepared speech, the first and only speaker was TM Mu. She gave a speech about the Power of changing the perspective. She gave a powerful message that unfortunate things can happen to anyone; just the perspective matters. We can take positive or negative things from any experience. 

After the prepared speech session, the impromptu speech session, i.e., table topic master, was held. The theme of the table topic was based on the people who were born in the year of Tiger. Today’s TTM was TM T.  He asked questions that were quite interesting and inciteful. 

Next, we had an evaluation session guided by the general evaluator of the day TM Mi. The first evaluator was TM Tko S. She was evaluated TM Mu speech. She gave a very compressive emulation focusing on some excellent points, which enabled her to provide a perfect speech. She also gave one suggestion to her, which will help make her speech better for the next meeting. 

Next, the general evaluator TM Mi gave her evaluation about today’s meeting. She complimented all role takers in making today’s meeting successful. She also gave a few suggestions that will help everyone improve more.

Next, we had an award session

Best Speaker: TM Mu

Best Evaluator: TM Tko S

Best TT: TM Tki S

The meeting ended with comments from guest who said he enjoyed the meeting and is looking further for future meeting.


















「What do you like to do in New year holiday?」


③テーブルトピックス ~特別編~ 「今年の漢字」





次回:2022年1月9日 10:00~










英語スピーチは、HMさんによる“How to remember our memory”でした。






































今日の言葉:THさん 「エピソード」






●日本語スピーチ KKさん「論評をマインドマップでやってみた」





おまけに幸福になるための8つの条件を出していただきました。①住む場所 ②仕事・キャリア ③家族・人間関係 ④社会的貢献 ⑤健康面・身体 ⑥趣味・遊び ⑦Mind ⑧Spirit


●テーブルトピックマスター HSさん

〇初めての○○のエピソードを話してください 回答者:ゲストJMさん



〇あなたの忘れ物に関わる思い出を教えてください 回答者:MAさん




〇スティーブ・スピルバーグ監督が映画を撮りたいときたら、あなたはどんな映画を撮ってもらいますか 回答者:THさん



●論評 KKさんの論評者 ASさん



●ミニワークショップ「想像力発揮」 EMさん




●総合論評者 TQさん



167th Meeting report for Nov. 28, 2021


In the prepared speech session, TM H made a speech on “The world of episodes”, describing his inner world connecting with the outer world with episodes as an essential tool. 


In the Table Topic session, TM HS served as TTM for the first time. Her first choice of speaker was her mother who faced an English table topic speaker for the first time as well. Congratulations! Both did a good job! 


TM A evaluated the prepared speech and gave TM H specific suggestions to fully achieve the speech project of persuasive speech.


The best speaker award went to TM K.

The best evaluator award went to TM SA.

The best table topic speaker award went to TM M and TM A.

















































































The 165th regular meeting was held with hybrid style and 3 members joined the meeting onsite. It was test session for starting the hybrid from December.

Due to the COVID-19, online communications are major now. I had some concern to the onsite operation, but “take a step” was my slogan at the meeting and tried to learn from any failures as TMOD.


There were 2 prepared speech in Japanese session. TM TKC picked up membership fee as topic and we learned many communication style through his episodes. TM AS also picked up theme relating TMC, mentoring. We felt that she is sincerely facing to her mentor.


In the table topics, TM TH asked his deep questions of life to the members. It seemed hard but all speakers answered with their experiences. Great work!! His issues should be solved.


We had 2 evaluators, TM SH and TM ST.

TM SH gave many suggestions to TM TKC who is very experienced speaker. We understood that TM SH politely and seriously heard his speech. TM ST made her evaluation with no speaker’s script. It was her first challenge, but deliver the great evaluation. She got along with TM AS’s speech. Hope she will prepare any evaluation without speaker’s script.


English session had 1 prepared speech by TM BB. His speech was so unique and made the comparison between forging a Katana and improving communication skill. He informed many common things.


Table topics in English was organized by TM SH. He asked activities in Autumn season. We shared how our fellow members enjoyed.


TM EM evaluated TM BB’s speech. Her suggestion was so simple and direct how he effectively deliver his energetic message.


There were so long time gap before preparing the onsite operation. But it seemed that we felt groovy atmosphere both onsite and online.

We need some improvement for future meeting but it should be our one more step.





参加数 :計14名(三島12 ゲスト2)


















参加数 :計26名(三島14、小田原10、ゲスト2)












1. CAさん「コロナの中のいいこと」



2. KSさん「人の見る目が変わった」



3. KHさん「魂の泉の世界」



4. MIさん「クローゼット」










Sep. 26 Meeting Report


The Annual Mishima-Odawara Joint Meeting was held online from 10:00 to 12:00 on Sep. 26, 2021. There was a change in the role of TMOD just before the meeting, but the TMOD who act as a substitute carried out the duty smoothly.



All the members introduced themselves talking about “My recent good news”, “My strength”, or “My ambition today”. We had an enjoyable session to get to know each other.


Prepared Speech 

1.       “Good thing in the pandemic” by CA

The speaker could look into himself in a relationship with his Japanese friends under the pandemic and remembered his initial determination which motivated him to self-learn the Japanese language. His Japanese speech surely demonstrated his achievement in his Japanese study.


2.       “The way people look me has changed.” by KS

Recently, athletic meetings at schools are often canceled, but they are good opportunities for children with low grades to show their good physical performance and gain confidence. He wants those events to be held because that experience will definitely work positively in their subsequent life. 


3.       “The world of springs of one’s soul” by KH

The speaker adopted a new method of asking the audience to close their eyes while listening to him. He said that the worst events will eventually be transformed into a fruitful environment and can be taken as a spice in life. He showed his positive way of life.


4.       “Closet” by MI

As a child, she used to play hide-and-seek and hid in a closet where she felt comfortable without knowing why. Later she knew it was because the closet carried the smell of her bereaved father. It was a beautiful story and we could easily imagine the scenery. Her speech was awarded “the Best Prepared Speech”. 


Table Topics

With “Fun” as a theme, topics were given about smiles and laughter. 

The Best Table Topics went to TS who talked about his experience of diving into a river like a child with his eyes shining like stars for the topic “When do you make the best smile?”



Each evaluation was done for the speaker of the other club. Best Evaluator was given to MM who had provided a list to explain speech structure in evaluation.


Collaborating with another club is refreshing and exciting. Let’s look forward to the next joint meeting!

















162nd Meeting (Online), September 12th 2021


We had 3 guests, 2 from Taiwan and 1 from Dalian, China who visited for the first time. Regardless of some unfamiliar faces, all speakers and evaluators did a splendid job presenting the speeches with passion.  


1st Japanese speaker Toastmaster RS talked about her unfortunate experiences for the past year including the COVID-19 and how she overcame them with the positive vibes.


2nd Japanese speaker Toastmaster ST shared about the importance of time management be it in work or daily life. The tips mentioned are something worth getting to know and practice. Toastmaster MS took the Best evaluator while evaluating this speech. With precise and well analyzed evaluating points presented in a neat PowerPoint tool, she deserved the recognition.


3rd English speaker Toastmaster HS took the Best speaker of the meeting by talking about her very own communication style. By using famous TV personality Tamori as an example, she clearly analyzed how she communicates with the people surrounding her and what she has to do to further improve her communication skills.


Lastly, the bilingual table topics session was no less content packed, and the Best Table Topics speaker went to Toastmaster CA who interestingly talked about where he would love to live if he has plenty of cash to spend.


Next meeting on September 26th would be the annual joint meeting with the Odawara Club. See you!


第161回 通常例会レポート











■本日の言葉 K・Kさん

K・Kさんより、「日に日に(day by day)」をいただきました。
























































English Session


■prepared speech


There were 2 prepared speeches.

The first speech was presented by T.M Y.K.


Speech title is “Nobudou”.

Nobudou is wild grape in Japanese.

She explained “Nobudou” academically, sensuously, with photographs.

The scientifical name of wild grape in Eastern Asia and the Oceania is Anpelopsis Glandulosa.


And the wild grapes are edible(eatable) or not.  


To eat wild grapes(edible) is very good for health.

It boosts human’s immune system.

Also good for blood circulation, effective for anti-aging.


I love wild plants, so I made my ears bigger when hearing the speech.


The Second speech was by T.M. K.M.

Speech title was “気は心”.


He spoke about the letters and art.

In Japan, we invite customers by beautiful words with emotion.

It is a small gift to others.

It related to the letters and arts.

He talked about letters, then spread his speech to the Lowbrow art.

Art is also gift for others.

Many of the arts and letters include some kind of good emotion, small gift for others.

There were many arts pictures on his presentation, I wanted to gaze at those with enough time.


■Table Topic Session

1. What was your favorite subject in school?


TM M.A answered that question.

She loved sports and did better than male classmates, but now she love science more than sports.

Because she is studying chemistry and biology now.


2. What class did you not like?


TM K.K answered this.

She didn’t like chemistry.


3.What was your favorite teacher like?

TM S.H spoke about the memory of the elementary school class teacher.

She was young and beautiful.


■Evaluation Session

TM K・T, TM T・S presented evaluation speeches.


■Award Presentations

Best Table Topic Speaker TM T・I,  TM M・S,  TM Y・K

Best Evaluator TM T・S           Best Evaluator and Best Speaker is a different person.

Best Speaker TM T・S


■Business Session

There was a suggestion from the President, we need to keep meeting online or not under this situation.

第160回 通常例会レポート























タイトル:『The word of “Traveling”』 Focus on the positive aspects.







英語TTは”Summer Time”, ” What sport do you want to watch live?”, ”The story about festivals”, ” The story about insects”





















The 160th regular meeting report

Sunday, August 8, 2021

ZOOM Online


Today's regular meeting was held with 11 members, including one guest from another club and 10 Mishima members.

While the number of attendees and speeches was low due to the middle of the summer vacation, we were able to enjoy everyone's short speeches in a full table topic session.


■TMOD (Moderator)



■Words of the Day


"Cheerfully" (Japanese) and "Cheerfully" (English)

In the midst of extreme heat, we tend to spend our time lazily. But "Cheerfully" is important to have a good time, isn't it? Thank you for the good words.



TM. QT (Japanese) 

Title: "Hurry Up and Get Around" Presentation Proficiency (Increasing Knowledge) Persuasive Speaking

This speech is about how to get through life by quoting the proverb "Hurry up and get around" and "Life is a road - the near road is a bad road".

The analogy with the train at the beginning of the speech was very interesting, with the expression, "Are you a train? I would also like to know the technique to reflect myself in the shared screen.


TM.TH (English)

Title: "The word of "Traveling"" Focus on the positive aspects.

It was a powerful speech, which I couldn't imagine from his usual calm tone.

It was easy to understand the growth from the world of the book to the real experience and the walk with the counseling, and the dominant hand could feel the emotions.


■Table Topics


Japanese TT: "Memories of summer vacation," "Sports experiences," "Things that have ended," "New encounters," "Episodes about the weather

English TT: "Summer Time", "What sport do you want to watch live?", "The story about The story about insects", "The story about festivals", "The story about insects"

It was a summery topic! 



General Evaluator: TM. CA

As a veteran of TMC in his home country, he was able to give not only a general overview but also detailed consideration. The comments to the reviewers were also easy to understand.


The commentators for the individual speeches were KM and SH.

I think it's important to note that the speeches are not just about listening to the speeches.

The speeches were not only listened to, but also reproduced in the commentary and interpreted by others, which made the speeches more powerful.

I was reminded that commentary is not just for speakers.



Best Speech Award: TM.TH

Best Table Topics Speech Award: TM. YS

Best Commentary Award: TM. BB


*In the business session, it was shown that you can email your desired role to the education staff and make a proposal.

It was also reminded that the joint meeting with Odawara TMC will be held on September 26.

第159回 通常例会レポート






















タイトル:『Contribute your bit in saving the planet』Persuasive Speaking




タイトル:『A thorn in my side.(目の上のたんこぶ)』Connect with Storytelling






英語TTは”Your favorite ice cream”, “If Japanese summer vacation has 3 months long”, “What do you do to make the rest of summer great?”, “What is something new in this summer?”

















159th regular meeting report

Sunday, July 25, 2021

ZOOM online


Today's regular meeting was lively online with 16 people, 3 guests from other clubs and 13 members from Mishima. Two speeches by a guest of speech were also made, and everyone was looking forward to today.


■ TMOD (moderator)


It was a calm transport that I couldn't think of as the first TMOD. I proceeded with just enough warm words. The smile was also good.


■ Today's words


"Pleasant" (Japanese) "Pleasant" (English)

Introducing Japanese and English on slides. It was visually well input. During the regular meeting, multiple people were used in both Japanese and English. In the helper report, Mr. QT also explained the difference between the similar words "comfortable" and "pleasant".


■ Speech

TM TJ (Japanese)

Title: "Yabai! Pirated Video and Camera"  Commentary and Feedback (Second Speech)

It was an excellent speech that conveys a message firmly with humor. The personality was also oozing out. It was really interesting.


TM BB (English)

Title: "Contribute your bit in saving the planet"  Persuasive Speaking

He explained the current situation, challenges, and what we should do about the global environmental problems that erode the planet in an easy-to-understand manner. A sincere narrative tone fits well with the theme. I think it was devised to speak English that is easy for Japanese people to understand.


TM MY (English)

Title: " A thorn in my side. (目の上のたんこぶ) "  Connect with Storytelling

It was a great storytelling. I think that it was a great learning experience for people who are not good at humor speech (for example, I) because humor was brought out by making full use of not only the expression of words but also gestures, how to distribute eyes, and voice. At the end, the theme in the title " thorn in my side " was transformed as a message. 


■ Table Topic


Japanese TT is "Do you go to the sea?" "What is your favorite fish?" "The most comfortable sea" "Expectations for the Olympics" "Which competition would you like to be an Olympic athlete?"

English TT is “Your favorite ice cream”, “If Japanese summer vacation has 3 months long”, “What do you do to make the rest of summer great?”, “What is something new in this summer?”

It was a good topic for this time of year!


■ Evaluation

General Evaluator: TM AM

The delivery was familiar and calm in both Japanese and English sessions. The evaluation to the evaluators was also perfect. It was also good that she expressed her impressions in her own words. 


The evaluator on the individual speeches was TM SM, TM ST, and TM ME. All the commentators did very good high-leveled job. I believe each speaker was inspired by the good points in the right words and the heartfelt compliments. The points to be improved were also concrete, and the audience could learn from that.


■ Awards

Best Speech Award: TM MY

Best Table Topics Speech Award: TM WK

Best Evaluation speech Award: TM ST


* In the business session, it was decided to hold a regular meeting online until the end of September. In addition, it was reminded that a joint meeting with Odawara TMC will be held on September 26th.


第158回 通常例会レポート









今日は、1年に1度の、クラブ役員就任式(クラブ運営にたずさわるメンバーが入れ替わる)を伴う例会でした。レギュラーメンバー18名と、他クラブゲスト2名の合計20名、普段より多い人が集まりましたよ(^^) 他クラブゲストの方、ありがとうございました!



























Today was a regular meeting with a “club officer inauguration ceremony “once a year. A total of 20 people, 18 regular members and 2 other club guests, gathered more than usual (^^) Thank you to the other club guests!

And today, in order to improve the output ability, everyone challenged without worrying about mistakes.


■ TMOD (moderator)

Mishima TMC member M 


■ Today's words

Mr. S, who served as chairman for the past year, chose the word "exciting". This year, under the slogan of "excitement is the driving force," we have been working together with the idea of valuing each person's motivation. Today, which concludes, we had a regular meeting, remembering the keyword.


■ Japanese speech

Mishima TMC member C (American), who lives in California, gave a Japanese speech under the title of "University Experience".

It was a speech that everyone listened to, such as about himself changing his interest in accounting from IT, and humorously introducing loose student life episodes of American college.


Mr. S-oka, who has been a member for more than a year, gave a speech on the theme of improving body language technology this time. The speech title is "power water".

Under Corona, the number of students in her “Tole painting art school was decrease. Then she received strong backup from the school manager who had thought cold-hearted person. It was an important theme of "surviving adversity with the help of people."


■ Table topic

Mr. B, who has moved from India to Japan, served as today's table topic master. He prepared about 3 topics each in Japanese and English (6 in total)!

It is probably the first time for Mr. B to challenge a facilitation task in Japanese. 

He succeeded in his first challenge by devising ways such as writing a speech theme in chat.


■ evaluation

The general commentary is TM. ST, her evaluation touched on the performance of almost all the participants of the meeting.

TM. A and TM. T each gave a deep evaluation that touched on both praise and points for improvement.


Thank you to all the executives for 2020-2021. Good luck to all new officers!
































A.Sさん T.Cさんに対して

K.Mさん T.Iさんに対して

S.Hさん T.Hさんに対して






・E.Mさん「Find a Local Treasure」







・M.Mさん H.Sさんに対して

・T.Sさん E.Mさんに対して












~English version~


Mishima Toastmasters Meeting Report

June 27, 2021


This is the 157th meeting report and is written by M.A., who served as TMOD (moderator)! 

This time we were able to welcome four visitors and one guest from another club. Thank you very much!

Today's meeting was the last meeting of this term. I would like to thank those who have served as officers for their hard work.



The word of the day is "Refreshing" by TM S.T. It is a wonderful word that reminds us of the coming of summer.


★Japanese session


・TM T.C "Records rather than memories”

TM T.C.'s cute episode about her mother was very impressive. The way of taking notes to support memory is really important to improve performance, isn't it?


・TM T.I. "I.B”

I was impressed by his ability to give a humorous speech with catchy phrases about the various thoughts and feelings in his heart. It was a good speech. I want to hear his speech again.


・TM T.H. "The World of Counseling”

It was good to hear his speech about how he faces himself every day. I'd like to hear more about it.


◯Table Topics

TM K.K. was the master of the table topics. She is always a steady moderator with timely and exciting topics!

・TM C.A "What do you want to do during your summer vacation?

・TM T.S "What is the best food for the summer solstice in Shizuoka Prefecture?”

・TM U (guest from another club) "Please recommend your favorite ochazuke to everyone.”


◯Evaluation session

TM M.S. gave the general evaluation, and I was really happy when she praised me, which motivated me a lot!

・TM A.S. to TM T.C.

・TM K.M. to TM T.I.

・TM S.H. to TM T.H.


★English Session


・TM H.S. "Try”

Thank you for your first speech in English. I would like to try a lot of things, too.

・TM E.M. "Find a Local Treasure”

If you live in Mishima, you can't miss microtourism! I was reminded of how wonderful this place really is.


◯Table Topics

TM O.T. "What would you like to eat while drinking beer?”


◯Evaluation session

・TM M.M. to TM H.S.

・TM T.S. to TM E.M.


◯The winners of the Award!

・Best table topics: TM U (guest from another club)

・Best Commentary: TM K.M., TM S.H., TM T.S. (3 winners!)

・Best Speaker: TM E.M




We managed to finish the last regular meeting of this term, although the moderator was a little unsteady. As we started this term on the Covid situation, there were many meetings held online. Therefore, I had few opportunities to see club members in person. Even so, I was happy to be involved in this club and always looked forward to the twice-monthly meetings no matter how busy and tired I was.

Thank you very much for supporting this club.

Let's do our best to help each other from now on!!



会員15名+ゲスト2名 計17名にて開催













3.M.S.さんの「人には教えたくない上達シリーズ 英語の発音をよくする方法」(日)



4.T.S.さんの「Magical Solution」(英)

  販売員が「マジソル」という不思議な商品を宣伝する傍ら、自らの経験を話すという斬新な設定。この商品の正体は「睡眠」- 無意識下でも脳は活動しているのです。このアイデアも寝ている間に思いついたそうです。




















June 13, 2021 (Sun), 156th Meeting Report

Attendance     :Total 17 attendees (15members and 2 guests)

Meeting Theme : Rainy Season

Word of the Day: Fruitful


The meeting was conducted with all presenters using visual aids and having overseas guest, making full use of online meeting.


◆Prepared Speech

1.”Journey of Japanese Language” by C.A. Japanese

    He talked about what path a non-Japanese takes to learn Japanese language and its difficult points based on his own experience. He brought a new point of view to us who do not have an experience to learn the language as a native Japanese speaker.  It was a pity that the speech was disqualified for exceeding time.


2.” Summer Intensive Course (1 credit) Guidance”  by O.T.  (Japanese)

           His presentation was conducted in a lecture style likening the members to students with a theme of the situation of Covid-19. The contents were full of expertise. At the end, he asked the audience to contact him for more details. Some of them may have recalled bitter memories back in those days.


3.“Advance Series that you don’t want to tell anyone/ How to improve English pronunciation” by M.S. (Japanese)

    Her presentation was practical in showing how to correct pronunciation that Japanese are not good at, high degree of perfection of recent AI by comparing with human’s pronunciation, etc. She grabbed the audience at the very start of the presentation.


4.”Magical Solution” by T.S. (English)

           He crafted an innovative setting, He talked about his experience while a sales person promoted a mysterious product “Magisol”.  The product was revealed as “Sleep”.  Our brain is active even in an unconscious state. He came up with this idea while sleeping.


◆Table Topics

Table Topic Maser by A.S.Japanese

She provided current issues that she is nowadays anxious s of as topics: “If the Olympics

should be held or not?”, “If the linear motorcar construction should be proceeded or not?”

Seemed to be difficult topics, but S.T. and K,H. put their opinions in their speeches,


Table Topic Master by C.A.English

He provided topics in line with “Rainy Season”, the meeting theme. Topics are: “What do you

do to prepare for rainy season?, “What do you want to do in rainy season?”, and “What

would be like if Japan doesn’t have rainy season?” M.M., R.S. and H.S. responded with impromptu speeches.



Best Prepared SpeechT.S.

Best Table Topic SpeechM.M.

Best EvaluatorK.C.T.


The next meeting is scheduled on Sunday, June 26th. This will be the last meeting with

the current leaders. See you soon!






計時係はASさん。背景を変える丁寧な計時に加え、文法係とのダブルロールまでm(_ _)m









どれも聞き応えのある内容でしたが、ベストスピーカーはEMさんが初受賞!! めでたい!!













Our 155th regular meeting had longer English session than usual.

It's very rare but great for Mishima TMC as bilingual.


TKC was TMOD and organized well the meeting even he ate breakfast.

Word of the Day was "E-moi" and we felt great talent to MS's choice.

We appreciated well to AS's stable operation with double roll, timer & grammarian.

RS operated Ah counter as first time. It seemed great opportunity to reconfirm the importance of this roll.

HS was Vote Counter and prepared well. All speaker for voting was send in chat.


In Japanese session we didn't have any prepared speaker and started from TI's table topics session and finished TI's general evaluation session.

It was looked only place for TI and we wholly enjoyed TI's entertainment & TT (D76 contest, annual activity, future view for club & division).


We had 4 prepared speeches, TS's web shopping channel, MA's contest speech translated from JP to EN, EM's shining hero and BBB's great mentor.

All speeches were great and well prepared. Best Prepared Speaker was EM and we were wholly impressed EM's hero who help and show warm heart.


TT in English session had two informative speeches, education method by English teacher and how to welcome the rainy season (w celebrating MA's Birthday).

Best Table Topic Speaker was HS who talk about our club future in Japanese. We are looking forward to seeing your officer's activities and English speeches.


According to prepared speech's order KK, OT, MS and CA showed their evaluation. All evaluation were great and focused on both excellence and next challenge to improve.

Best Evaluator was CA mentioned how to use vocal variety and body action for effectively delivering to audiences.


This meeting was so nice and all members showed confidence and stable operations. Cheers for our club future!!


Reported by TS.

【2021/05/09(日)第154回 例会レポート】
会員16名&ゲスト1名 計17名にて開催



アブダビ赴任後、5に関連した(ex:食器や靴の所持数が5つ,5kg痩せた.. etc)



Best TTM : M.Mさん
Best 論評者 : Tさん
Best Evaluater : M.Sさん


【2021/05/09(日)154th Meeting report】
17 paticipant (16 members , 1 guest)
First half: Regular meeting
Second half: Next exective election

How was GW, everyone?
The participants from overseas and from other prefectures ,outside in Japan today,
Online meetings eventually get used to.

A.S carry out TMOD  first time. It's amazing!!
Because Controling is smoothly, It`s not seem like a first time.

◆ 「1 minute speech」
① Y.K (English)
After moving to Abu Dhabi, speached to related to 5 (ex: I have 5 dishes and shoes, I lost 5 kg .. etc)
Introducing miracle happening. Speech with humor by English
② C.A (Japanese)
speech for Mother's Day, And gratitude for our mother.

◆ Preparation speech
① M.S. "DCP point (Japanese)"
Easy to understanding explanation of Toastmasters DCP using PowerPoint
A speech that is made possible by sharing information.
② K.S "Reading (English)"
Introduction hobby`s book  (If it`s mistake, appologize).
It happened internet troubles, but we are glad we could see your face from long time.

◆ Table Topics Master
It was exciting with various difficulty themes.

◆ Result
Best TTM: M.M.
Best Commentator: T
Best Evaluater: M.S.

Second half: Next exective election
Let's make a Mishima TMC together next term as well!!


今日の言葉は4月にピッタリな「芽生え」 でした。



① 「アイスブレーカー」 CAさん



② 「マーケティング」 STさん



③ 「分からないけど、スルーしていたこと ~焼肉のメニュー編~」 SHさん



④ 「Is the Moon Bigger at Somewhere?」 TKさん




1.    この春変わったことは?

2.    習慣化していることは?

3.    お勧めの商品を紹介して下さい。

4.    What season do you like?

5.    Do you have any plans for Golden Week?






153th Meeting Report

Today’s word is “awaking” which best suit to April.

We had three Japanese speeches and one English speech.


1) “Icebreaker”  TM. CA

TM. CA joined Mishima TMC today from the U.S., and it was his first speech in Japanese. He talked about why he was interested in Japan, future goals etc. Welcome to Mishima TMC! Let’s study public speaking together.


2) “Marketing” TM. SeT

She explained how marketing is important by comparing Van Gogh with Picasso. Not only products, we need to improve our marketing skills to increase your value.


3) “The things you don’t know but ignored – yakiniku menu –“ TM. SH

He introduced meat part by using visual aide with humor. Let’s eat meat by the order of less fat “Taro-hakahoru” (tongue, loin, harami, karubi, offal).


④ “Is the Moon Bigger at Somewhere?” TM. TK

From the metaphor “Is the moon bigger at somewhere? (the grass is always greener on the other side)”, he delivered message to choose the place you fit rather than comparing with others.


Table topics

1.    What change do you have in this spring?

2.    What habit do you have?

3.    Please introduce your recommended product.

4.    What season do you like?

5.    Do you have any plans for Golden Week?


Best table topics: SaTさん

Best evaluator: TSさん

Best speaker: SeTさん




今日の言葉、「かけがえのない」”Irreplaceable, Invaluable”の時を参加者全員で共有でき、その効果あって、例会中もたくさん使われていました。



さんの “It’s a small world.“

さんの “The world of Trial and Error”



1.      What are you shopping or doing on line?
2.      What is your way to relax?
3.      What is your favorite sport?




ベストスピーカー NHさん
ベスト論評 MIさん
ベストTT OTさん


The online meeting was held on Sunday, April 11 with 12 members and 5 guests. The online meeting was held with 12 members and 5 guests.


Today's TMOD: was YK.

He was in charge of today's TMOD from Abu Dhabi, where there is a 5-hour time difference, with the moment of dawn in Abu Dhabi in the background.


The word of the day, "Irreplaceable, Invaluable," was shared by all the participants and was used a lot during the meeting.



The Japanese speech was given by NH, the second place winner of the Division I contest.


This is the therapy that I went through when I got sick, probably because I didn't express my feelings out loud because I was worried about the people around me. It was there that she learned the importance of feeling her own feelings, and that communicating her feelings to others would lead to taking care of herself.

I personally love stories with happy endings because they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.



There were two speeches in English.


E.M.'s "It's a small world.

Despite the fact that sumo is an irreplaceable national sport, I was not very interested in the world of sumo, but "seeing is believing," I became interested after watching a morning practice session, and she presented the knowledge she gained along with easy-to-understand materials. The story of sumo, the national sport of Japan, made me realize and feel familiar with it again. I am sure that more members will be interested in watching the summer tournament.


T.H.'s "The world of Trial and Error".

Mr. T.H. shared his experience of overcoming his weaknesses and emphasized the importance of the spirit of challenge. It was a positive speech that emphasized the importance of the spirit of challenge.


The TTM was given by Mr. R.S. in both Japanese and English.

The questions were related to spring, the season of cherry blossoms when the new year begins. 1.


What was your new challenge in spring?

Please introduce yourself in a memorable way. 3.

What is your favorite spot for cherry blossom viewing?

What is the story behind your lunch box?

Where would you like to go abroad when you finish Corona?


What are you shopping or doing on line?

2. what is your way to relax?

3. what is your favorite sport?



The general commentator was MA, who had a lovely smile.

She was watching the meeting very carefully and gave an accurate review.


There were three speeches to be reviewed.

Everyone listened and watched the speeches very carefully, and gave useful feedback to the speakers.

I realized once again that high quality critiques help speakers to grow.


Ms. MS gave her comments on Mr. NH.

Ms. MI commented on Mr. ET

The reviewer for TH was Mr. KK.


Today's award winners are as follows. Congratulations!

Best Speaker: Mr. NH

Best Commentary by MI

Best TT OT



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


T M O DMさん








Sさん、皆さんはT Mで初めてスピーチしたことを覚えていますか?最初のスピーチで第一歩をあゆみ出しました。3年後Sさんの人前でのスピーチが決まり、憂鬱な気持ちを解決するためT Mへの参加を決めました。しかし、入会後もさまざまな問題が立ちはだかりその度に、T Mメンバーによる助言や励ましを受け少しづつ問題を解決していきます。さらに、スピーチを進めて失敗談や経験談を基にスピーチを作成しSさんは力をつけていきました。そして、当初の問題であった人前でのスピーチも無事成功させることができました。














Kさんの思い出深いこと:人前での上手に話せず就職面接が通らなかったが、T M



S Rさん何にお金を使ってきましたか:世界中を旅行して、海外を実際にみて感じることが大切とのことでした。





総合論評:S Tさん

S Mさん:話の構成がわかりやすい、声の良さが人を惹きつけるもの。人間関係と星をもう少し上手に繋げるには?星をおりこんでいくと良くなるのでは?と具体的なアドバイスがためになりました。またオンライン特有の問題についてのアドバイスがありました。




K Kさん:スピーチタイトルの変更がとても良かった。一瞬わからないタイトルが人を惹きつけるものでした。発声が分かりやすく聞き取りやすく、アイコンタクトを上手に使用していた。時系列の構成や映画の使い方が人を魅了していた。改善点として、早口になりやすい点や結論がボケてしまっていた。







T M O D : Mr. M


Quote of the Day: Memorable...it felt like the end of the year.


No matter how hard it is

Have you ever struggled with a relationship? Have you ever been worried about your future? No matter how much I worry, I can see the stars! 25 years ago, I screwed up my life, and it happened in Panama! She harassed her secretary, Marta, and Marta tried to poison Mr. N to death. After that, time passed, and at Mr. N's 6th anniversary party, his colleague Mitch gave a wonderful speech, and it was an experience that made me realize that shared values are the stars shining on our dreams for the future.


You can do it!

Mr. S, do you remember the first time you gave a speech at T M? Three years later, Mr. S was scheduled to give a public speech, and he decided to join T.M. to solve his depression. However, after joining TMM, she faced many problems, and each time she was given advice and encouragement by TMM members, she gradually solved the problems. In addition, he made speeches based on his experiences and failures, and his speeches became more powerful. She was able to successfully deliver her speech in public, which was her initial problem.


Private Ryan" and Japanese Language Education

Ms. K, have you ever had an experience where a book or a movie you read in the past made sense to you after some time had passed? At the time, I felt it was a vain and unconvincing story. Mr. K recalled that his goal when he started teaching Japanese was to contribute to world peace through Japanese language education. I had forgotten this until recently, but I realized that through Japanese language education, I am actually leading my students to happiness in their lives by teaching Japanese to each and every one of them right in front of me. This is similar to the contradiction of going to save one person in Private Ryan, and isn't saving one person representing many around the world? and the similarities between Japanese education and Private Ryan were well connected.



Ms. I's table topic master gave us a subject about what he would like to do.


Mr. T's exciting person to meet: to meet someone who has written a newspaper article, etc. in a simulated way via e-mail or phone.


Mr. H's idea of what he would like to do: I would like to change my mind into writing and publish it as a book. And I am taking action to actually publish it.


Ms. S's most strenuous effort: I've been working as a doll painting instructor for a long time, and I've been able to establish myself as an instructor.


K.'s memorable experience: I was not able to speak well in front of people and did not pass the job interview.

K.'s memorable experience: I couldn't get a job interview because I couldn't speak well in front of people, but after participating in TMM and experiencing the roles, I was able to finally get a job.


S R: What have you spent your money on?


Ms. M Tani: She said that being a leader of an organization and leading everyone as a member of a company is one of her least favorite jobs.



General Comments: Mr. S T

Ms. S M: The structure of the story is easy to understand, and the voice is what attracts people. How to connect human relationships and stars a little better? How can we better connect relationships with stars? The specific advice was very useful. There was also advice on online specific issues.


Mr. H: The speech was excellent, and it was easy for the audience to understand. It was also very easy to understand the speed of the speech and the use of online advantages. Also, the flow of the speech was connected and robust. I think it would be easier to understand if the influences in the speech were more organized. Also, it was a specific advice about the choice of words.


Ms. K K: I really liked the change in the speech title. The title, which was not obvious for a moment, was very attractive to people. The speech was clear and easy to listen to, and good use of eye contact was made. The chronological structure and the use of movies were captivating. Areas for improvement were the tendency to speak too quickly and the blurred conclusions.


Best Table Topics Speaker: Mr. T

Best commentator: Mr. H






初代 K.T会長 トーストがぜんぜん分からないところから、会員が徐々に増えていったことが嬉しかった。

3代目 M.M会長 楽しみながら学び合い、失敗してもいい場所としてトーストがあると思います。

4代目 K.M会長 オンラインの合同例会になって、これもおもしろいと思いました。目標は、スピーチが下手な人でも入れるような雰囲気にしたいと思いました。

5代目 T.S会長 就任最初の例会で腹痛で休んだことが思い出になりました。コロナで振り回された一年ですが、あと少しよろしくお願いいたします。







T.Iさんによる『 祭 Festival






2.M.Hさん『 おばあちゃんの化身』:コンテストスピーチの為、内容は省きます。心温まる親子のお話しでした。



1.H.Sさん『Golf is Life, Part 2』:



2.E.Mさん『Imaginary Journey』:







2.「心苦しい」こと。T.Iさん 今日はエーカウンターをしていますが、エーが多い人がいて、指摘するのが、心苦しいです。

3.「心残り」O.Tさん 前の会社を辞める時にいろいろな励ましの言葉をいただいた。当時ふれあった人々の中に、心を残していってもいいのでは、と思いました。



1.“Heart-warming” by TM M.A. She has so many things to do and very busy now, but her boyfriend always encourages her. She feels happy and be thankful for him.
















ベストテーブルトピックス :O.Tさん







150th Mishima TMC Regular Meeting Report


We had a 5th anniversary meeting on March 14th. Although it was held online, we really enjoyed the time together. At the beginning of the meeting, we watched a special interview movie edited by TM H.S. She interviewed Mishima TMC presidents. ( 1st president K.T, 3rd president M.M, 4th president K.M, 5th president T.S) Founder TM K.I also gave us a message. The interview movie was about 10 minutes long and it was awesome.

After that, we welcomed two secret guests and guests from other TMC clubs. The secret guests were TM U and TM J! Now they live far away from Mishima but they used to be members of this club. We were all surprised and felt happy.

 TM Ishida suggested “matsuri or festival” as a word of the day. We had a lot of chances to use this word during the meeting. We had two prepared Japanese speech. The first speaker was TM K.M. The title of his speech was “Leadeship no ana”. He talked about what he learned at business school and it’s important to analyze ourselves to show our leadership. The second speaker was TM M.H. She is a guest speaker from other club, She is going to present her speech in a contest so we can’t tell the details. It was a very heartwarming story.

Then we had two English prepared speech. The first speaker was TM H.S. The title of his speech was “Golf is Life, Part 2”. He talked about how to play golf well and attractive points of golf with vivid gestures. The second speaker was TM E.M. The title of her speech was “Imaginary Journey”. She talked about a diary written by Henry Heusken. He worked as an interpreter of Townsend Harris, the USA consul-general about 165 years ago. Because of COVID-19, we are physically bound now, but our mind is free. She said “It’s up to you” to enjoy imaginary trip.

After the speech session, we had a Table topics session. Today’s topic master was TM Y.K. She works as a Japanese language teacher. All topics were related to the word “心 (heart).” There were three topics in Japanese and one in English. We enjoyed the session.

After 5 minutes break, we had an evaluation session. General evaluator TM K.T conducted this session. TM T.S evaluated TM K.M’s speech. He said the presentation material was well-organized. Also the case study was effective to understand more. He suggested to add more personal episode. TM M.S evaluated TM M.H. She praised the detailed description of the main character (her grandmother) and the effective usage of refrain. She suggested her to balance the tone of her voice more. TM B.B evaluated TM H.S’s speech. He said it was an informative and interesting speech with proper use of gestures. He suggested that some words were difficult to catch so we Secret guest T.U evaluated TM E.M’s speech.

The Best Table Topic Speaker: TM O.T

The Best Evaluator: TM M.S

The Best Speaker: TM M.H   Congratulations!









本日の例会、今日の言葉は新しい春に向かう意味を込めて、自分の殻を脱ぎ捨てる意味で『脱ぎ捨てて、(take it off)』。






























149th Regular Meeting Report


The regular meeting was held following the area contest on the previous day.

Congratulations to M.A., who won the area contest, and we look forward to the division contest on April 4. Congratulations to M.M. for winning the Japanese language contest!

Thank you to all the contestants and those who played a role in the contest.


For today's meeting, the word of the day is "take it off," meaning to shed one's shell, with the meaning of heading into a new spring.

The speeches were given only in the Japanese session.


I'd like to thank you all.

Preparatory Speeches

1. Mr. M.A. "Chain of challenges - Thank you Shizuoka": He shared a heartwarming story about his experiences in Shizuoka after coming to Shizuoka for college, which led him to Mishima TMC.


2. S.T. "Abandonment": She introduced various ways to deal with things that are no longer needed. It was a speech that made me think about how to deal with things, such as not buying things I don't need and letting go of my attachment to things.


Y.N.: He will be presenting his speech at the upcoming area contest, so I won't go into the content, but it was a very good speech, so please look forward to it if you attend!


Table Topics

K.K. was the table topic master. The table topic master was K.K. He gave us a topic based on the name of a song by his favorite rock band, Battou Gokumon Doukai. I was wondering what kind of song it was from the title (laughs).

1. "About the Izu-Hakone Railway" from "Today's You and the Nambu Line": A.S. said that he doesn't get a chance to ride the Izu-Hakone Railway often when he lives by car, but he shared his thoughts on the railroad.

From "I don't want to get out of the futon" to "How to face the cold in winter": Y.S. said that her hobby is to explore cafes, and she creates opportunities to get out by doing things that she cannot do at home.

3. From "I don't want to work" to "What do I do when I don't want to work? 3. "I don't want to work" to "What do I do when I don't want to work?": H.S. is motivated by rewarding herself by reading a novel after work.


Table Topics in English

1. "Japanese rice is the best in the world" to "What is the best thing in the world in your country? 1. From "Japanese rice is the best in the world" to "What is the best thing in the world in your country?

2. From "Umaibo" to "What is your favorite snack? R.S. talked about whether he likes Mushroom Mountain or Takenoko no Sato. What is your favorite snack?

3. "What is your favorite fish?" from "DNA of an island nation S.T.: S.T. enjoys fishing and likes kissing, which requires a high level of skill.



Best T.T: Mr. H.S

Best Commentary: Mr. T.S

Best Speaker: Mr. M.A


Ms. M.A., who boldly gave speeches for consecutive days even after the area contest, and everyone who was involved in the management of the contest, thank you very much for your hard work.

Congratulations to Mr. M.A. for winning the Best Speaker Award consecutively.



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



今日の言葉は「日本語:心に秘めた」、「英語:my sectret、my hiden」、Aさんのバレンタインデーにちなんだチョイスで場がなごみ、例会スタート!





































エリアコンテスト前、最後の例会。例会後にコンテスタントのスピーチを皆でブラッシュアップ! コンテストがあると盛り上がりますね!




148th Report

Today’s meeting was held online. Today’s TMOD is TM-S.R.. The word of the day is “my sectret / my hiden”.


Japanese speech

1. “Danger of mixing” by TM-S.M. : This speech is life-threatening experience of her. But she linked yesterday’s earthquake, she delivered with humor! 

2. “Uzu Uzxu” by TM-S.A. : She introduce communication style with humorous self-analysis!

3. “Proteje and Menter/Coarch, TM-Takaaki”  by K.K. : She introduce importance of coaching with the RONGO of Koshi.


Japanese Table Topics

1.“Memory of Valentine’s day” by TM-T.O. : The topic was heartwarming episode at schooldays.

2.”A shocking event of recent days” by TM-I.T. : He introduce “chocolate has deep world”.

3.”New things in this year” by TM-T: He train his body, and connect with overseas families by zoom at Lunar NewYear.


Evaluation of Japanese speech

1.TM-T.S. : This is a heartwarming evaluation with respect for speaker. Last message made the speech shine!

2.TM-S : This evaluation is logical, and has a good summary like a great example.

3.TM-K : He pointed out difference of spoken language and written language.


English speech

1.TM-B : He introduced essence of speech about effective body language.


English evaluation

1.This is a loving evaluation according to a their relationship!


Best TableTopics : TM-T.O.

Best Evaluater : TM-T.S.

Best Speaker : TM-S.M.


Today’s meeting is last meeting before contest. After meeting, we brushed up contestant’s speech! We can excite thanks to the contest : )


2021110日 第146回例会報告


































January 10, 2021 Report of the 146th regular meeting


The first meeting in 2021 was held online. It was very grateful that we were able to have the meeting from their homes without the threat of cold waves or COVID-19 infection.

There were also visitors and guests from other clubs to our regular meetings, so that 18 people were lively on the Zoom screen!


Since it is the first regular meeting of the beginning of the year, a special New Year session was added first.

We all were given 30-second speeches on the subject of "What are your New Year's resolutions?"

It was a good warm-up with colorful ideas such as "I want to do my best in English", "I want to concentrate on Japanese speech or to be good at it", and "I want to work harder".


After that, we concentrated on regular meetings.

Today's words were introduced by Mr. S.H as "New / New", which was related to the New Year.

Two Japanese and one English on the day.

<Japanese speech>

TM S.T "Travel" ・ ・ ・ TM T who experienced various trips. She said that she got a lot of new awareness from the encounters and the influence of people. Then,She talked about new goals of her career and point of view of this year from that experience.

TM M.S "Meri Meri Meri" ・ ・ ・ Using various expression skills such as contrast and onomatopoeia, we could feel the presence of the process from the negative experience she had in the past overcoming it after joining Toastmasters and growing even bigger. She introduced the story to us generously and dynamically.

<English speech>

TM B ・ ・ ・ Introduce your own communication style according to the contents of the project. He also introduced a new awareness that he would like to try a style that tells children to talk to them as simply as possible when giving a speech.


This time, the short speech session was controlled by Mr. K.T, the table topics master.

The questions were related to the New Year, and in Japanese, we had fun and improvised speeches on topics that everyone was familiar with, such as "What about New Year's cards?" "What about New Year's cards?"

In English, on the contrary, the questions were unique such as "What are you happy about?" And "What is the experience you forgave?"


The evaluation session will be hosted by general commentator TM Y.K from overseas. However, the comments from her were very smooth and accurate, so the session went very smoothly.

TM H.S’s feedback was well-analyzed, that it was hard to believe that it was the first time for her speech. She also suggested specific improvements’ points such as eye-contact and gestures. TM. T.I gave thoughtful and passionate comments on TM M.S's speech, and reminded the members of the elements of the rhythm and the important points of the story with strength and weakness. In English, TM E.M gave polite and accurate feedback to TM B's speech. The concrete ideas for Mr. B, who was nervous, clearly communicated the future improvements to the speaker.


After a lot of fun sessions, the best of each was as follows.

Best TT: TM R.S

Best commentator: TM H.S.

Best speaker: TM M.S.


This time, it was the best New Year's gift that many members participated in the regular meeting during the busy New Year holidays. I thought that I could see many smiles and happy faces, and I was encouraged by the attitude of everyone who learns positively even in this difficult situation.

Let's enjoy the next regular meeting as well!!!!






 本日の言葉はSTさんが考えてくださいました「ありがとう、thank you」。1年の締めくくりに、沢山この言葉を使おうという素晴らしい提案にthank youです。






2英語スピーチEMさんのスピーチ「A Mentor for Life」 かつての、英語の先生、鬼教官の厳しい指導スタイルを回顧しながら、自信の考える理想のメンター像を考察する、ユーモアのあるスピーチでした


3英語スピーチ2本目YKさんのスピーチタイトルは「Look down, and find your happiness !UAEへの赴任後、風景や文化、自分の好きなものに囲まれて生活すること、つまり幸せを感じるためのメソッドに関する、考え深いスピーチでした。


HSさんは、「BDE」というテーマでスピーチをされました。Best decision on everything(全てに関し、最高の決断をする)、クリティカルシンキングのような、上手に悩むための方法論を日常生活に持ち込もう、というパワーのあるスピーチでした。


5、THさんのスピーチタイトルは「Reflaming my world」長い年月をかけて失敗を繰り返しながら、自身が成長した経験を聴き手にシェアする、内容の濃いスピーチでした。










On December 27th, we held the last regular meeting of the year. There will be a speech contest in the club next month. So today, there were members practicing Zoom speeches for that. There was also a member who recently transferred overseas and delivered a speech from the Middle East.

It's been less than a year since the Zoom meeting and the hybrid meeting between Zoom and Mishima Citizen's Activity Center were held for the first time in earnest. It was a tough year to really acquire various new skills . The influence of corona continues. Mishima TMC is always waiting for those who want to challenge online meetings and public speeches, those who want to improve their English, and those who are new guests!


“Today's words”

Thought by Mr. ST, "Thank you".Thank you for the wonderful suggestion to use this word a lot at the end of the year.


Prepared speech

There were 5 speeches.


1 S.H's Japanese speech was "I thought about mentors." Isn't the mentor system just a name in Japanese companies? It was a speech with a deep message.


2 English speaker EM's speech title was "A Mentor for Life". It was a humorous speech that considered the ideal mentor image that oneself thinks while looking back on the strict teaching style of English teachers.


3 The second English speech, The Y.K's speech title is "Look down, and find your happiness!" recentry she moved to UAE. To live surrounded by scenery, culture, and what you like, that is important to feel happy. It was a thoughtful speech about the method of happiness.


4. H.S gave a speech on the theme of "BDE"(best dicision on everything). It was a powerful speech to bring into everyday life methodologies such as critical thinking.


5 T.H's speech title was "Reflaming my world". It was a rich speech in which he shared his growing experience with listeners while making repeated mistakes over the years.


Evaluation session

 The evaluaters were T.S,  R.S,  M.A,  K.C.T, and B.B.B. Everyone, I was surprised that I could make an easy-to-understand commentary in a short time, including English evaluation.


Today, we did not choose the best speaker for the prepared speech (We did not rank at this stage because it is a place to practice the contest), and We chose only the best evaluater.

 B, B, B is today's best. About half a year after joining this club, your slill  getting stronger!

So as a conclusion, have a nice year, everyone! See you next year!
















1 心に残ったクリスマス SAさん



2 子供の頃サンタさんを信じていた? T原さん



3 あなたのクリスマスはどう変わる? K林さん

U A Eからのリモート参加でしたが、文化の違いとクリスマスの関係で目から鱗のスピーチでした。


4 理想のクリスマスとは? K藤さん



5 一番好きなクリスマスソングは? H川さん










1 「History of EarthBさん



2「No cheese, No life!」 S藤さん




 クリスマスには何のプレゼントが欲しいですか? K城さん



2 クリスマスは何を思い浮かびましたか? S会長



3 理想のクリスマスとは? H口さん




1 「History of EarthM田さん



2 「No cheese, No life!SRさん










The 144th Report


Today's meeting, a hybrid of venue and online.

TMOD is Mr. A-no! No one can match his freshness.

The word of the day is Mr. Soka. The word of the day is "Soka-san". "Japanese: special" and "English: special" were his special choice of words that are easy to use and exciting.

The timekeeper was Ms. T. Hashi (T. Hara: substitute), and the grammarian and "uh" counter was Ms. K. Hayashi, the first from another country!

The timekeeper was Mr. Suki, the chairman, who counted simultaneously at the venue and online. I, T. Hara, was the meeting reporter.


Japanese speeches

1 "The World of Contents" by Mr. Haguchi

It was a speech that made us think about various things, starting with a book and mixing it with the speaker's experiences. Failure is the best content!


Japanese Table Topics

The master of the table topics was Ms. Mitani. I was particularly impressed by her attentiveness to the remote audience even though she was at the venue. The topic was about Christmas, and because of the season, she made the place bright and lively at once!


1 Christmas that left a deep impression on me Soka A.

It was about the failures of Christmas when I was a child, and the memories that outweighed them.


2 Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child? Mr. T. Hara

It was about the deer and reindeer at Mishima Taisha Shrine.


3 How would you change your Christmas? Mr. K. Hayashi

It was an eye-opening speech on the relationship between cultural differences and Christmas, although I was a remote participant from UAE.


4 What is your ideal Christmas? Ms. Kudo

Ever since we were children, we all dream about it at least once! She shared her special thoughts about a big Christmas cake.


5 What is your favorite Christmas song? Ms. Hikawa

With the city in the midst of the Christmas season and various Christmas songs being played, we asked Ms. Hikawa to share her unique thoughts on Christmas songs.



Japanese Review

1 "The world of contents" Mr. Hikawa

This was a great opportunity for the audience to get to know each other better.



English Speech

1 "History of Earth" Mr. B

The speech was about the universe, from the grand history of the birth of the universe to the formation of the present-day earth, showing the Japanese translation of the academic words on a piece of paper.


2 "No cheese, No life!

Everyone has heard of the book "Where did the cheese go? It was a speech that made the listeners think about how to live in the current Corona disaster by applying the book "Where did the cheese go?


English Table Topics

1 What gift would you like for Christmas? Mr. K. Shiro

We had him as a guest, but he answered without any questions. He wants a new macbook.


2 What did you think of for Christmas? Mr. S.

That's the Chairman! He spoke passionately about his thoughts on Christmas.


3 What is your ideal Christmas? Mr. H

Following her preparatory speech, I was impressed by her majestic behavior!


English Review

1 "History of Earth" Ms. Mita

I praised specific points such as the part where academic words are written on paper as Japanese translations that everyone can see.


2 "No cheese, No life!" Mr. R. Suki

Mr. R. Saki gave a detailed critique of the S speech to Mr. S. Fuji, a remote speaker, on the strengths of the remote speaker, such as the use of PowerPoint as a good point.


Best table topic: A. Soka, T. Hara

Best commentary: Mr. Hikawa, Mr. Mita

Best Speaker: Mr. Sudo


This was a cosplay meeting with Christmas in mind. It was a special meeting with interesting and cute cosplay that embodied both Halloween and Christmas. This is the last hybrid meeting for the year, but let's have fun at the next online meeting on December 27th!





「クリスマスパーティーの計画」 A野さん
1  オンラインパーティーを楽しいものにするには
2  ゲームの実施方法
3  プレゼント交換の実現方法
4  その他、色々

1 ハイブリッド例会の改善点と未来
2 あなたのクラブの魅力
3 あなたはいつ、秋を感じますか。また、その方法は。
4 あなたは今、どこで、何をしていますか。
5 あなたがオンライン・ミーティングで使用しているパソコンの素敵な背景画面について教えて下さい。



「読書」  S枝さん
S枝さんは、イギリスの作家アンソニー・ホロビッツの「カササギ殺人事件」、スパイ小説の「アレックス・ライダー シリーズ」の読後の感想について、スピーチしました。後者のシリーズは、小中学生向けに書かれたものですが、「クローン、ロケット、ナノテクノロジーについても知見を得る事が出来た」との事でした。

1  あなたのお気に入りのマウンテン・ライフの季節は?
2  あなたは、秋のどんなところが好きですか?




The 143rd regular meeting was held on November 22nd, and nineteen people including six guests attended the meeting at the venue or on the web. TM. Mtani acted as the moderator for the first time, but her management was quite smooth. "Today's Word" was presented by TM. Hguchi and it was "like/love".
Other helpers are:
TM. Hkawa as "Timer",  TM. Thashi and TM. Hguchi as "Grammarian",  TM. Mken as "Ah counter",  TM. Thara as "Vote Counter", and TM. Kga as "Reporter".

◆Japanese session

◇Prepared Speech session
"Plan of the coming Christmas Party " by TM. Ano
She explained the plan using slides. It is a well-considered plan paying attention to the folowing:
1  How to make the online party fun
2  How to play games
3  How to exchange Christmas presents with each other
4  others
TM. Ano then asked the audience about things that could interfere with the party, and in response to those, she made impromptu speeches while showing resolutions for such problems.
Through these processes, it seemed that the plan became even more solid.

◇Table Topics Session
Table topic master was TM. Ida. The members assigned by him responded to the following unique topics happily with making impromptu speeches .
1  Improvements to the hybrid meeting, and its future
2  Appeal of your club
3  When do you feel autumn, and how do you feel it?
4  Where are you now, and what are you doing?
5  About the nice background picture of the pc you use during the online meeting

◇Evaluation Session
TM. Kga commented on TM. Ano's speech,  and TM. Sri  commented on the whole meeting comprehensively.

◆English Session

◇Prepared Speech
"Reading"  by TM. Seda
She made a speech about her impressions after reading British author Anthony Horowitz's mistery "Magpie Murders" and a series of spy novels "Alex Rider". Seda said that the latter series was written for elementary and junior high school students, but she could gain knowledge about cloning, rockets, and nanotechnology. The main character "Alex" was an orphan and a talented fourteen-year-old boy.
Seda added that at first, she could'nt well understand the author's intention, but as she read on, she gradually grasped that it was "to overcome difficulties instead of running away from them".
Her speech was interesting, and  it seemed to represent one of her characters, that is "to love reading books".

◇Table Topics Session
The table topic master was TM. Ida, and he presented following themes:
1  What is your favorite season for mountain life?
2  Aspects of autumn which attract you
These themes seemed to fit  current season.

◇Evaluation Session
President Staka commented on TM. Seda's speech, and TM. Sri commented on the whole meeting comprehensively.

◆Award Presentations

Best Table Topic Speaker:  TM. Staka
Best Evaluator:  President Staka
Best Speaker:  TM. Ano






















1 男性が思ういい男とは? S川さん

友人が多い男性に良い男が多いのでは? 自分のケースも引用しながら、笑いと納得感を印象付けるスピーチでした。


2 女性が思う良い女性と? Mさん












The world of “Everyone is the mentor”」Hさん




 Name 2 to 3 things that you are really good at Mさん




The world of “Everyone is the mentor”」Bさん









142nd Report


Today's meeting, a hybrid of on-site and online.

TMOD is a veteran T! It's still tightening up.

The word of the day is T Hashi. Japanese: Cheer up! English: Energetic/Lively!" The choice of words that are easy to use and lively is a saga.

Mr. Sooka was in charge of timing, and Mr. Suki was in charge of grammar and counter.

The timekeeper was Mr. Hakawa, who was in charge of tallying the total of the speeches at the venue and online.


Japanese Speech

1 "End of workshop report speech" by S.

A retrospective speech from the workshop on 27 September, a huge event with over 40 participants! It was a speech full of creativity in welcoming many guests.


2. "Life is a mystery," said Mr. M.

I used to be a terrible public speaker, but before I knew it, I became a public speaker for a living. She spoke with great care and emotion about the wonder of life's happenings. The guests said, "You gave me courage! And a compliment!


3. "sunjin sen" I

Reflective speeches from the last meeting's "Newcomer's Round Selection" event. What is a sustainable event to continue as a year-round event? We talked about these realizations.


Japanese Table Topics

The table topic master was Mr. Suki. His presence, which you wouldn't expect from a remote, made the room all the brighter!


1 What do men think of a good man? Mr. S. River.

Aren't there a lot of good men out there who have a lot of friends? It was a speech that impressed me with laughter and conviction, citing my own case as well.


2 What does a woman think of a good woman? Mr. M.

I was caught off guard by the overall review, but the sharp switchover was lovely!


3 "A particular hobby to be proud of," says S.

The Ultraman t-shirt he wore as if he knew the subject matter. He passionately showed us his obsession with the subject with detailed information.


Japanese Commentary

1 "End of the workshop report speech" by Mr. Suki

2 "Life is a mystery," said T Hara.

3 "sun people sen" S


English Speech

"The world of 'Everyone is the mentor'", Mr. H

Speeches following the rookie selection round. It's encouraging to see how they're getting stronger with each round! Everyone is a mentor, and it was a speech that resonated with Toast members.


English Table Topics

1 Name 2 to 3 things that you are really good at, Mr. M

Following the preparatory speeches, I was impressed with the way he behaved so majestically!


English Commentary

"The world of 'Everyone is the mentor'", Mr. B


Best Table Topic: s.

Best commentary: Mr. B.

Best Speaker: Mr. I


With iPads in front of the podium, projectors projecting at an angle, and dialogue through the screen, the evolution of our hybrid meetings never stops in terms of both hardware and software!



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

20201025日 141回例会(新人戦)












コンテスト予選の部の前に「今日の言葉」とヘルパーの紹介がありました。「今日の言葉」はK林から『心を込めて/with all my heart』を提示させていただきました。コンテスタントの皆さんを含めて例会中よく使っていただきました。(日本語:I田さん6回、T原さん2回、SAさん2回、T橋さん1回、SHさん1回、英語:M谷さん1回、Tイさん3回、S籐さん1回…だったかと思います)






1. K籐さん(英)『Let’s share useful ways!*connect with your audience

2. SAさん(日)『SNS』 *論評とフィードバック2回目

3. T橋さん(日)『チャレンジ』*リサーチとプレゼンテーション

4. Bスワさん(英)『Failure is not final』*フリースピーチ

5. H口さん(日)『愛の世界』*フリースピーチ

6. SHさん(日)『私の青森旅行記』*論評とフィードバック1回目






1. M谷さん

2. A野さん

3. SRさん

4. Tイさん

5. S枝さん

6. Mさん










October 25, 2020 141st regular meeting (Rookies’ pre-contest)


The Mishima TMC 141st regular meeting was held under the wonderful autumn sky.

The regular meeting of the day was a rookie pre-match in the club.

Under the wonderful leadership of TM. IM, the chairman of the rookie’s pre-contest  executive committee, thanks to the careful preparation of the chairman and other officers, the141st regular meeting was really wonderful!


TMOD was TM. IM who was also the executive committee chairman of rookies’ pre-contest. And the general evaluator was TM. S, the timekeeper was TM. TO, the vote counter was TM ST, the presenter was TM. KK, and today's words and record clerk was me. There were 6 contestants and 6 commentators, and TM.U, TM.T, and TM .S from Odawara TMC participated as guests, and there was also a jump-in participation.


Before the contest qualifying section, there was an introduction of "Today's Words" and helpers. "Today's words" was presented by KY as "with all my heart". It was often used during the meeting.


The contest section was held with the following 6 participants in a mixture of Japanese and English. Our contestants were :

1. TM. KK (English)  "Let ’s share useful ways!" * Connect with your audience

2. TM SA (Japanese)  "SNS" * Commentary and feedback 2nd time

3. TM. TS (Japanese)  "Challenge" * Research and presentation

4.TM. BB (English)  "Failure is not final" * Free speech

5. TM. HK (Japanese)  "The World of Love" * Free Speech

6. TM SH (Japanese)  "My Aomori Travel Report" * Commentary and feedback 1st


It was a wonderful speech that I couldn't think of as a newcomer. Each has their own world and speech style, and they are very well prepared and drawn to every speech. It was a high-level contest that no wonder who was chosen first. As a result, TM. SH was selected as the first place. The second place was TM. TS and the third place was TM. BB.


The evaluators in the evaluation section were as follows.

General Evaluator: TM SM

1.TM. ME

2. TM. AM

3. TM SR

4. TM. QT

5. TM SK

6. TM. MK


This commentary was the best commentary award for everyone. That's right, the comments of all the evaluators were so good. TM. SM, a general evaluator, also gave polite feedback to each evaluator.

TM SM did great job as usual. As usual, all the people and the situation were taken into consideration by her, and she gave us a lot of useful & powerful words that encouraged us. Also, from the standpoint of VPE, while she praising TM. IM, she introduced that TM.IM’s project is incorporated into the Pathways program.


The regular meeting ended almost on time.

Congratulations to TM SH, who won the competition. Take the next step with confidence. We will support you!

2020/10/11()140回 例会レポート】




◇日本語スピーチ① Iさん タイトル「SinSen



◇日本語スピーチ② Sさん タイトル「SNS



◇英語スピーチ① Kさん タイトル「Why do I learn about leadership?



◇英語スピーチ② Bさん タイトル「UNSOLVED YET!!




◇英語スピーチ③ Aさん タイトル「Maintain a certain distance to maintain a good relationship






Best TTM Sさん

Best Evaluater T.Sさん

Best Speaker Aさん





[Report on the 140th Regular Meeting on Sunday, October 11, 2020

Because there was a lot of online meeting in September, the meeting was held at the place for a long time.

It has been a long time since the meeting was held at the venue.

There were 2 Japanese speeches and 3 English speeches. There were two Japanese speeches and three English speeches.

The title of the speech was "Sinjin Sen.

Speeches about the next rookie competition to be held.

Her enthusiasm was evident in her speech, including her presentation materials.

The title of the speech was "SNS".

On how information is exchanged on social networking sites these days

She talked about how she started to use SNS.

The title of his speech is "Why do I learn about leadership?

Why do I learn about leadership? Why did you learn about leadership and what is your leadership style?

The speech is based on his own experience.

The title of the speech is "UNSOLVED YET!

Solve a problem by trying again and again.

You have to try many times to solve a problem, and the lesson is that you have to try a thousand times and hit once.

I will do my best from tomorrow.

The title of my speech is "Maintain a certain distance to maintain a good relationship".

I've been stressing about certain shortcomings in my family.

By understanding the other person, I began to apply it not only to my family, but to another community as well.

It was a speech that gave me a sense of growth as a person.

The discussion was also done in a hybrid format, with the commentary coming from as far away as the United States.

It's an amazing situation when you think about it, Mr. Zoom.

Best TTM S

Best Evaluater T.S.

Best Speaker A


The next round is a rookie qualifier. It's completely online, so don't come to the venue!

Take care of yourself so that you don't get sick, everyone.


Japanese follows English

Today, We held the Workshop 'Telling your next story’
 by Joseph Calpin.

Here's the workshop introduction by Joseph:
We are all storytellers. Everyday we share countless stories both big and small.
A story can be as simple as explaining an interesting event that
occurred on the way to work, or it can be an account of a life lesson
learned. Despite how often we tell stories, telling a story that holds
the audience’s attention can be a challenge. We may doubt ourselves or
feel nervous in front of a crowd. This workshop will lead attendees in
thinking about how to construct stories that clearly communicate events
and a core lesson for the audience to learn. In addition, participants
will have the opportunity to craft the beginnings of two simple stories
that can serve as foundations for their next speech. If you have been
wanting to enhance your ability to tell an impactful story, then this is
the workshop for you.

Joseph Calpin is a Toastmaster from District 67 (Taiwan). After joining Toastmasters in
2014, Joseph has taken part in several speech contests in Chinese and
English, conducted workshops on storytelling, and led drama camps for
Taiwanese high schools. Much of his work focuses on helping others
present their lives’ memorable experiences in a way that is meaningful
for their audiences.
*Division H director 2018-2019
*District Level Workshop 2018
*Club president of TGIF 2016-2017
*International Speech Contest (D67) Finalist 2017
*English Humorous Speech First Place 2016
*Chinese Humorous Speech Second Place 2016
*Evaluation Contest First Place 2016
Home club: TGIF TMC

Here's the flow of the workshop
1. Lecture 30 min
2. Practice 60 min
   a. Breakout room 1: Warm Up--simple story from the last month (15)
   i. thinking
   iii. identifying core value
   b. Come back together to review
   i. What did you learn?
   ii. feedback
   c. Breakout room 2: Round 2--Speech Writing (30)
   i. thinking (1st time, a challenge) 3 min
   ii. sharing (3 min)
   iii. identifying core value
Closing--3 people to share
This workshop led attendees in thinking about

Five days before the Workshop, we sent a handout to the attendees.

This workshop led attendees in thinking about how to construct stories that clearly
communicate events and a core lesson for the audience to learn. In
addition, participants had the opportunity to craft the beginnings of
two simple stories that can serve as foundations for their next speech.
It would enhance our ability to tell an impactful story.
At the end of the workshop, We asked attendees leave their
comments/feedback in the chat box.
I picked up two from them:

I learned how to express "core value" in personalized way
I really enjoyed it!!  I recoginized that" I have a tendecy to forget 
"the architect role " in the story building up procees.  Thank you for
your good lessons!

In total 43 people joined (16 memeber included).
We ended the event on a high note.

を行いました。講師のJoseph Calpin2014年にトーストマスターズに入会し





Followed by the English version.





SHさんからの今日の言葉は、「一段と」「much more」です。今回は、時計係も、SHさんが兼務。文法は、日本語をMさんが、英語をSRさんが担当しました。えーっとカウンターは、TOさんが担当。集計係はITさんとSAさんで、今年度から新たに例会レポーターの役割も増えたことが紹介され、今回は、SAが担当しました。


 ― 日本語セッション ー  本日の準備スピーチは2本です

1.   「災い転じて福となせ」(L1)   SRさん 



2.「オンライン授業でのコミュニケーション」(L1)   KKさん



― 日本語テーブルトピックセッション ー テーブルトピックマスター:HKさん





― 日本語セッションに対する論評 ―

1.   SRさんへの論評;MKさん 



2.   KKさんへの論評者:ITさん 



― 日本語総合論評 ― Tさん




― 英語セッション ー  本日の準備スピーチは3本です

1.  Learning a New Session(L1)   BBBさん 



2.「My hobby(CC)   SKさん




3.「Ice Breaker」 SHさん



― 英語テーブルトピックセッション ー テーブルトピックマスター:HKさん


お題は、1.あなたにとって夏とは?2.5年後何をしていますか。3.あなたにとって、人生で、一番大事なことは 以上3つ




― 英語セッションに対する論評 ―

1.   BBBさんへの論評;SMさん 




2.   SKさんへの論評者:MMさん 




3.   SHさんへの論評者:STさん




― 総合論評 ― Tさん





ベスト論評:MKさん STさん








On August 23 (Sun), 18 participants and 2 guests were invited, and the regular meeting started on time. This time it was a hybrid meeting called Real + Online.

The chairman was absent, so HS, the vice chairman, served concurrently as the toastmaster.

As He said, the Vice Chairman, who is modest, refreshing, and excellent in follow-up. He has also helped me many times.


Today's words from TM SH are "Ichidanto" and "much more". This time, TM SH also serves as the clock staff. For grammar, TM M was in charge of Japanese and TM SR was in charge of English. Well, TM TO is in charge of the counter. TM IT and TM SA were in charge of counting, and it was introduced that the role of reporter for regular meetings increased from this year, and SA was in charge this time.


-Japanese session-Today's preparation speech is two

1. "Turning into good fortune" (L1)  TM SR

The car was ruined by a deer crossing while driving, but that triggered the purchase of a new car. He talked about how disasters can be brought to good fortune depending on how you think about them, while skillfully mixing humor and body language. It was a friendly speech that made me want to hear more details later.


2. "Communication in online classes" (L1)  TM KK

   7 minutes of learning the difference between online lessons and offline lessons by actually drawing pictures and telling how to compensate for the shortcomings of online She made a wonderful speech in such a short time. I was deeply afraid of the skill of composition and expressiveness, which I can't think of as the first speech.


-Japanese Table Topic Session-Table Topic Master: HK

It was my first topic master, but I created different themes with different tastes, and it became a fun table topic full of variety.

By the way, the theme is 1. Introduction of interesting things that I like. 2. My favorite role at Toastmasters. 3. What you want to say right now. 4. What you want to do when you are hot. It was four.

I think that each person had easy-to-answer questions and difficult-to-answer questions, but all of them answered that they are enjoying themselves, and even in COVID-19, it was a table topic that was fun to listen to when it was rear-filled.


-Evaluatio on Japanese session-

1. Evaluatio on TM. SR; TM. MK

He gave her some advice about body language by showing the skill of the story structure and the goodness of having the theme involved in the episode. Despite being online, he can do it himself like this and he will be good! I said with my heart.


2. Evaluatio on KK: IT

As expected, he gave her 4 or 5 good points from the goodness of the subject to the quality of the voice, and He learned from various viewpoints. He also advised her to use emotional expressions


-Comprehensive Japanese evaluation - TM. T

Each person carefully and accurately evaluated both the good points and the advice of the presentation. Regarding the two evaluater , there are only two veterans and there is no advice. It’s perfect

Even so, it is amazing that each person can give such accurate advice in a short time, just a note while admiring. I can't keep up with the reporters' notes~


-English session-Today's preparation speech is 3

1. "Learning a New Session" (L1) BBB

He told us number of important things about learning new skills, comparing them with the children and mentioning Jobs' words. It was a speech that felt BBB's willingness to improve his speech.



2. "My hobby" (CC)  by SK

 Kaya mountain climbing experience. She was disappointed in COVID-19, but She didn't feel tired, probably because she got energy from the mountains. Recognizing how mountaineering plays an important role in her life, She spoke that she would like to continue climbing.

Listening to the fun talk, I also wanted to go out somewhere in nature.


3. "Ice Breaker"  by SH

He gave a chronological speech about his self-introduction from the time he was in middle school until now. Although it was an online speech, the speech that mixed various elements such as playing harmonica and devising body language was easy to understand even for those who are not good at English


-English table topic session-Table topic master: HK

Similar to Japanese, this also created a different theme for each taste.

The theme is 1. What is summer for you? What are you doing in 2.5 years? 3. For you, the three most important things in life are

I thought that each of these things would be a good opportunity to look back on yourself, whether it was slurred or stuck.

Thank you, HK.


- Evaluation on English session-

1. Evaluater to BBB ; SM

After commenting on the content of the speech and the fact that the composition was good, it was advised that the message should be summarized in the beginning.

She can tell us emotionally and I will nod her


2. Evaluater to SK : MM

After mentioning the goodness of the speech itself, She gave her a smile and good eye contact. The advice was to make the voice a little louder.

MM-san is a person who has a nice smile and eye contact, so I would like to do my best so that MM-san can say so.


3. Evaluater to SH : ST

He gave him the uniqueness of the speech and the goodness of making the speech effective by adding sounds. Advice that it was better to have more individual episodes.

It was a shame that I couldn't listen to this hit, even though I was crazy about counting and was later selected as the best evaluater . Next, listen to more ear dumbo.


-Comprehensive review- TM T

As in Japanese, he carefully evaluated both the good points and the advice of each presentation. Overall, Mr. T was kind enough to point out the time allocation, check the total time and keep an eye out for it.


Best Speaker Award : KK

Best table topic award : TO

Best evaluater award  : MK and ST


The next meeting will be a joint meeting with Odawara. All will be online, but we are aiming for "interaction" and "silent speaker zero".

The main language is Japanese. Only table topics have English groups. Although it is online, let's expand the circle of interaction.

9/5 (Sat) 15:30-17:30. We look forward to the participation of many people!

Chairman, I'm looking forward to seeing you soon




Followed by the English version.




























休憩をはさんで英語セッションです。1回目はTさんのスピーチで、お題は「Be a Beginner(again)L1です。



























On Sunday, August 9th, 16 regular member and 5 guests started the regular meeting as scheduled. This time it was a hybrid meeting with online. This time, many TMC members participated as guests. I would like to deepen my ties with various TMCs through these exchanges.


The new chairman was absent due to his physical condition, and TM I served as a substitute for TMOD. The theme of the regular meeting, “Exciting regular meeting that we want the new chairman to get well,” was announced, and it started with a laughing laugh at TMOD greetings with humor.


TM S made a motion in the business session, and the online workshop was approved for the workshop to be held with an outside lecturer on September 27. TM S gave an overview of this workshop during the preparation speech given later.


The following is a description of the role of each helper. Today's words announced by TM B are "fundamental" and "fundamental". The timer is TM K. TM T was in charge of Japanese and TM M was in charge of English. At the counter, TM S was in charge of Japanese and TM B was in charge of English. TM K, Odawara TMC, was in charge of the counting staff.


TM H, who will make the first Japanese preparation speech today, is entitled "Waggle World" L2.

The world (common sense) started from the story that something was shaken and changed. He was swayed by the changes in the world, and sometimes he could not go well, but he realized that he was trying to match myself with other worlds, so he reconsidered himself, He seems to have been able to establish his own world. TM H concluded that it is important not only to establish his own world, but also to convey his thoughts to someone, understand them, and share their opinions and stories. Although it was announced online, the speech was a skillful use of the body language that was the goal.


Next is TM S's speech on high performance leadership. L5.

The workshop that was mentioned as a motion is to teach the tips of the contest speech to an outside lecturer as in the "Let's make a contest speech project". She planned this workshop because she thought that participating in a contest would lead to personal growth and club growth. Held in September to support the rookie competition in October, we are planning an online plan in consideration of the ease of group work and the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infections. The lecturer is Mr. J, a speech master who has won many TMC contests. As a method, he is planning to give lectures and group work after distributing and preparing prints a week ago. I think everyone is looking forward to September after hearing TM S's cheerful explanation.


TM T is the table topic master in Japanese. The first topic is "What is summer like for you?" TM K, who was nominated, answered, "I was depressed because I am not good at hot weather, but I was able to enjoy the excitement of the sea by starting snorkeling this year," with a challenge to new things. ..


The second topic is "What is the food for surviving summer?" TM S said that it was important to eat regularly with three meals, not to eat too much cold food, including the episode of her own physical condition.


Both of them were summery topics and were table topics where you could feel the refreshing season.


The first Japanese commentary is TM S. It was your first commentary on Japanese language, but she explained it in an easy-to-understand manner. As a good point, she mentioned that he used his body language, which was the purpose of the speech, which was a good combination of his own experience and world affairs to form the speech. As an improvement point, although it was announced online, there were few eye contacts, so she mentioned that it is better to make eye contact actively.


The second Japanese commentary is TM M. The good points were that the goals were elaborated and that the attitude and speech structure at the time of presentation were changed according to the purpose of the speech, such as clarifying "why" and "why" and speaking in a logical manner. It was As an improvement point, there was no explanation about the system with teammates, so he mentioned that it is better to include that explanation.


There was a presentation from each role here, and then I moved to TM A's general commentary. TM A is a member of Ginza TMC, and she kindly accepted the comprehensive commentary. The speech was praised for its easy-to-understand content, good seasonality for table topics, and the criticism that the commentators were using the sandwich format to get close to the speakers.


An English session with a break. The first time was TM T's speech, and the subject was "Be a Beginner (again)" L1.

There is not much possibility when you work as an expert, but why do you work as a beginner? why? The question was born, and he explained in an easy-to-understand manner by comparing children and adults that they could meet more possibilities. As you can say, "Be careful not to forget your original intentions". By being intent, you can focus on various things and be open to learning, resulting in more experience, new perspectives, and development potential. be able to. It was a speech that conveys the importance of being original and continuing to ask "Why?".


The second time is a speech by TM M who is a guest participant from ChinaTMC. L3.

She introduced us to episodes that she thinks have made progress.TM M, whose mother tongue is Chinese, learned that while learning Japanese conversation, the difference in pronunciation between Chinese and Japanese Kanji, and that the Kanji "letter" is a letter in Japan, She introduced a lot of humor about the difference she learned from what she learned, such as the difference in meaning of kanji such as being a tissue in China. It seems that TM M became able to study and speak Japanese hard after the conversation with TM S who was a Japanese. It was a speech that conveys the persuasive power of the word that you can do it because she was able to do it.


TM S is the table topic master in English. She said she was nervous because it was the second time for this year's TMM, but she gave us a postcard suitable for this time of year. The first topic is "What are the changes needed for world peace?" TM B, who was nominated, replied, "The most necessary thing for world peace is education, and the people of the world should have knowledge so that it cannot be easily manipulated by high-ranking people."


The second theme is "What new challenges do you want to try this summer?" TM M, who was nominated, replied, "I try new things every day, such as participating in an online drinking party at Meguro TMC, but I can't try only new food," and made the audience smile.


TM M gave a comment on the first English speech. She appreciated that the title was excellent and that it provided easy-to-understand examples.


TM N gave a second commentary on the English speech. TM N is a member of Minatomirai TMC, and he kindly accepted the comment. He was admired by TM M's speech expression and content.


In TM A's general commentary, each speaker, commentator and the whole commentary were given.


At the end of the meeting, TM K, who has participated in the Toastmasters for about 3 years and was instrumental in the development of the party, will be difficult to participate in the venue due to her work she had a word. She was not able to attend the venue, but I was glad to hear that she would like to continue participating online.


TM H, who played the role of TMOD, thanked TM H for the general meeting and the role of the guests.


Speech M, Speech M, Table Topic Speech K and M were awarded, and the 136th regular meeting was finished by taking pictures as usual.


 This time, we asked many local TMC players to play a role. Thank you very much.


The next meeting will be on Sunday, August 23rd. We look forward to the participation of many people!



Followed by the English version.






ここからはヘルパーの紹介です。夏は何かに挑戦したくなる季節であるというAさんから発表された、今日の言葉は「エネルギッシュ」「Energetic/ Energetically」です。タイマー役は、今月、三島TMのメンバーになったばかりのBさんです。文法・えーっとカウンター・集計係は、おなじみのメンバーが担当しました。


本日唯一の日本語準備スピーチとなるHさんのお題は「リーダーさん、頑張って下さい」TC1。まず、ご自身のリーダー像として、リーダーに向いているのは、自分で考え、明確な目標を持ち、集団を率いる熱のあるエネルギッシュな人(今日のことば)。生まれつき素質を持っていない人でも訓練を通して、例えばトーストマスターズ、で身につけられる。一方リーダーは大変である- 意見の異なる人をまとめ、批判の矢面にも立たされる。またリーダーとて万能ではないが、何でもできると思わせる、または人に秀でた技術を持つことが必要。「リーダーやりたいですか?僕はやりたくありません。」の問いかけもあり、熱のこもった勢いのある展開で聴衆をぐいっと引き込みました。


次はVPESさんのワークショップ「テーブルトピック攻略法」です。1.攻略法 2.ペアワーク 3.発表と共に、最近学校でも取り入れられているという、プレップ法も紹介されました。














休憩をはさんで英語セッションです。STさんのスピーチは急きょキャンセルとなり、Tさんの1本になりました。お題は「Be a BeginnerDTMです。前プログラムを完了し、新プログラムを開始したTさんのお話はとても含蓄のある内容でした。赤ん坊の時は何に対しても興味津々で柔らかな脳でエネルギッシュに吸収しようとするが、大人になるにつれそれが萎んでいってしまうことを、禅僧の教えを通して語ってくださいました。人生で何が起ころうとも、失敗から学ぼうとする意欲と、常に「なぜ?」と自分に問いかけることが大事であると強調されました。




















Report for July 26, 2020 Meeting

A regular meeting of Mishima Toast Masters started on time on Sunday, July 26th, attended by 18 members and 4 guests. It was a hybrid meeting again, both on line and at sight. Among the guests, there was a father and his son in the teenage whose future is full of hope.


VPE, S, began the meeting on behalf of our new president, TM S, who could not make it to the sight due to health problem.  TMOD was served by TM H for the first time. He announced the theme of the meeting, “Live positively.” As the theme shows, he started the meeting lively. Here there was a greeting from TM S, our president, online. It was good to see that he looked just as usual.


Roles of each helper were introduced. Today’s word was announced as “Energetic or energetically” by TM A whose favorite season is summer because it motivates her to try something new. TM B who joined the club last month took the role of Timer. Other roles such as grammarian, ah-counter and voter counter were taken by regular members.


Today’s sole prepared speech in Japanese was made by TM H whose speech title was “Go for it, leaders!” as TC1. First, he described an ideal leader for him as the one who thinks by himself, has a clear target and is energetic (Today’s Word) enough to lead a group. He said the one who was not born to be a leader can acquire the skills through trainings such as Toastmasters. He, however, said that a leader will face many difficulties in that he has to coordinate various opinions and may face criticism. Also, a leader needs to make himself look he is able to do anything or he has an outstanding skill although it is not always true. He drew the audience’s attention by enthusiastically asking, “Do you want to be a leader? I don’t”.


Next, a workshop was held by VPE S titled “How to deal with table topics.” which consisted of 1. How to deal with it, 2. Pair Work and 3. Presentation. The PREP method was also introduced. 


She explained about technics by showing examples on what you should do when you cannot think of anything when appointed as speaker in the table topic session. She said an experienced speaker would take time to think while politely showing gratitude to the table topic master. It is a good idea to incorporate your episodes. When nothing can come to you, you just say that and try to talk about something related or you may even change the topic drastically. 


After a pair work session, TM T held a presentation on “What I want to eat before dying.” He chose a bowl of rice mixed with a raw egg with soy sauce and toppings. The way he described it made us feel how much he loves the food.


Next was the table topic session led by TM K, also for the first time. The first topic was, “How do you persuade your friend when you want to eat Cool ramen noodles but your friend want to eat a hot one?” This is not the type of topics the first taker of the role would give.


TM I answered with some troubled look, “Why don’t you recommend a cool pork ramen to her?” He even asked to TM S who just held a workshop for the session, “What would you do?”


The second topic was “How do you deal with summer heat fatigue?” Mr. W, a guest, talked about air-conditioning and taking cold foods. He answered spontaneously despite a sudden appointment.


A Japanese evaluation was done by TM K. She mentioned good points and improvable points to TM H who made a speech after a long time. Good points were that he clearly showed the project purpose and well communicated with the audience. Also, the speech was well – organized, and repetition of the key words three times gave the audience time for thinking. As points to be improved, she recommended to include more episodes and pauses. Because he used many contradicting expressions, the audience were forced to switch their thoughts frequently.


The session moved on to the total evaluation by TM K after the announcements of the results of Today’s Roles. This was also the first time role for TM K. In his evaluation, he mentioned that the workshop was easy to understand thanks to the presentation of many examples, topics in presentations were interesting, the topics chosen for the table topic session was easy for speakers as it didn’t require special knowledges, and was suitable for the season. Also, he mentioned the innovative point of view by the evaluator of the speech.


After a short break came an English speech session. MT T’s speech was the only one since the speech by TM S had been cancelled. The speech title was, “Be a Beginner.” as DTM. He completed the previous course and has started a new program. His speech was full of meaning: A baby is curious and energetic trying to absorb everything with the soft brain, but that shrinks as we get older. He talked about it through teaching by Zen monks. He emphasized that we need to have a strong desire to learn from failure no matter what happens in our life, and keep asking ourselves “Why” as just as Zen monks.


The table topic session was done whichever the language the speaker likes. The first topic about sea was talked by W, a guest, about his familiar shores. Next, TM H talked about her memory of “Floating Noodles” as “What she wants to do in summer.” The third topic was “Difference between online and at sight in Toastmaster meetings, which was talked by TM M.


Next, TM S evaluated TM T’s speech. She talked about how she was impressed by knowing the rich and insightful knowledges of Japanese culture he has.


In TM K’s total evaluation, he made precise evaluations for each speaker and for the sessions as a whole.


The TMOD H successfully completed his role mentioning that many members completed roles for the first time today. He finished his role with a positive comment, “Everyone is a beginner in their first role.”


Finally, there was an announcement from our president S in the business session.

1.     2020 Rookies Speech Contest will be held on Saturday, Dec. 5, fully on line.

2.     A joint meeting with Odawara Toastmasters will be held on line in September. The date and time will be decided later by vote. (The choices will be either in the morning or afternoon on 5th or 6th of Sep.)


President S, who kept watching the meeting despite his unfavorable physical condition, closed the meeting in a usual steady manner.


Awards were presented to TM H for his speech in Japanese, to TM K for her evaluation speech, and TM I and TM W for their table topic speeches.


The next meeting is scheduled on Sunday, Aug. 9th.




(English after Japanese)








「今日の言葉/Today’s Word」はTSさんから、コロナせいでいろいろな状況が変わったことが人生を変えることもあり得るということで、「転換点/Turning Point」と発表されました。日本語・英語とも例会中、大変よく使われていました。







3本目のスピーチは入会式を終えたBさんのアイスブレークスピーチでした。‟About Me“ということで、遺伝子研究のために日本に来た経緯を研究への情熱をもって語っていただきました。Bさんのスピーチ論評はMEさん。オンラインからの論評でしたが、流ちょうな英語でBさんの次のスピーチを励ます論評をいただきました。











Mishima TMC July 12th Meeting Report


On Sunday, July 12th, 10:00-12:00, the 134th regular meeting was held with a hybrid system of venue participation + online participation. The number of online participants was 4 including the guest SY from Kanagawa TMC, and the number of participants at the venue was 18 including two visitors. The venue has a capacity of two-thirds, doing ventilation, and all participants had masks as a corona-friendly.

At the regular meeting on this day, the inauguration ceremony will be held in the second half. The opening business session was held by the former chairman TM MK, and the closing business session was held by the new chairman TM ST.

It started almost on time, and after the business session, Mr. B's entrance ceremony was held at the venue.


The education section conducted in English and Japanese because it is necessary to secure time for the inauguration, and the table topics section is not set. TM KY roled TMOD. TMOD has forgotten to announce the "theme of today's regular meeting". I announce now, the theme of the 134th regular meeting was "Shinki Ikkan/Making a fresh start” .



"Today's Word" was announced by TM TS as "Turning Point" because it might be possible to change in various situations due to corona could change lives. Both Japanese and English were used very often during the regular meetings.

TM SH, the timekeeper, was the first roll, but the explanation of the roll was given in her own words, and the timekeeping during the meeting was perfect. The grammarian has been TM HS. He picked up the good expressions of the speakers.  Ah-Counter is TM AM. Even though online, she listened to the voices of the venue and gived useful advice. There are two Vote Counters. TM HK who was in charge of on-site counting and TM SR who was online counting.


There were 3 preparation speeches, 2 in Japanese and 1 in English.

The first was TM SA's Japanese speech "First Steps". Speech targeting Pathways Level 1 research and presentation. Research on how to make good speeches has attracted the interest of the audience by quoting for example, Churchill's words and making presentations using flicks. TM SA's speech was evaluated by TM KK. Her evaluation picked 3 good points, and the 2 improvement points. She provided comments calmly and that was helpful to both the speaker and the audience.

The second was IM's Japanese speech, "Enjoy old age."

The speech target is the powerful persuasion of CC Manual 9. At the beginning of the speech, she asked the audience, "How old are you?" and made them aware of the problem of "age," which everyone faces, and drew it into the speech theme. As TM TO, a commentator of TM IM's speech, said, with a body language and vocal varieties, the speech structure was carefully assembled up to the conclusion, from "aging is natural" to "enjoy old age". It really skillfully guided the audience.

The third speech was TM B's ice break speech. The title was “About Me”. He told us about how he came to Japan for genetic research with a passion for research. TM B's speech evaluator was TM ME. It was an online commentary, but it was fluent. We received a comment that encourages TM B's next speech in English by TM ME.


The general comment was TM SM. TM SM gave a comment not only on the evaluator's commentary but also on the details of the progress of the meeting and commented on each role, and showed a model with a high level of completeness of the comprehensive commentary.


The inauguration ceremony was conducted in good order under the chairman of TM MM. First, a greeting from former chairman TM MK. Following that, there was an oath ceremony for a new officer and a greeting from the new chairman, TM ST.

The closing business session was approved by TM ST, who showed the idea of a joint meeting with Odawara TMC. There was also an introduction of TM Mayuko Sato, who won the Japanese section of the International Contest, and TM Sato gave a greeting. At the end, we got comments from guests and the meeting ended successfully.

Thanks to the cooperation of all the participants, we were able to proceed and finish almost on time.


Best Speaker:  TM IM

Best Evaluator:  TM TO


【2020/06/28(日)第133回 例会レポート】









論評セッションでは総合論評(General Evaluator)のM.Kさんが司会を務めました。



英語スピーチの1人目はH.Tさんの「My Inner World」です。自分自身を理解することは最も難しいけれどもとても大切なことであること、H.Tさんにとって静かな環境で日記を書いたり、散歩をしたり、ヨガをすることなどが有効であり、この1年間で少しずつ世界が広がり、調和しやすくなったというメッセージは多くの人の心に灯をともすような温かさに包まれていました。

2人目はM.Eさんの「Things Invisible but Important to Us All」です。黙って昼夜問わず一生懸命働いているmicroorganisms (微生物)のおかげで私たちは環境面で様々な恩恵を受けていることについて話されました。1杯のラーメンの汁を河川に放水できるレベルまでにするためにバスタブ5杯分の水が必要なこと、農作物を育てる上で使用する肥料について江戸時代と現代の比較を用いて述べられるなど具体的な例に基づいて落ち着いた口調で述べられ、気づかされることが多いスピーチでした。







【2020/06/14(日)第132回 例会レポート】

(English after Japanese)












準備スピーチは、 T.Iさん(三島)の「説明よりも、表現を…」(CC10)の1本でした。トースト人生の中で,自分自身に対する葛藤や,コンテストの経験などを話した上で,最後に綱渡りのようなありのままの自分の姿を見せることを大事にしたい,という内容の素晴らしいスピーチでした.このT.Iさんのスピーチに対する思いを知った上で,今後のスピーチを聴くことが本当に楽しみです。そしてご自身の綱渡りのイメージ画像がやはり印象的です。





グループ1のTTMはY.Kさん(三島) 代表者はA.S(三島)さんで,想定外の出来事について,日本語でスピーチしていただきました。

グループ2のTTMはM.Mさん(三島) 代表者はWさん(和歌山)で,コンビニの便利なシステムのアイディアについて英語でスピーチしていただきました。

グループ3のTTMはR.Sさん(三島) 代表者はS.A(横浜オーシャン)さんで,コロナの中で新しく始めたことについて日本語でスピーチしていただきました。

グループ4のTTMはK.Sさん(横浜オーシャン) 代表者はK.Hさん(三島)で,三島にある川辺の散歩道の楽しみ方について日本語でスピーチしていただきました。

グループ5のTTMはR.Oさん(横浜オーシャン) 代表者はBさん(見学)で,多くの三島のいいところについてレポーターのように英語で紹介していただきました。

グループ6のTTMはH.Kさん(横浜オーシャン) 代表者はM.A(三島)で,見たい景色について英語でスピーチしました。







Today, members from Yokohama Ocean TMC and Mishima TMC were gathering together. A joint meeting of two clubs was held. There were 15 people from Yokohama Ocean TMC, 19 people from Mishima TMC, 4 people from other clubs, and one visitor.


Both Yokohama Ocean TMC and Mishima TMC have regular meetings at 10:00am at the second and forth Sunday, so we had tried having a joint meeting together. “These days, because of Covid-19 crisis, we have to hold a meeting online, but this was a chance to have a joint meeting easily. Then it came true finally!” said TM K.M from Mishima TMC.


Two directors from each club called members’ names because there are a lot of people today. Thanks to this, we could know all people’s names and faces.


Firstly, TM K.I from Yokohama Ocean TMC held a workshop about “Speaking to inform”. He talked about his experience and his knowledge about making a good speech. I learned that a great speech is simple and has effective repetition and appropriate humor.


TMOD was TM S.W from Yokohama Ocean TMC. Mishima TMC rarely finishes a meeting in time, but TM S.W’s time management was amazing. Today’s meeting progressed almost as scheduled.


Today’s timer was TM K.E from Yokohama Ocean TMC. She explained how to confirm the time while making a speech. That was very helpful for all online speakers. A recorder was me. It was a great honor to play this role in such a wonderful meeting.

We had just one prepared speech, “An expression rather than explanation” by TM T.I. from Mishima TMC. He shared his struggling with himself and experience of a contest. In the end, he told us that he wanted to cherish his own style. A picture he showed was impressive for us.


An evaluator for TM T.I was TM M.H from Yokohama Ocean TMC. She found good points from his speech. In addition, when she suggested something for next speech for TM T.I, she showed a clear example. That was so amazing.


We had a special table topic session today. We were divided into 6 groups, made a table topic speech in each group, and then we chose a group representative.


Group 1’s TTM was TM Y.K form Mishima TMC and representative was TM A.S form Mishima TMC. She talked about an unexpectable event in Japanese.

Group 2’s TTM was TM M.M form Mishima TMC and representative was TM W from Wakayama TMC. She talked about a convenient system for a convenience store in English.

Group 3’s TTM was TM R.S form Mishima TMC and representative was TM S.A from Yokohama Ocean TMC. He talked about what you started during Covid-19 crisis.” in Japanese.

Group 4’s TTM was TM K.S from Yokohama Ocean TMC and representative was TM K.H form Mishima TMC. He talked about “walkway along the river in Mishima” in Japanese.

Group 5’s TTM was TM R.O from Yokohama Ocean TMC and representative was B(visitor). He talked about good points in Mishima as a reporter in English.

Group 6’s TTM was TM H.K from Yokohama Ocean TMC and representative was TM M.A(Me). I talked about scenery I want to see” in English.

Best table topic speaker was TM S.A from Group 3.


General Evaluator, TM M.S from Mishima TMC evaluated not only about whole meeting, but also about a table topic session and preparation for this meeting, and she expressed gratitude. That was so wonderful.


In the end of the meeting, TM Y.K from Yokohama Ocean TMC said, “It is difficult to have a joint meeting between our clubs because we are far away a little bit.


However, Covid-19 crisis made it come true.” I completely agree with that!!

To sum up, today’s joint meeting was very amazing!! I hope that we will have an opportunity to interact with other club’s members more!!


【2020/05/24(日)第131回 例会レポート】

5月24日(日)131回例会をオンラインにて行いました。16名の三島メンバーと2名のゲストが参加しました。ゲストはサザンビーチTMCのYZさんとシンガポールのChua Chu KangTMCのNSさんです。


























Best TTS Kさん

Best E Iさん

Best S Tさん

2020/05/10(日)第130回 例会レポート】(English after Japanese)












・3本目はK.M.さん、「英:2ND ICE BREAK」。トーストマスターへの入会動機、先輩からのこころに響くアドバイス。ユーモアに乗せて、心に刺さるスピーチ! いつものことながらいい味出てます、流石です ^^

















【2020/05/10(Sun)130th Mishima TMC regular meeting report】

Due to the refraining from going out, this was the third online meeting of Mishima TMC. There were 21 Mishima members, 5 other club guests, and 1 visitor, including guests from Hiroshima. It was a lively meeting which is only possible online.


Today’s word was “One more Step!”. It was TM S’s idea to hope regain our daily life.

Officers’ elections were scheduled for today’s meetings. It was an irregular meeting with two Japanese speeches and one English speech in a row.


1.TM T.H. “Get rid of worries! World of diary”. Positive and Negative diary can look back for myself. Through that unique diary, we can take one more step. It was timely content that is helpful to everyone under the refraining from going out.


2.TM Y.Y. “Take one step!”. It was also a content that synchronizes with today’s words. She expressed us emotionally through interaction with the human national treasure. “Opening a new world by taking one step forward with courage”. That speech sent us a powerful message and was suitable for cc10.


3.TM K.M. “2nd ICE BREAK”. He talked about why he joined the Toastmaster. He also talked about the good advice that he received from his senior. It was a very impressive speech with humor.


General evaluator was TM S.H. He controlled a good balance between English and Japanese. It was very impressive to evaluate the session.


Nomination committee of next season officers was M.M. She made a funny introduction video by changing ritual elections into entertainment.


The online meeting will continue. Every time, our communication is getting better and "Mishima style" is built.


After the meeting, we hold a practice session of contest speech!

The speech contest gets better as it receives feedback from more than 10 people.

Champ from Mishima!

【2020/04/26(日)第129回 例会レポート】(English after Japanese)





本日の言葉は「おかげさまで/Thanks to you」。この厳しい状況で感謝の言葉をというHさんのアイディアです。








・Iさん「Travel at Home」。先日のコンテストを見て、優勝されたM.Sさんの今後の応援と期待を込めた熱のこもったスピーチでした。まさにCC9の「Persuade with power」に適した内容と構成でした。



論評者で日本語はTさん、ゲストのIさん、E.Mさん。英語はM.Sさんが担当。Tさん、IさんはM.Sさんはとても進行がスムーズなフィードバックとこれまでの経験を踏まえて、eye contactのアドバイスなどスピーカーだけでなく参加者全ても参考となる内容でした。E.Mさんも初めての論評にチャレンジしてくれました。










4/26 (Sun) 129th Mishima TMC regular meeting

Due to the refraining from going out, this was a complete online meeting for Mishima TMC.

The PC monitor was full of colorful pictures with the 20 Mishima members, 3 other club guests, and 2 visitors.


The first helper of the meeting was also occupied with members assigned by Japanese helpers and English helpers.

Today's word was "Thanks to you." It is TM. H's idea to say thank you even in this difficult situation.


There are 3 Japanese speeches.

・ TM H.S Icebreaker "Me and why I joined ToastMasters". It was an ice breaker about her work, hobbies, and favorite things including self-introduction.

・ TM Y.K "Pinch is a chance!" It was a speech that cheered everyone up at the end of the basic speech manual. Her speech inspired everyone by contrasting a new perspective with her current situation. Anyways, congratulations on completing the manual!

・ TM Y.S “How to deal with scams” An exciting catchy title. It was also a dramatic story making audiences fun and laugh through his story.


English speech was

・ TM I "Travel at Home". After the huge contest, it was an enthusiasm speech with support ideas of TM M.S who won the contest. It was exciting content and suitable components for "Persuade with power" of CC9.


The table topics were controlled by TM S.H. He used a lot of keywords, that everyone heard these days, such as "online lessons" and "online games,", to entertain the speakers.

Evaluators in Japanese were TM T, guest TM I, TM E.M. TM S.M was in charge of English evaluator. The feedback from TM T, TM I, and TM S. M were progressing smoothly based on their experiences such as eye contact. These ideas were so helpful not only speakers but all so all audiences. TM E.M also did a great job for her first-time evaluation.


The result of the meeting were

・ Best TT: Guest M

・ Best comment: Guest I

・ Best speaker: H.S


It was still unfamiliar online meetings for the club, so I felt it was a room of improvement for me not to exceed the scheduled time. However, there were more members in this meeting to set the online meeting environments smoothly for camera, mute switching and voting than in the last meeting. In this a hard situation, it would be pleased for us to have some opportunities to feel growth and progress. Even though it was small steps, it was a great meeting that I felt like going forward in this way.

I'm looking forward to further progress at the next meeting.

【2020/04/12(日)第128回 例会レポート】






 E.Mさんは「How to make excuses」と題して、自身が仕事で関わった海外の人の「仕事上のあり得ない言い訳」についてユーモアスピーチをされました。仕事相手に対する、愛情を感じさせるスピーチでした。












It was a difficult decision for a speech club, a place to practice speaking in front of a large number of people.We decided to make meeting online(using Zoom) to protect society from COVID-19.

Participants are 21 (including one other club guest). Some members are new to ZOOM, and some members will have more opportunities to participate meeting because of ZOOM. I hope this change bring us new skills.

We are looking forward to Guest coming. At this time when going out is restricted, those who want to start a new thing, those who want to take a new challenge, please feel free to email us. If you become a member, you can participate in other clubs nationwide and club meetings overseas with ZOOM


【2020/03/23(日)第127回 例会レポート】




この日は入会式があり、新会員にSAさんをお迎えしました。恒例の握手会は「お辞儀会」になりました。「本日の言葉」はゲストのNさん。コロナ騒ぎで、ワイドショーなどで知ったかぶりのコメンテーターが無責任な発言を繰り返している様子に辟易していることからとのことで「しゃしゃり出る/Sticking her/his nose into someone’s business」でした。英訳については「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」の場面と対訳を確認されたということで、たかが「本日の言葉」されど「本日の言葉」、素晴らしいプレゼンテーションに唸らされました。例会中、日英ともよく使われていました。ヘルパーは、文法係にSMさん、えーとカウンターがJさん、計時係がMHさんです。この日のスピーチの時間は4-6分、5-7分、7-9分、8-10分とバラエティーがありましたが、MHさんは初めてのロールだったにもかかわらず、完璧に計時してくださいました。



英語スピーチは、まずAさんのPL2-3でタイトルは「From my mentor in a club activity and toastmasters」。論評はSRさん。高校の時のメンター「Mr. Sugar」、TMCでのメンターのSRさんについて熱く語られました。次はSKさんのACプロジェクト4の「Simple Life」。断捨離の話から始まりゴミが出るような生活はしないという話をしてくださいました。論評はTKさんです。


テーブルトピックスマスターは初めてのロールのTさんです。お題は「マイルールはなんですか」「やりたくないことをする時、どんな工夫をしますか」「How do you change your impression to the place before and after visit there」「How do you cheer up yourself when you feel bad」。ZOOM参加者も指名に加えるなど、盛り上げてくださいました。





・Best Table Topic Speaker:Nさん

・Best Evaluator:TKさん

・Best Speaker:KKさん


【2020/03/08(日)第126回 例会レポート】











1人目のスピーカー(日):T.Sさん タイトル『成功する指導者に必要なものは?』



2人目のスピーカー(英):Tさん タイトル『Trifling resistance to make gestures』

Steve Jobsのスピーチはジェスチャーを使用せずともメッセージ性が強いことを参考に、スピーチとジェスチャーの在り方についてスピーチいただきました。

3人目のスピーカー(英):Mさん タイトル『How to make excuse』











◇最優秀テーブルトピックススピーカー:ゲスト Sさん

◇最優秀論評者: Mさん

◇最優秀準備スピーカー: T.SN さん




次回は3/22 マスク着用の「マスクド例会」となるのか!?お楽しみに☆



【2020/02/23(日)第125回 4周年記念例会レポート】

本日は三島 TMC の創立 4 周年を記念したスペシャルな通常例会(⇒ 長文注意!?)。 当クラブのメンバー20 名に加え、友好クラブのメンバー10 名、見学者 3 名をお迎えし、総 勢が 33 名と盛大な例会を開催することができました。ありがとうございました。

例会のテーマには伝説の高校生、堀〇徳〇氏のお言葉「歴史に名を刻め/Carve Your Name in History」を引用。


「参加者全員が三島 TMC の歴史へ爪痕を残して欲しい」と TMOD(S4)の願いを込め たものですが、皆様の積極的な例会参加のお陰で、この願いは叶いました。

今日の言葉 「有意義な/Meaningful」 を準備して下さったのはゲストの J さん。 スピーチに取り込みやすい巧みな言葉選択で、例会中はコツ×3 とテーブルを叩く音が何度 も響きました。

オープニングスピーチは、我らが三島 TMC のファウンダーI さん。

三島 TMC への熱い思いで言葉に詰まる場面もございましたが、「生みの親より、育ての親」 と現メンバーの頑張りを労って下さる優しさ。クラブを創立して下さったファウンダーへの感謝を 感じずにはいられません。

三島 TMC 歴史振り返りコーナーでは、S・H さんの作成して下さった動画を視聴。 選曲センスが光る優しく美しい調べと共に、各メンバーがそれぞれの思い出を振り返りました。 S・H さん、お忙しい中で動画作成ありがとうございました。

準備スピーチセッションは日本語スピーチ 2 本、英語スピーチ 2 本の計 4 本。

 最初のスピーカーはゲストの N さんで、スピーチタイトルは「この豚野郎!!」。 興味を引かずにはいられない衝撃的なタイトルとユーモアの溢れたスピーチで、豚の知られざ る実態(低体脂肪率・俊敏性・清潔)を交えながら、「外見・イメージにとらわれてはいけな い」というメッセージを伝えられました。

 2 番目のスピーカーは我らがエリアディレクターA さん。スピーチタイトルは「キャンプがあるなら 行きます」。

過去のエリアコンテストの苦い経験から、A さんがクラブメンバーを戦略的に動機づける重要 性を説かれました。先日のエリアコンテストのエピソードを交えて示される A さんの実行力(ハ イキングで人集め)と聴衆を今まさに動機づけされるお姿には流石の貫禄がありました。

 3 番目のスピーカーは三島 TMC の M・T さん。タイトルは「My Experience with wisdom teeth removal」。 先日抜いた親知らずの話を巧みなボーカルバラエティで伝えられ、自分の歯も痛くなりそう。。。

更に、施術後のうがいが今話題の「コロナウイルス」の予防になると辛い体験も前向きに捉え る M・T さんの姿に鼓舞されました。

 最後のスピーカーは三島 TMC の TKC さんで、タイトルは「Remembering Names」。 なかなか覚えられない他人の名前と顔はどうやって覚えるのか? 多数のゲストが参加された 本日の例会にピッタリの話題選択で、科学的な根拠を交えながら、巧みな話術とジェスチャ ーで直ぐに役立つ Tips を共有してくださいました。


テーブルトピックスセッションの TTM は、我らが三島 TMC の看板娘 M・S さん。 サイレントスピーカーが居ないようにと 7 人のテーブルトピックススピーカーを指名して頂き、全 員が三島 TMC の歴史へ名を刻んでくださいました。ゲスト M さんの「イメージとは違い筋骨 隆々だった先輩のお話」、ゲスト N さんの「職場の同僚を飲み会へ誘う動機づけのお話」、T さんの「相手の印象と名前を関連させて覚える Tips 披露」、ゲスト Y さんの「質問を逆に捉 えてテーブルトピックスを乗り切る裏技披露」、ゲスト K さんの「奥様への愛が溢れたお話(そ の後の展開に期待大!!)」、ゲスト U さんの「富士山の素晴らしさとその湧き水(専門家の 注意点含む)のお話」、M さんの「今年の誕生日にはご両親に感謝を伝えたいという決意 表明」。短い時間にスピーカーのメッセージが込められたテーブルトピックスという形式に、改め てトーストマスターズの醍醐味を感じました。


 休憩を挟んで最後のセッションは論評セッション。S1 こと H・S さんが総合論評者として落ち 着いた様子で論評セッションを仕切って下さいました。当日の例会の様子だけでなく、その準 備やクラブの様子へのお褒めの言葉を頂くとともに更なる改善点を挙げられ、背筋もピンとす る総合論評でした。

 最初の論評者は T さん。久しぶりの論評とは思えない落ち着いた話しぶりで、ゲスト N さん のスピーチへ良い点と改善点をお話しされました。改善点が非常に具体的でスピーカーだけ でなく聴衆の今後のスピーチにも参考になるアドバイスでした。今後もぜひ T さんの論評を例 会で聞きたいなぁ。

 続いての論評者は M・M さん。冒頭にゲスト A さんのスピーチを引用して「パーティーがあるな ら行きます。」と聴衆の注意を引くと共に、スピーチ内容へと切り込んでいくテクニックは流石で した。経験に裏打ちされた安定の論評で A さんのスピーチの良い点・改善点をご紹介してく ださいました。

 3 番目はゲスト Y さんが M・T さんのスピーチを論評。スピーチのシーンを再現しながら良かっ た点を列挙して下さり、スピーチを振り返りながら改めてスピーチの良さを再認識できる論評 でした。時事ネタに触れることの重要性も説かれ、とても参考になる論評でした。

 最後の論評者はゲストの M・K さん。力強い声と共に TKC さんのスピーチの良かった点ベス ト 3 を挙げてくださいました。「スピーチでは聴衆の共感を呼ぶことが大切」と TKC さんのスピ ーチを交えながら聴衆も勉強になる論評。最後にはプロジェクトの目的に沿って改善点もご紹介くださり、スピーカーへの配慮が行き届いているなぁと心に沁みる論評でした。


ヘルパーは、計時係:S さん、文法係:T さん(日)&M さん(英)、え~っとカウンタ ー:K さん、集計係:A さん&H さん。ヘルパーの皆さまの安定感あるパフォーマンスのお陰 で例会は非常にスムーズに進行。スピーカー及び聴衆に時間管理や言葉の選択、不要な 言葉を言わないことの重要性が伝わったのではないでしょうか? 投票作業もスムーズで、完 璧なタイミングで表彰状が TMOD へ届けられました。ありがとうございました。

そして、栄えある第 125 回 4 周年記念例会の表彰者は。。。


☆最優秀論評者:ゲスト M・K さん


ゲスト K さん

☆最優秀準備スピーカー:ゲスト N さん



時間はオーバーしてしまいましたが、皆様のご協力のもとで 4 周年記念例会の TMOD とい う大役を務められた事は大変貴重な経験になりました。M 会長のお言葉通り、ラッキーな TMOD!?でした。ありがとうございました。


【2020/02/09 (日) 第124回 例会レポート】















2本目のスピーチはIさん タイトル「なぜか気になるモノ」




3本目のスピーチはゲストのTさん タイトル「矢印」







・おはよう → スラマ・パギ

・おいしい → エナ・サカリ








ベスト論評賞:Sさん Aさん








カタツムリの速度ではありませんねw お楽しみに!



【2020/1/26 (日) 第123回 例会レポート】





3本目スピーチはAさんより「Understanding My Leadership Style」という題で、自分に合うStyleを選んだ理由や考え方などを説明していました。

4本目スピーチはSさんより「Numazu apls」という題で、沼津にある山を詳しく紹介していました。







[Report for the 123rd Mishima Toastmasters Club Meeting]

The 123rd Mishima Toastmasters Club regular meeting was held on Jan. 26th at Mishima City Community Center with the 18 attendees, including 3 visitors.

We had not only 4 great Japanese and English speeches but also tabletopics sessions.

Toastmaster H explained Japanese's world with different understandings.

Toastmaster S made Pathways' icebreak speech, which is her first Japanese speech at Mishima TMC, and her song was really impressive.

Toastmaster A, gave a speech telling us her reasons about how to choose her leadership style.

And Toastmaster S' project was Advanced Communication Persuasive Speaking- The winning proposal , so she introduced some mountains in Numazu in detail.

In addition, there were also great evaluate sessions and table topics sessions, which interested the audience a lot.

Best table topics: Toastmaster M

Best evaluator: Toastmaster T

Best speaker: Toastmaster S


Our next meeting[Area contest] will be held on Feb. 2nd. We look forward to your coming!


【2020/1/12 第122回例会 活動レポート】


The very first Toastmasters meeting in year 2020 was held on the auspicious Coming of Age Day in the middle of a long weekend. Although members participation was very few than usual as expected, we did not expect the first time visit from 5 guests!

Rather than the usual Word of The Day, VPM KY who was in-charge decided to ask all participants to choose a Kanji character as the representation of new year resolutions.


Then, we had 2 prepared speakers TM T and TM MM. TM T started his maiden Pathways project by giving the speech presentation about the facts that temples in Numazu City are concentrated along the old Tokaido Road. While TM MM completed the Level 2 projects by sharing her experiences about Toastmasters mentoring and how it has shaped her to become a better public speaker today, with the speech title of “One for All, All for One”.


On spontaneous Table Topics part, TM MK as the Topics master carefully chose the topics that suit the theme about new year. The best Table Topics speaker of the day, TM YY talked about her experience on learning English and how she made the effort by herself while answering the question about how to learn a second language.

As mentioned earlier, in conjunction with the very first meeting of the year as well as Coming of Age day, we went for a sushi lunch before heading to Mishima Shrine to see the crowds while taking the time communicating with each other.

A fruitful Sunday as usual. See you next Sunday!









【2019/12/22 第121回例会 活動レポート】





それではMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!


 最後に、英語スピーチはTイさんの「A New Star is Born」三島TMCについての愛を感じられました。実際に表彰を行い記念品を渡す姿はまさに表彰式!全員の目と耳を同時に引き付ける面白いスピーチでした。



出席者は16名。内訳はメンバー13人 non-TMのゲスト2名、他クラブからのゲスト1名でした!今日のTMODはSさん。例会テーマはピンチはチャンス。例会参加メンバーが少なくピンチでしたが、せっかく少ないのだからこの機会に新しいロールに挑戦してもらおう!という理由でした。今日の言葉はZoom参加のK林さん。「無性に」「~have an urge for」



The second speaker was A野san
Title: Unlocking the secrets of weight loss
Her mother always tries to lose weight, but never succeeded. She explained
why we gain weight. 70% of the cause is genetic factor but we can control 30%.
Then she introduced the book titled ‘Obesity code’ which suggests a sustainable approach for weight loss. We had much useful information from her speech.


The third speaker was I 田さん Title: Memory
He started with his speech with questions... How many of you have remembered what you had last night? the night before yesterday? the night two days before?
His memory is getting worse with age. He explained that it’s easy to forget the boring ones but we remember emotionally charged meals..such as birthday, at the camp or after the marathon….And how the amygdala(偏桃体) affects emotional memory. The important thing is ‘Move emotion! Shake the 偏桃体!’ It was valuable information for all of us!


The forth speaker was Z-san. She planned to speak ‘ What does age mean to you’ however, during making her speech, she realized that how hard would it be for her because in her home country the women after 30 years old are called ‘Left over’ and she got so much pressure from her parents...I completely understood her feeling….I almost cried. It was profound contents for all of us.


英語と日本語の質問で、10億円年末ジャンボがあたったら何をしますか?秋の食べ物で好きなものは?What’s your happiest memories? など素敵なお題で頑張ってくれました!

ベストテーブルトピック賞は栗の料理の話をしてくれたTさん、ベスト論評賞は安定のTさん、ベストスピーカー賞は、The secrets of weight lossの話をしてくれたA野さんでした。

【2019/11/10 第118回例会 活動レポート】







 即興スピーチの時間では、T.Sさんがファシリテーターとなり、6名に短いスピーチをさせました。「あなたの過去、工夫の末成功を収めた体験は何?」など。ZOOMで久々に遠隔地から参加されたAさんが、スピーチ下さいました! 名古屋からのゲストTさんも、素晴らしい英語即興スピーチを披露されました。



On November 10, the 118th regular meeting was held at the Mishima Toastmaster Club, as the winter coming, the temperature was getting cold.
Totally 18 people participated,(14 members, 1 guest from another club, and 3 visitors). I think it was the best number of people to practice speech. Today, two Japanese speeches and one English speech were announced (^^)
It was a great meeting. Thank you for everyone!

【2019/10/27 第117回例会 活動レポート】

Happy Halloween!!!



・スピーカーHさん。「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!! なぜか人気?」。リサーチをプレゼンテーションを目的としたスピーチにふさわしく、愛する地元・沼津で人気のストーリーを掘り下げて鑑賞し、更に街頭インタビューまで行った熱意に脱帽でした。





・スピーカーAさん。「Leave your smartphone, just do nothing」。前回の新人戦予選のスピーチに改善を加えたスピーチでした。前回のフィードバックを元に、タイ旅行での出来事やおばあさまとのストーリーから、メッセージをより深く掘り下げてました。そして前回同様に一杯の笑顔で楽しそうに話してくれたのが素敵でした。
・スピーカーSさん。「online school」。子供に教えたdirect methodで繰り返し教えていた手法を紹介して下さったり、自身で体験した英会話のonline schoolの学習などをを紹介してくれとても興味を持ちました。

またMさんは初めての英語の論評は思えないほど、堂々とした論評でした。Sさんの新しいonline schoolを取り入れたストーリ構成を評価され、同じ様な学習をしているメンバーの共感を受けやすいと分かりやすく論評をしてくれました。















例会のテーマは「実りの秋」。段々と秋の訪れを感じる気候となり、農作物も収穫の時期を迎えるように、この例会からそれぞれの参加者が得るものがあって欲しいという願いをこめて設定しました。例会の最初に、新規入会のHさんの入会式が執行されました。次に、S村さんから今日の言葉「特別な Speciality」が発表されました。その他の役割は計時係をT本さん、文法係は日本語をS村さん、英語をS木さん、えーっとカウンターをLさん、集計係をT原さんが担当しました。三島クラブの通常例会は前半を日本語、後半を英語と設定していますが、今回は前半をスピーチセクション、後半を論評セクションと設定しました。準備スピーチは4本。






3つ目のスピーチはH口さんの “Real Life of Social Withdrawal”です。入会式を終えたばかりのアイスブレーカースピーチでしたが、ご自身がこれまでに悩んだこと、取り組んできたことや、欠点を見つけるのではなく自分自身を信じることの大切さなどについて、丁寧に、真摯に語られていました。


4つ目のスピーチはTKさんの“A Brilliant Toastmaster”です。このスピーチは相手への賛辞を目的としており、メンバーであるTMさんをスピーチゾーンに招き、TMさんを表す語として“PEACE”(Positive, Enthusiastic, Assiduous, Cooperative, Empathetic)を掲げて具体的なエピソードを交えながら称えました。TMさんは恥ずかしそうにしていましたが、身近な人を褒め称え、それを共有することは素敵なことだと実感したスピーチでした。
次に、テーブルトピックスの時間です。初テーブルトピックマスターを務めたM谷さん。ラグビーW杯についての話題から「にわかファンになったことはありますか」「健康面で気を遣っていること」”What do you expect the most when you travel?”「最も印象に残る恩師や先生は?」というお題でメンバーだけでなくゲストの方からも幅広く素敵な話を引き出されていました。




Best Table Topic賞:他クラブからのゲストS村さん
Best Evaluator:S木さん
Best Speaker:S藤さんです。


台風の影響で様々な変更点や柔軟な判断が必要とされた例会でしたが、迅速に連絡を下さったり、対応して下さったりと皆でONE TEAMとなって開催し、特別な、実りの秋となった例会となりました。今後もこのように判断が難しい事態が起きる可能性もありますが、くれぐれも安全第一で、無理のない範囲でトーストマスターズクラブの活動に参加していただければと思います。スピーチ予定だったSさん、ゲストで来られる予定だったUさん、Iさん、またのお越しを楽しみにしております。



(English after Japanese)

9月22日に第11回三島トーストマスターズ定期例会が行われ、Zoom での遠隔参加を含む20名の会員が参加。ゲストはZoom1人を含む5名。合計25名の大盛況な例会となりました。






1番目のスピーカーはA野さん。英語スピーチでタイトルは「Leave your smartphone, just do nothing」


3番目のスピーカーはM谷さん。英語スピーチでタイトルは「Carelessness is our enemy」

4番目のスピーカーはT本さん。英語スピーチでタイトルは「Naming issue」

最後、5番目のスピーカーはT.S木さんで、タイトルは「How spicy is it?」スパイスは少量だから料理が生きてくる。




1st prize winner:T.S木さん 
2nd prize: T原さん
3rd prize: A野さん

1st prizeのT.S木さんは11月16日(土)の新人戦スピーチコンテストに駒を進めます。みんなで応援しましょう〜! 

最後に、昨年の新人戦 1st prize winnerのU田さん(Zoomで参加)から、T.S木さんに愛のこもった論評があり、さすが経験者で王者からの論評は的を得ていると一同納得して閉会となりました。なんとも有意義な濃い2時間でした。



[Report for the 115th Mishima Toastmasters Club Meeting]

The 115th Mishima Toastmasters Club regular meeting was held on Sep. 22nd at Mishima City Community Center with the 25 attendees, including 5 visitors.

Today the inhouse rookies contest was held.

Five contestant presented a speech. One of them was Japanese and four speeches were English.

Speech order was decided with じゃんけん.

The 1st English speech was presented by A. The title was 「Leave your smartphone, just do nothing. 」 She experienced her life without smartphone in Thai. She noticed the excessive screen time had led to many problem. She emphasized the importance of living without smartphone.

The 2nd English speech was presented by T. The title was ご利用は計画的に. He used to travel his plan in details but accidentally he had to travel without plan. He found out advantages of living unplanned.

The 3rd English speech was presented by M. The title was Carelessness is our enemy.
During her mountain climbing, she encountered a snake. She learned some important lessons from the matter.

The 4th English speech was presented by T. The title was Naming issue. Starting with the name of singer songwriter, Miyuki Nakajima and led to the society full of fake staff.

The 5th English speech was presented by S. He used metaphor in his speech. Spice in his life.

Interview session conducted by T.
The evaluation session. GE was M田

Award session master was I.

The 1st prize winner was T. S木
The 2nd prize was T原

Best evaluator award: T.
1st prize winner:T.S木さん 
2nd prize: T原さん
3rd prize: A野さん

T.S木 will proceed to the Rookies speech contest which is held on Saturday November 16th.

Let’s cheer him on!

The next meeting wil be 10AM-12noon on Sunday October 13th.

Looking forward to the next meeting!

(English after Japanese)







2本目のスピーチはSさんより「スピーチde料理 新人戦選抜にエントリーしよう」と題しまして、料理の考え方で、より良いスピーチの作り方を説明し、次回新人戦の参加者に鼓舞をしました。

3本目スピーチはTさんより英語「Fan, a powered machine」という題で、ファンの原理を紹介し、技術的なスピーチを行いました。




[Report for the 114th Mishima Toastmasters Club Meeting]

The 114th Mishima Toastmasters Club regular meeting was held on Sep. 8th at Mishima City Community Center with the 18 attendees, including 3 visitors.

We had not only 3 great Japanese and English speeches but also tabletopics sessions.

Toastmaster O introduced juicer to make everyone know its operating principle very well.

Toastmaster S told us how to make a speech through comparing to food, and everyone learned a lot from her speech.

And Toastmaster T , made a technical speech titled [Fan, a powered machine].
In addition, there were also great evaluate sessions and table topics sessions, which interested the audience a lot.


Best table topics: Toastmaster S Best evaluator: Toastmaster N
Best speaker: Toastmaster S Congratulations!
Our next meeting[Rookie contest] will be held on Sep. 22th.

We look forward to your coming

【8/25(日) 第113回 通常例会活動報告】



(日)1人目Mさん タイトル『80年』
冒頭から織田信長が好んだ「人間五十年~♪」を唄い 、我々は何歳まで働くのか等人生プランの葛藤をスピーチ。

(日)2人目Tさん タイトル『印象』


(英)3人目T.Sさん タイトル『It`s 4 me』


(英)4人目T.Sさん タイトル『Sleepless in the Hospital ~episode Ⅱ~』

Best Table topicks : Iさん
Best Evaluator : Iさん
Best Speaker : T.Sさん




【小田原&三島TMC 第4回合同例会】報告














テーブルトピックスマスターはPathways Level3の一環


Best Table topicks : Iさん
Best Evaluator : Aさん
Best Speaker : Y.Nさん



【7/28(日) 第111回 通常例会活動報告】

 はじめのビジネスセッションでは、役員研修などトーストマスターズの公式行事時における交通費に関する動議が2点出ました。今後、会費のメンバーへの還元につながる議論をしていくことになります。本日のヘルパーは、計時係がZGさん、集計係がCAさん、あーカウンターはゲストでエリアディレクターのTAさん、文法係はEMさんです。本日の言葉はSHさんで「一つ一つ/one by one 」。この日の例会が[第111回]であることからの着想とのこと、ナイスです。例会中よく使われていました。
後半の英語セッションでは、準備スピーチはアイスブレーカーズの3本。MTさん『at the Starbucks』、MAさん『be unique』、KTさん『where my thoughts will come from』です。3人とも周到に準備され、素晴らしいスピーチでした。感動的でさえありました!


【7/7(日) 第110回 通常例会活動報告】


(English after Japanese)






 例会を開始する前に、AさんとTさんの入会式を行いました。新会員担当のTさんが司会としてAさんとTさんを歓迎しました。本日では3つの素晴らしいスピーチを聞かせて頂きました。最初のスピーチは全国スピーチコンテストの出場者のSさんからの「ドアマン」というスピーチでした。Sさんの海外カルチャーショックやほろ苦い経験のスピーチでした。次のスピーチは自分の弱点についてIさんからの「Weakness」というタイトルのスピーチでした。Iさんから自分の弱点を恐れなく、他の人のスピーチを参考しながら、真似して勉強するということを勉強になりました。本日の唯一のアイスブレーカーのスピーチはOさんからの「What makes me me」というテーマのスピーチでした。Oさんが自分の人生の方向について皆さんと共有していました。自らの悩みや志望を強調するスピーチでした。この3人のスピーカーから人生のアドバイスをいただきました。




















The 110th Regular Meeting of Mishima Toastmaster was held at The Memorial Museum of Bokusui Wakayama on the 7th of July 2019.A BBQ party was also held after the regular meeting in TM K’s home. This regular meeting and BBQ party or usually known as BBQ meeting is an annual event held by Mishima Toastmaster Club. I would like to use this opportunity to thank the 3 guests who attended our BBQ meeting.




Before the regular meeting , a induction ceremony was held and was emceed by our newVPM TM T. He welcomed TM A and TM T with big hands. During, the regular meeting there was 3 speeches delivered by 3 of our members. The first speech was titled 「ドアマン」(Doorman) and it was delivered by TM S. A seasoned toastmaster who made it to the national level of the recent speech competition delivered her speech which was about her joy and discrimination  experienced when overseas. Her bittersweet experiences made the audience wanting to venture out for our own self improvement. The next speech was delivered by TM I andWeaknessis the title of her speech. Her weakness and how she overcome it by learning from others echoed with audience. The last speech and the only ice breaker speech of the was delivered by TM O and titledWhat makes me me. She talked about her quest to find her purpose of her life and the hard decision that she made. I have learnt a lot from listening to 3 of these speeches. Advices for own life and the struggle that they overcome were a great lesson for all of us.




The table topics was different from our regular meeting. Instead of the normal table topics where the table topics master will ask anyone from the audience to talk about a topic, we were tasked to make traditional Japanese poem haiku  on any topics. Then, the table topic master will pick randomly any one haiku to be presented. After the haiku was read, the poet or commonly known as haijin was asked to explain about his or her haiku. It was a great change of pace from the norm and we had fun making haiku and listening to others’ haiku.




After the table topics session, we moved on to the next agenda which was evaluation session. The first evaluator of the day was TM H who will be evaluating TM S’s speech. His evaluation was not just full of humor but also filled with advices for TM S. The next evaluator was held by the guest of the day TM A. He was tasked to evaluate TM I’s speech titled weakness.Instead of focusing on the weakness of TM I, he elaborated more on her strengths which I felt it will be a great encouragement for TM I. The last evaluator for the day was TM M who evaluated TM O’s speech. TM M could pick up TM O’s words and messages and concluded that TM O’s speech was full of positive energy and words.




After the speeches, table topics and evaluation ended, the vote for the best speaker, best evaluator and best table topics(best haiku) was counted and tabulated by the vote counter of the day TM R and TM T. The result is TM S , TM H and TM Y was awarded best speaker, best evaluator and best table topics(best haiku) respectively. The three of them each received limited edition ribbon and certificate. Since there was an ice breaker speech today, TM O also received her ice breaker accomplishment ribbon and certificate.



I felt that we had fun and learnt a lot from the three speakers, the three evaluator and  the haijin of this regular meeting. This meeting was different from our normal meeting and I could conclude that it was a success as it was a good change of mood and atmosphere. I would like to thank the each and every attendee who made this meeting a success. You have my utmost gratitude. Let’s not forget about the helpers who supported this meeting during and before the meeting. Thank you very much for the honor of being the Toastmaster of the Day for this meeting.

【6/23(日) 第109回 通常例会活動報告】
英語の準備スピーチはSKさん。AC1でタイトルは『sales person』。
先ずは台湾からのゲストを紹介いただきました。はじめにKさんをご紹介するタイミングを逃してしまい、どのタイミングでご紹介しようかと悩んでいたTMODを救ってくださいました! 英語の論評者は、その台湾のKさんです。


 二本目のスピーチは英語スピーチで、先日入会された中国出身のZさんによるアイスブレーカースピーチ。タイトルは『A guide to working with me』。私の"トリセツ"的なスピーチで、Zさんのことがよく分かる且つ楽しいスピーチでした☆
三本目のスピーチも英語スピーチで、マレーシア出身のTさんによる上級者スピーチでQ&Aセッションも付いているものでした。タイトルは『Mind You, Lectern Manners』ということで、普段あまり気にしていない演台(lectern)マナーを題材に、効果的なスピーチ方法について語ってくれました☆


 We held the 108th regular meeting on June 9th. The meeting was exciting with 20 people in total including a guest from Meguro Toastmasters and four visitors. As well as the previous meeting, we had a induction ceremony for another new member in this time's meeting. We are happy for the growth of our club with the new members !
 The theme set for the 108th meeting was "Challenge". This theme suggests that each of us set some goal to challenge in every meeting so that we can make every our meeting a bit more exciting and beneficial.
 We had three speeches in the meeting. The 1st prepare speech was 3 mins speech (Japanese) by Ms. M. She gave a speech about her niece along with the given theme "What makes me smile". Her speech is funny as well as a bit heartwarming.
The 2nd speech was an Ice breaker speech (English) by Ms. Z who just recently joined Mishima TMC. Her speech title was "A guide to working with me" and she told about herself in a funny and informative way.
 The last speech was an advanced level speech (English) by Mr. T that is required longer speech time and also associates with a Q&A session. In his speech, he explained an effective manner related to the lectern during giving a speech. He did a good job although the advanced level speech is difficult.
We also had exciting time during both Japanese and English Table Topic session thanks to the two table topic masters who prepared interesting questions.
Lastly, Evaluation session was very educative as every evaluators gave a high-quality evaluation.
 Overall, the 108th meeting was successful !

Best Table Topic Speakers:Ms. M and Ms. O
Best Evaluator:Mr. M (Meguro TMC)
Best Speaker:Ms. Z


[Report for the 107th Mishima Toastmasters Club Meeting]
The 107th Mishima Toastmasters Club regular meeting was held on May 26th at Mishima City Community Center with the 18 attendees, including 1 new members and 4 visitors.
We had not only 3 great Japanese and English speeches but also initiation ceremony, and exciting election for 2019-2020 year’s officer members candidates.
Toastmaster T briefly introduced himself to make everyone know him very well. Toastmaster S used PPT to make her speech understood easily and everyone learned the right Janpanese accent from her speech. And Toastmaster S , as an icebreaker, gave a great herself introduction.
In addition, there were also great evaluate sessions and table topics session, which interested the audience a lot. After that, Mishima Toastmasters Club’s new officers' election was held, the new officers were decided. Let’s look forward to new system from July 2019.
Best table topics: Toastmaster Z
Best evaluator: Toastmaster I
Best speaker: Toastmaster S
Our next meeting will be held on June 9th. We look forward to your coming!

【5/12(日) 2019年全国大会 佐藤さん出場🎉】














[4/28(日) 第106回例会活動報告  ワークショップ:コンテストスピーチ入門 by Oさん]

















 アイスブレーカーの一人目は、EMさん。タイトルは、I am here, again.” でした。













次回の三島クラブ次回例会は、4/28() 小原さんを講師にお迎えしてのワークショップ、コンテストスピーチ入門~スピーチのいろはを学ぶ~です。ぜひお越しください。




【三島TMC:佐藤さん 南関東エリアDivision Eコンテスト 日本語の部 優勝🏆🎉🏆】



これは、各クラブのコンテスト>3クラブ合同コンテスト>南関東コンテスト と勝ち上がって来た結果の優勝❗とても素晴らしい成果を残されました✨



ホールインワンは人生に一度あるかないかと言われていますが。私にとってそれと同じくらいの確率の出来事が起きてしまいました。Division Eコンテストの日本語スピーチで1位。5月12日(日)の全国大会のステージに立つ権利をいただけました。私の座右の銘は「人事を尽くして棚ぼたを待つ」まさに今それを噛みしめています。












今日は三島TMCメンバー11名、ゲスト10名 計21名 ゲストは国際色豊かな方々で賑やかな例会でした。
英語セッションは3本の準備スピーチ。1本目Tさんの「Perseverance prevails」最初に自転車に乗練習した時のことから何事も根気が大事という、改めて気付かされたすばらしいスピーチ
2本目K.Sさんの「Speaking skill」話し方と語学の上達の為TMCに入会し、それが役に立っているというポジティブなスピーチ。
3本目Aさんの「Make our children physically and mentally tough」子供の良い育て方についての為になるスピーチでした。









 最初のスピーチはMさんの「キング」。キングカズのカズダンスを元に、敗北や勝利を経て、やり続ければ誰でもキングになれる可能性があるという感動的なスピーチでした。2本目は、Y.Hさんの「Emulate the Outgoing Person」。外交的な人の共通点を見つけて取り入れたら、職場の人間関係が上手くなったというエピソードを紹介してくれました。3本目は、R.Sさんの「The Power of Music」。自身の音楽との体験に基づいて、音楽のもたらす影響力を熱く語ってくれました。CC10達成おめでとうございます!






[2/24(日) 第102回例会活動レポート]



 On February 24th, Mishima TMC In-house Contest was held. We had 3 contestants in each Japanese and English contest. Every contestant performed great speech
that was very worth listening and watching. I would like to appreciate as an audience and also the contest chair for their great amount of preparation and efforts to deliver their speeches.I believe all the people who were present there must have been strongly motivated by the speeches.
  Luckily, we had as many as 7 guests on that day. Listening to those guests' comment after the contest, they seemed to really enjoy the contest, for which I am very happy.
  Area 56 contest is to be held on March 23rd. So let's cheer up and support the contestants who have been selected so that they can aim for the top of Japan! and top of the world!!
  Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all people who cooperated and supported us executive committee members.





[2/10(日) 第101回例会活動レポート]
 本日の言葉は、「Well Done.(いいぞ)、Good Luck」これからレクターンに向かうメンバーを励まし、話し終えたメンバーをねぎらう、実践しやすいとても良い言葉でした。
 二本目は、Sさんによる、両親を仲良くさせる為に、子供時代についたWhite Lie(悪意のない嘘)についての「ここだけの話」でした。その結果、当時ホワイトライついての特典をユニークに語った子供の健気なさがキュンとするお話でした。

 一本目は、ゲストのAさん。“The reality of X-mas and how it began.”でした。
 クリスマスの時期を祝う習慣が、実はキリストが誕生するはるか前にあり、ローマ帝国内で隆盛した宗教をいくつか経て、キリスト教のクリスマスとなるまでを地図を使い語り、それが今は単にクリスマスが商業的に利用されていること。そして、ご自身はお仕事の関係上、クリスマスを祝う準備はせざるを得ないが、タイトルからは想像できない、”Christmas is fake.“という結論に、聴衆の笑いを誘っていました。
 二本目は、ゲストEさんの”Door Closed.“ 楽しい飲み会の後に、身に起きた大変だった出来事についての、表現豊かな、ユーモアたっぷりで、エネルギッシュなスピーチでした。最終電車で寝落ちし、降りる駅で電車のDoor Closedから、寒空を2時間半歩いた挙句に鍵忘れで、Door Closed. 本来は悲劇、悲惨な出来事も、スピーカーのテクニック次第で、ここまで楽しく聞けてしまものだと、とても勉強になりました。







[1月27(日)三島トーストマスターズ100回&3周年記念例会レポート PART2]

--- ご挨拶 ---...
 2014年7月に創部された三島TMC。当初2名3名で行っていた活動が、この100回例会ではメンバーやゲストを含め40人もの参加者で2つの部屋をつなげてできるとは、その時思わなかったのではないしょうか。 市内で、いや静岡県内で初めてのクラブを立ち上げて、継続して成長させるということは簡単なことばかりではありません。 紆余曲折もあった歴史ですが、どんな時でも一つ一つの活動にまじめに楽しく取り組むメンバーの参加の成果だと思います。
 この記念例会やパーティでも忙しい中事前から十分に準備され、当日は新人戦優勝スピーチ・コンテストリハーサル・バイオリン演奏・最後はドジョウすくいまで披露され、個々の才能や特技が光っておりました。 一人一人が個性を生かして成長できる、そんな場としてクラブが根付いてきたのはこれまでの日々の活動の積み重ねです。 これまで三島TMCの参加に1度でも参加された、メンバー・ゲスト・見学者全てに感謝をするそんな1日でした。
 トーストマスターズはアメリカで生まれ90年という歴史があります。 この三島TMCはまだやっと100回の例会とチャーター3周年を迎えましたが、3年5年と続き、今後静岡の主要拠点として長く残り繁栄を支えるクラブになるだろうと今回感じました。
  これから新年号やオリンピックなどを迎える時代。この街でも色々な可能性を秘めているこのクラブ、現在のメンバーと101回以降に迎える将来の仲間とまだまだ楽しめることがイッパイだとまた夢が膨らみます。 これまでの感謝と、さらなる繁栄を祈り、今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

2018-2019 president M.M






English after japanese



 Uさん英語スピーチタイトル:「Let`s Workout」。このスピーチは新人戦優勝作品!WorkoutがUさんにどのような効果をもたらしたかを新人戦同様、抑揚ありテンポ良しのすばらしいスピーチでした。

 大人数で開催されました100回記念例会。これに留まることなく、そのまま記念パーティへ!多才なメンバーによる余興もあり、パーティ参加できなかった人は絶対損しています 笑

Mishima Toastmasters 100th Meeting and 3rd Club Anniversary Event (by TMOD Tey)
On January 27th 2019 a big number of almost 40 people consisting of 20 members and 19 guests gathered in Mishima to witness this milestone event. The club meeting began with the toasts from the Club President and Division E Director, following by a lovely look back video collage specially made for this event. Audience were amused with the nostalgic pictures that described the club growth progress from a group of very few people to the current number of 29 members.
Next, after the video collage came the free talk session of the club founder, Mr. I. Utilizing 5W1H format, he clearly shared everything about founding the club, including the tough times when people were not keen to join after visiting once, as well as how supportive and optimistics the Toastmasters from other clubs are that brought to the the success of club chartering later on. Also, Mr. I utilizes his Toastmasters experience well in his current work career, and wish everyone to “learn alot from the mistakes, at the same time enjoy being the Toastmaster to the fullest”.
Here comes the bread and butter educational session, consisting of 2 Japanese and 1 English prepared speeches. Mr. K talked about traditional japanese toy “Kendama” or cup-and-ball and how he caught the interest on it, while Mr. O with his speech title “A Bouquet of Flower to Your Words” talked about the experience in the past on his encountered acquaintance via online chat. His crush with the opponent and the conflict occurred in between were put well in words with his brilliant speech presentation. Lastly, the only English speech by Mr. U were first presented in Rookies Speech Contest held last month. Finally those who were absent from the contest got another chance to know why it deserved champion! “Let’s Workout” really enlightened us about the benefits of doing workout and how it would improve our quality of lives.

After the meeting, we had an unusual lunch party at a nice Italian restaurant nearby that could fit 30 people. Unexpectedly multi-talented members performed some entertainment sideshows like violin performances and kind-of folk dance and they deserved big applause. Those who missed the shows are really a big loss!

Mishima Toastmasters with lots of potential, still has plenty of room for growth, and you better watch out!



[1/13(日) 第99回例会活動レポート]

 唯一の英語スピーチはMさんの”Why I am here”でした。カナダでのご自身の留学経験を経て、なぜトーストマスターズに辿り着いたのかをストーリー風に語ってくださいました。経験に基づくスピーチは大変聞きやすく、自分の中にWhy am I here?という自問を引き起こしました。



[12月1日(土)@横浜 神奈川地区新人戦の結果報告。Uさん英語の部第1位!]



ということで、今後トーストマスタークラブへの入会を考えていらっしゃる方に、入会後どんなチャレンジの機会があるかを知って頂く意味でも、Uさんから、大会出場のご報告レポートをいただきました(^^)/ ご一読下さい。




所属する三島TMCや他クラブの皆さんからのフィードバック、横浜フロンティアTMC 川口さんのワークショップへの参加といった、スピーチ内容やデリバリー(伝え方)をより良くするための機会を提供してもらったからこそ、私のスピーチはただの平凡なものから、優勝に値するものになりました。

~Great Opportunity for New Inspiration and Learning~

I participated in 2018 Kanagawa area rookie speech contest this December, and I’m deeply grateful to have won the 1st place.
It was not easy process to develop the speech, and this speech was not developed by myself alone. I received many valuable feedback and advice from Mishima TMC and other clubs’ members and from Mr. Kawaguchi’s workshop who is a member of Yokohama Frontier TMC. Thanks to their advices, I could improve the content and the delivery of my speech such that my speech become worth winning.
It was not because I took part in the contest that I received those valuable advice and feedback from TMC members. It was because I am a part of TMC. TMC provide you with great opportunities to learn speech skills as well as leadership, which are difficult to learn in daily life, schools and workplace. But you can do it at TMC.
I felt very nervous right before giving the speech at the contest (I was as nervous as taking a final job interview...) but great pleasure after winning the contest. This experience has inspired me a lot and has positive impact on my private life.
I’m looking forward to continuing to enhance my speech skills further at Mishima TMC.




[12月9日(日) 第98回例会レポート]
L1P3のYさん、PML1のSさん、PMSL2のMさんです。Mさんは台湾のTMCから参加くださいました。Yさんのスピーチタイトルは“Tips to utilize the Toastmasters”、サンタの衣装を着たまま熱弁されました。Sさんは“How would you describe yourself in only one word?”、来るNZの例会でのリハーサルを兼ねた、これまた熱弁でした。Mさんのタイトルは“White Christmas”。台湾では雪が降らないとのことで雪を見るのが夢だった…などの体験を話しながら「White Christmas」「赤鼻のトナカイ」「モミの木」などを(英語)で熱唱されました。そして、ベストスピーカー賞を見事にゲット。


[11月25日(日) 第97回例会レポート]
  寒波が来るとの予報もあった11月25日、三島トーストマスタークラブには会員13名と初回見学者2名(Iさん、Tさん)の15名が集まってくださいました。イベント事が多い中、久々に行われた通常例会。基本活動を大事にしよう、ということでテーマは「地道な種まき(STEADY NORMAL MEETING)」です。



  2番手のTSさんのタイトルは「NO01534068# ボルト付きの女」。最近の入院・手術経験から健康の重要性を訴える内容で、ユーモラスで、またリハビリ器具や入院中の服などの資料を用意することで視覚的に伝わるように工夫がされていました。











[11月11日(日) 第96回例会レポート]
 「ワークショップ:心をつかむスピーチ術 」 小春日和の中、三島TMCでは横浜から講師:川口仁さんをお迎えして特別例会を開催いたしました。 川口さんは先の春のコンテストの全国大会・日本語の部のファイナリスト。更に2012年の即興スピーチコンテストでは、英語の部で優勝された素晴らしいスピーカーです。 この度は2度目の三島へのご訪問、大変有意義で実りある1日となりました。
 まずワークショップは前半・後半の2部構成。 前半は主に川口さんのスピーチ披露と分析となりました。 披露頂いたスピーチは春コンテストの「はいはいはい」。最初はユーモアたっぷり、段々とスピーチは深い内容となり、とてもスムーズな流れてメッセージの核心にストーリが動いたのは見事な構成とスキルでした。
 後半の部はチームワーク。 メンバーは3~4人のチームで与えられたテーマ「あなたのクラブを紹介し「入会したいな」と思わせてください」言う2分間のスピーチを作りました。 各チームの代表者は、三島・小田原・パイオニアと様々なクラブの魅力を紹介し大きく盛り上がりました。 発表者は川口さんからアドバイスも貰い、今後のスピーチの自信を得たと思います。
 更に後半の部の最後には12/1(土)に横浜で行われる、神奈川エリアの新人戦に挑むUさんからのデモスピーチがありました。 前回よりかなりブラッシュアップされており、ユーモアもあり分かりやすい英語スピーチに皆の応援も集まりました。 ワークショップは大成功に終わり、皆興奮冷めやらぬまま終了後、ランチ会で更に川口さんを交流会。晴れの三島を学びと笑いで堪能した1日となりました。




 よって、日本語スピーチ1本と、新人戦選抜スピーチ 日本語1本と英語3本の計スピーチ5本の例会となりました。

 まずは、KTさんによる、AC4「三島クラブをもっと偉大に / Make Mishma TMC Even Greater」の日本語スピーチでした。

 三人目は、MTさんで、CC4 “Change little by little.” でした。
TMCに入会後のエピソードを交え、苦手なことでも経験を通じて、ご自身が少しずつでも良い方向に変化できたという経験をもとに、それは、人生についても同じで、何事も諦めずに挑戦することが大事であるという、とても前向きな気持ちにさせてくれました。特に、誰もが知っている動物を用いた、Lazy KoalaからActive Monkey型へ週末の過ごし方が変化したという表現は、とてもイメージしやすく効果的だと感じました。
 四人目は、CWさんで、CC5 “The Power of the action.”でした。

 本日、見事インハウス新人戦を勝ち抜いて、12月1日横浜での新人戦の切符を手に入れたUさん。そして、ベスト論評者のゲストのMさんと、YKさん おめでとうございました!

 次回の三島ク次次回例会は、11/11(日) 川口さんを講師にお迎えしての、心をつかむスピーチ術のワークショップです。ぜひお越しください。




(English follows Japanese)


 当日3本の準備スピーチを行いました。日本語スピーチは1本であり、一方英語スピーチが2本になりました。Iさんから「崖っぷち」というスピーチをして頂き、タイトルを聴いたらピンチについてのスピーチだろうと思うがIさんが未結婚について話しました。とても面白かったスピーチです。英語セッションに移ったら2本のスピーチを行いました。Yさんから「To Be a Donor. Or Not to Be」というタイトルについて話しました。タイトルを聞いたらすぐに引き込んだスピーチと思います。次に、Rさんから「The Charm of Scandinavia」のスピーチを話して頂きました。Rさんの旅行を中心として話しました。Rさんのスピーチを聞いたらスカンジナビアに行きたくなると思います。



 Mishima Toastmaster Club 94th Meeting was held at Mishima Shimin Katsudou Centre on the 14th of October 2018. It was attended by 11 people and 1 guest. Although there was a small number of attendees , the meeting was held with vigour and energy. I can said that the meeting was a success thanks to those members and guest who attended it.

 There was 1 Japanese and 2 English Prepared Speech on that day. TM I talked about unmarried singles during her “Gakeppuchi” Speech. It was a very interesting speech full with humour and ended with a clear message that we all can applied to our life. Referencing from the classic Hamlet, TM Y delivered a speech titled “To Be a Donor. Or Not to Be”. Even before her speech, the members were already curious about it because of her catching title. TM R delivered her speech “The Charm of Scandinavia” based on the experience at Scandinavia. A great way to captivate the audience with all the emotions that she felt at that time. It felt like we were travelling together with her.

 Out of all the three awesome speeches, TM I’s “Gakeppuchi” came in as the best during this meeting. TM U won both best evaluator and table topics speaker while TM Y was also jointed best evaluator with TM U.All in all, it was a successful meeting.














